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Visa Questions

question regarding spouse visa

question regarding spouse visa yousuf sohel 5/11/08 16:01
Re: question regarding spouse visa Kiran Jannu 5/11/08 16:42
Re: question regarding spouse visa s Mandal 8/11/08 17:44
Re: question regarding spouse visa Kiran Jannu 8/11/08 21:14
Re: question regarding spouse visa s Mandal 9/11/08 13:41
Re: question regarding spouse visa Kiran Jannu 9/11/08 19:21
Re: question regarding spouse visa yousuf sohel 10/11/08 17:33
Re: question regarding spouse visa Rajesh Krishnadoss 10/11/08 18:51
Re: question regarding spouse visa Kiran Jannu 10/11/08 20:33
Re: question regarding spouse visa Karry Lee 11/11/08 3:34
Re: question regarding spouse visa s Mandal 11/11/08 12:06
Re: question regarding spouse visa Kiran Jannu 11/11/08 12:14
Re: question regarding spouse visa s Mandal 11/11/08 12:19
Re: question regarding spouse visa Kiran Jannu 11/11/08 12:52
Re: question regarding spouse visa s Mandal 11/11/08 13:51
Re: question regarding spouse visa Kiran Jannu 11/11/08 14:01
Re: question regarding spouse visa yousuf sohel 13/11/08 16:53
Re: question regarding spouse visa s Mandal 16/11/08 9:19
Re: question regarding spouse visa Kiran Jannu 16/11/08 13:19
question regarding spouse visa Siddhartha Roy 17/01/09 1:58
Re: question regarding spouse visa Kiran Jannu 17/01/09 12:39
Spouse Visa from Kolkata embassy Anand Munshi 20/01/09 11:45
Re: question regarding spouse visa Kiran Jannu 20/01/09 12:53
Re: question regarding spouse visa Anand Munshi 20/01/09 15:14
Re: question regarding spouse visa Kiran Jannu 20/01/09 15:17
Re: question regarding spouse visa Anand Munshi 20/01/09 23:31
Re: question regarding spouse visa Kiran Jannu 21/01/09 11:49
Re: question regarding spouse visa Karry Lee 21/01/09 15:15
RE: Re: question regarding spouse visa Arpita Bagchi 2/04/15 9:22
question regarding spouse visa
5/11/08 16:01
Hi all,

I am on a work permit in Germany. My visa is going to expire in the February,2009 (ofcourse I will extend it). My question is if I apply for spouse visa for my wife in India, will the visa officer in Germany or India have any objections due to the limited validity period of my Visa??

When i extended my work permit last time, visa officer told me that in my next extension i will not have any arbeitsmarkt check and I will get BE.

any tips would be great.


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Re: question regarding spouse visa
5/11/08 16:42 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
When applying for spouse visa attach a arbeitnachweiss (a declaration from the employer abt the duration of contract and earnings). Since you have a longer time contract they will not have any objections.
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
8/11/08 17:44 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
Hi All,
I applied my visa for one year and also applied for my wife. Aliens office from Germany is already given the approval but embassy in Kolkata is saying that they have appointed laywer for marriage verification. Could you please let me know how much does it take for laywer? In the meantime I have done the verification from ministry of external affiars and embassy is not expecting this one. They are saying I have to wait until thier laywer is giving the report.
Any experience.

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Re: question regarding spouse visa
8/11/08 21:14 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
U will have to wait for the lawyer's report. External affair's verification does not help.
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
9/11/08 13:41 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
Thanks for your reply.
How much time does it take for laywer to give his report?
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
9/11/08 19:21 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
for some people it has taken 4-6 weeks and some 8 weeks.
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
10/11/08 17:33 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.

thanks for the info provided stutt23.

don't want to start a new thread. My friend is going to do register marriage and later on plans to do religious one (after 6 months). He has some angst, in case marriage verification takes place, if its going to be a problem as most of the neighbors may not be aware that the marriage has taken place. Where do these people generally enquire for verification and who should he inform??


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Re: question regarding spouse visa
10/11/08 18:51 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
>>don't want to start a new thread. My friend is going to do register marriage and later on plans to do religious one (after 6 months). He has some angst, in case marriage verification takes place, if its going to be a problem as most of the neighbors may not be aware that the marriage has taken place. Where do these people generally enquire for verification and who should he inform??

