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new law
12/07/07 14:52
Any news about the new immigration law ? I have heard about they are changing the conditions to become a german citizen.

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Re: new law
13/07/07 20:41 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.

Look for 'Artikel 5'
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Re: new law
14/07/07 12:56 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.

„(3) Weist ein Ausländer durch die Bescheinigung des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an einem Integrationskurs nach, wird die Frist nach Absatz 1 auf sieben Jahre verkürzt. Bei Vorliegen besonderer Integrationsleis- tungen, insbesondere beim Nachweis von Sprach- kenntnissen, die die Voraussetzungen des Absatzes 1 Satz 1 Nr. 6 übersteigen, kann sie auf sechs Jahre ver- kürzt werden.“

Here is the translation ;-)

Citizenship law for Dummies:
8 Years (No Integrationskurs+turkey german)
7 Years (Integrationskurs+chicken-curry german)
6 Years (Integrationskurs+Potato german)
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Re: new law
14/07/07 20:30 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.

could you please tell us more about 6 years case.
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Re: new law
14/07/07 21:26 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
6 years rule will be applied in cases where an applicant is extremely well integrated in Germany.

This extremely well Integration(Besondere Integrationsleistungen) will be evaluated by the naturalization office and the final decision will be at their discretion.

The expectations from an applicant who wants to be naturalized after 6 years are not %100 clear at the moment, as the so called "Anwendungshinweise" of the law is not published yet. This will also take same time.

But it looks like, a German language Certificate of level B2 or higher will be prerequisite for such an application. Other supporting documents which show the applicant is well integrated will also increase the chance of the applicant. Those supporting documents are membership or responsibility in a German community(Verein), a job in a German speaking business environment. University Degree from a German University.. Maybe also supporting document from the employer etc. etc.. as I said, it will be at the end a decision at the discretion of the government office.

I have been following this 6 Years thing for a long time now. You can also see my posting regarding it in info4alien.de and a recent posting there asking a similar question.




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Re: new law
14/07/07 22:19 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
Tesekkürler Lacrima,

I will go to Frankfurt ABH on Monday and ask if they know anything about it and apply for daueraufenthalt EG.
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Re: new law
14/07/07 23:21 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
Hi pwehrli,
You are welcome.. any time.. ;)

I am not sure whether the ABH would be the right address to ask such a question. Naturalization issues are handled by a different government office named Einbürgerungsbehörde.. (EBH) there should be also one in your City.. they are sometimes in the same building with the ABH..


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Re: new law
16/07/07 11:12 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
regarding this new law, what applies to the Ehefrau.

Does this "Deutsche Zertifikat B1" applies to everybody > 16.

Because, still, on "Einbürgerung.de", you find that the Ehepartner and Kinder will be given "Erleichterung bzgl. Sprachkenntnis".

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Re: new law
20/07/07 14:22 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
I applied for the Einbürgerung and last week got the Einbürgerung Urkunde.I was one of the first GC here in BW. The whole process took me less than 10 weeks.I have B1 certificate and also completed the Integ. Course. There was an interview and the lady in EB amt was very friendly.i was really surprised at the speed the application was processed.They also told me that I am very well integerated here(this is may be becoz my name was flashed in the local news paper few times).
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Re: new law
20/07/07 17:43 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.

Congratulations for getting Einbürgerungurkunde. I have a question to you, as u r from BW. Did u had any interview kind of stuff before they gave you Einbürgerungsurkunde?

If yes, what is done in this interview? could u pls tell me in detail.

I am also from BW and asked to make a appointment for interview in next weeks...

thanks in advance

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Re: new law
23/07/07 13:23 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
yes there was a small interview before that.
Nothing hard.they just asked me what i understood form the paper that they have given me(loyalität erklärung and others....) and then like awareness of getting the citizenship etc..
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Re: new law
24/07/07 2:21 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
I am not sure how it is gonna work out with the new law for the spouses.


Did you apply in Stuttgart ? Where did you attend the Integration course ? Stuttgart-VHS does not seem to offer any integration or orientation courses..


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Re: message for 'metro'
25/07/07 3:37 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.

after how much duration/years you applied for citizenship? was it before 8 years ?
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Re: new law
25/07/07 13:37 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
I did it in Sindelfingen.

i applied before 8 years
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Re: new law
25/07/07 22:45 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
I also work in Sindelfingen area. Would you please drop me a line under furkan.sever[@]gmail.com
I would like to ask you some detailed questions regarding the process in BW and maybe we can meet for a beer after work.. ;)


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Re: new law
30/07/07 14:13 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
sent you an email!!
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Re: new law
21/08/07 22:10 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
OK, it is officially there emoticon


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Re: new law
21/08/07 23:09 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.

another interesting series of questions going in the direction of government based on the new law signed by president today.
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Re: new law
22/08/07 14:10 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
When this law will be implemented? Is it from today or will take few months?
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Re: new law
22/08/07 14:41 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
Part of it, for example daueraufenthalt added under §9 as §9a which is ALREADY practiced in some states like Hessen, NRW since some time emoticon

No reason for making it wait 1 month or so. It officially became law. Not sure if anwendungshinweis exists but it should be.
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Re: new law
22/08/07 14:43 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
Is this means, that if spouse want to come now, she/he must have to pass German course now?
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Re: new law
22/08/07 15:05 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
as usual individuals are interested in their own benefits, yourself like spouse FZF visum conditions, my problem einbürgerung etc.

if the application for FZF visum was made before yesterday, then no use of the new law, but if it is going to be made after yesterday, then the ABH should answer this.
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Re: new law
30/11/10 17:18 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
Question to people from Baden Württemberg
Does anyone know if integretion course helps in all cases?
i studied here, have testDaf certificate and working as a scientist.
About integration course they did not ask me anything. The lady told me that i do not need to do the course. I am applying next year (after 7 year).
best wishes
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Re: new law
1/12/10 1:43 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.

don't know about BW, but if a proposed law is passed than DE citizenship can be obtained even in a short time of 4 years, see for example,

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Re: new law
1/12/10 13:16 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
Dear Raj,

Is there any scenario where you do not need B1 Certificate to get German citizenship?
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Re: new law
1/12/10 18:46 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.


as far as I know, these days B1 is a must even to get citizenship after 8 years stay. So my advice take some time out and give your B1 exam, if you are in DE for lets say 7 years than it should be a piece of cake for you, besides you don't need to attend a course, just directly register for B1 exam (same procedure like TOEFL, IELTS etc)
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Re: new law
2/12/10 0:21 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.


I will try.
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Re: new law
8/12/10 12:59 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
Thanks Raj for the information
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