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Visa Questions

Business Plan

Business Plan
16/03/05 14:23
Hello Guys,

As far as i know after working 3 years in Germany, to be able to get the "Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet" issued on our passports, we need to send a business plan to Ausländerbehörde and/or IHK.

Did anyone have a similar experience ? If yes, what kind of a text should we use ? Any examples ?

Also what might be the time period of such a "Aufenthaltstitel" with that clause on it ?Which documents should we provide to Ausländerbehörde/IHK to proof/support our case on this ?

I appreciate any kind of comments,experiences on that. Thanks!
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Re: Business Plan
16/03/05 14:35 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
pwehrli wrote:
"As far as i know after working 3 years in Germany, to be able to get the "Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet" issued on our passports, we need to send a business plan to Ausländerbehörde and/or IHK."

Not aware of such a rule. I think "Nobody" got his "Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet" without a business plan.

What if, for example, I want to work as a Freelancer (Consultant, One-Man company). What kind of Business Plan can I prepare for such a purpose ? I will sell my expertise, this is my Business Plan.. would that be sufficient ? emoticon


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Re: Business Plan
16/03/05 14:42 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.

Thats also what i am asking. I also want to work as freelancer. So what to provide as documents, i called it as "Business Plan", but you need to have good reasons or you need to tell in a way that the ABH officers can understand it. And of course the expiration date and other details. A bit complicated, or what do you think ?

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Re: Business Plan
16/03/05 14:52 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
NoBody got "Beschäftigung erlaubt"
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Re: Business Plan
16/03/05 15:04 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
He says that he got "Erwerbstatigkeit gestattet".
You can read it here:



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Re: Business Plan
16/03/05 15:06 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
hm, that explains why Beamter told him he can open his firma.
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Re: Business Plan
16/03/05 16:09 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.

yes, Nobody got 'Erwerbstätigkeit', but he could only aspect 'Beschäftigung' erlaubt.

It was a bit luck and a bit VPMK lawyers :-)

But if you want to work as a freelancer you need 'Erwerbstätigkeit erlaubt'. If you do not have this, you have a lot of work to get all the permissions, and it is not sure, that at the end you will get the permission to start up your own company. It does not matter if you work alone in your 'One Man Company' or if you employ 100 persons. You will be 'Selbständig' and for this you will need a permission.

But I found a way for you, the only prerequisite is 'Beschäftigung erlaubt'.

I can show you how to run your own company or work as so called 'Freelancer' from your home. It is legal and easy, but I am not finished with my offer. Give me some days and than you can get my consultation for this.

Viele Grüße aus Berlin
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Re: Business Plan
16/03/05 16:22 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
I do got the 'Erwerbstätigkeit gestattet' clause on my pass and I submit no Business plan for that (even if I got some).

Hum I'm really waiting for that proposal you're talking about, as I can do another work than the one I'm doing, it won't do wrong to my pocket to earn some more money, mostly on these days. Hope to read more about that soon, I think I got all the pre-requisites and requisites to run something from home, if it's not some sort of telemarketing thing, I hate that emoticon

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Re: Business Plan
16/03/05 16:41 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
Help needed!!! Dringend!!! Urgent!!!
Does it mean that when you go out of your home (having your own business at your home and "Beschäftigung erlaubt" ) you could be prosecuted by the low? :-) :-) :-)

Is it realy a prerequisite to work exactly at home?

I assume that Detlef is doing the same for several years with trust7 at his home.

I am full of questions and impatiently awaiting a new Detlef's service.
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Re: Business Plan
16/03/05 17:21 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
NoBody and Bili you are a litle bit mixed up.
you do not need solution from Detlef because you have EE and with it you can have firma with milion workers.
it does not matter where you work in any case.
If you have BE you can work everywhere but as a SelbstStändig you can not work anywhere.
Unless you use do this Detlef solution, and about it I know nothing. That will wait for his explanation.
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Re: Business Plan
16/03/05 17:27 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.

Having completed 3 years last month, i am looking for this new service also.

I will try to get "Beschäftigung Erlaubt" soon, and as of my understanding the Ausländerbehörde will completely cancel the old Aufenthaltstitel and affix a new Aufenthaltstitel sticker.

Detlef, what do you advice here ? Getting "Beschäftigung Erlaubt" and waiting for your news ? Or is there anything else to complete?
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Re: Business Plan
16/03/05 17:50 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
I know that, but what I asked was about the hoem base business in itself, all the business plans that I have now will require me to invest 100% or at least 80% of my time, which I can't so maybe he got a good business plan for a home based business, see what I meant? If I can build a little something which can run in itself or which will require only a small amount of my time, I will go for it.
Since I got the EG, I've tried to get some little things on paper and I will meet my banker next week to discuss about them as it will require some online payments things and I need their backup for that. But shhhhh, tell noone :-)

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Re: Business Plan
16/03/05 18:14 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
Hi again,

I can imagine that you are waiting for my suggestions and I know everything already. I have just no time to build an commercial offer. I am sure, that you will understand, that I also have to earn some money, but as always, I will give you a fair and cheap offer.

DvD is right, you do not need this special way, you can just walk to the 'Gewerbeamt' and register any Gewerbe and start immediately with some extra work as a selfdependant.

Yes, you should try to get 'Beschäftigung erlaubt', because this opens a lot of new possibilities ;-)

Tomorrow I will have more time :-)

Viele Grüße
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