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Illegal stay

Illegal stay
12/01/05 18:17
This message did not mean to hurt anyone but I just want to warn those good guys out there not to take chances staying illegally in Germany otherwise you will be in trouble. I want to deilver this mesage after seeing the news in CNN
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Re: Illegal stay
13/01/05 0:37 en respuesta a Nitin Reddy koluvolu.
Those people are not ordinary illegal escapee or breakaways, they are the tools of some unknown agitators whose only aim is to stir the world under the name of religion and to serve their damned purposes.
What they do is not only execute an "illegal stay"
Their every action is illegal.
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Re: Illegal stay (a point of view)
13/01/05 14:53 en respuesta a Nitin Reddy koluvolu.
Hi Nreddy,

Thanks for your sincere feelings but honestly speaking I don't see the relation between what your are saying in your post and the url you submitted.
In the last 3 and half years (after 11/09) I have heard and read a lot of news in Germany about arresting members of associations supporting Islamic extremists or helping terrorists. Although most of these news were adverted in most of the famous news agencies (CNN, BBC, local German TV, etc.) I have never heard back anything about anybody going to jail, I think this is basically because most of the arrests were false and incorrect arrests.
I think one has to treat this kind of news more careful as he might be participating in an unbalanced media campaigns.
If courts say people are guilty then they are guilty, otherwise people might be innocent, I believe it is even proven that most of the arrested people in Germany under the "Islamic extremists" suspicion were not convicted by any crime.

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Re: Illegal stay
13/01/05 15:21 en respuesta a Nitin Reddy koluvolu.
"Thanks for your sincere feelings but honestly speaking I don't see the relation between what your are saying in your post and the url you submitted."

yes, there is a relation but I did not explain it in terms. There is a chance that a GC's visa expires but he is not willing to leave the country immediately because he is trying to find a way to settle down somehow or he is waiting for few more days to confirm his presence then one day he is caught by police in public and by chance he look like an arab or even an asian then what? he would be another goat in the court. This could happen :-) it is all your kismat(a famous word in hindi) means fate.
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Re: Illegal stay
13/01/05 15:25 en respuesta a Nitin Reddy koluvolu.
Good, but I think my other comments are still valid.
If you think about aurora's post, he had already played the role of the judge. What about they are later freed up, is he going to apologise :-)

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Re: Illegal stay
13/01/05 15:31 en respuesta a Nitin Reddy koluvolu.
:-) yes I do agree with your other comments and that is what I am afraid of :-( after 911 there is no safe place on earth .. simply put no piece of mind man
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Re: Illegal stay
14/01/05 17:14 en respuesta a Nitin Reddy koluvolu.
Hey I am put at the place of instant-judger. I blame those arrested people not on clear evidence, thats right... they might be anytime soon be freed and after that, would my ideas change and would I apologize? The happenings explain themselves: "they have done already damage to the other foreigners by only being caught up"
Well my thoughts are based on not only what I read in the newspapers or other media environments of the USA such as CNN, but also on what I observe in the media of Germany and the capital city of Germany itself. The problem with the foreigners are intensified by the discoveries of such things. Here the outside appearance is important but that fact is often undeclared. the german public is ready to react to such things and media uses that opportunity. So even when these groups are not found guilty and freed up, that public opinion will not change too much, as their freeing up will not cover the news. Have you ever seen news which said something like: "the radical islamic group which were arrested on ... are found innocent and released today" I havent noticed such news so far.

I don't agree that the world became a more dangerous place after 9/11. The world is simply as dangerous as ever.
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