I assume your friend wants to apply for the visa with the register marriage certificate. Take care of the following when doing the register marriage.

1. Take lots of photos during the registration, better in traditional dress with lots of relatives around.
2. Never let the authorities or anyone know that your friend plans to do a religious marriage afterwards. Say that the registered marriage is the final marriage and no plans to get married twice as it should shut their mouth.(Heard of embassy asking for the religious cerimony photos when it is none of their business)

It is actually a money making process of the german embassy to check marriage certificates. Very less people are given exceptions. Dont worry about the detective agencies. They may come to your house and ask to see some photos and will want some copies. or if they are lazy will just say that they enquired from the neighbours.
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
10/11/08 20:33 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
Adding to what Raj says

they normally verify with the registrar of marriages whether the marriage has taken place. In my case nobody came to our places and checked with relatives/neighbours.
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
11/11/08 3:34 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
Hello friends, welcome me to Germany …
I am one of the rare case that marriage was not verified. Only takes a little more than 1 month from application then my visa was approved. Close contact with ABH helps a lot. Ask their advise, ABH has command if verification is needed or not.
I know some cases (some friends)that investigator ask the marriage registry, come to the village, ask the local authority and neighbour about marriage.
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
11/11/08 12:06 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
How much they charge for marriage verification?
I also submitted my verifited marriage certification. As Stutt23 said it is not going help, it is absolutely true. They said to me their laywer will check.They are not telling anyhting about the time line how much time it will take .
I have to wait no other choice.
Note: We (myself and my wife) stayed around 2 years in Germany but still they are saying all these things.

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Re: question regarding spouse visa
11/11/08 12:14 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
to which city are you going to?
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
11/11/08 12:19 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
Hi Stutt23,
Frankfurt. Applied my visa at Kolkata,India.
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
11/11/08 12:52 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
send an email to auslaenderbehoerde@stadt-frankfurt.de

and ask them about the status of spouse visa and informing them you and your spouse were residents before. perhaps this might cut short the time.

send the mail in GERMAN
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
11/11/08 13:51 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
Hi Stutt23,
Thanks for the mail id.
My relocate agent said to me that aliens office in Frankfurt has given the okay for my visa on 28/10/2008. Only embassy at Kolkata is making this problem.

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Re: question regarding spouse visa
11/11/08 14:01 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
Then contact the Cal consulate and explain your situation. Write a formal letter adddressed to the consul general, explaining your situation he might grant the visa, pending marriage cert. verification. this might help.

If your employer speaks to the consulate in German, this might help.

Otherwise you would have to wait.
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
13/11/08 16:53 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
new update to this thread. a friend of mine who has an unlimited contract with the company applied for spouse visa from Chennai. Beamter called him and told that he cannot issue the visa as he has only 6 months visa and that he must extend his visa and then apply again.

He also made company people speak with the Beamter to make him sure that he has an unlimited contract and his earnings but the Beamter still asked him to wait. Poor guy now has to wait another four months then extend it then apply, so overall 8-10 months without marriage verification..

only thing i observed is, it depends on behörde and beamter and each case is specific in its own way.
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
16/11/08 9:19 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
I don't know whether it is true or false, embassy is saying from October onwards marriage certificate verification is required for husband and as well as wife.
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
16/11/08 13:19 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
What do u mean? A single verification is enough to conclude about a marriage. Why shud there be separate?
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question regarding spouse visa
17/01/09 1:58 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
Hello all,

Siddhartha here. I am working on my Ph.D as a Wissentchaftlicher Mitarbeiter (BAT IIA). I will get married in India in March 2009. I will finish my Ph.D in this year and hence my job contract will last till the end of this year. Currently I hold an Aufenthaltserlaubnis and I am paying tax from 2006 January. As I understand, after the marriage registration is over, we have to submit the registration form (duly stamped by Foreign office and Ministry of External affirs), the visa forms (don't know hoy many copies), my salary certificate, my Mietvertrag and my job contract in India. My fiancee already holds a German language certificate from Maxmüller BhavanAfter they are verified the city office in Karlsruhe will call me to verify their records. Is this right? I also want to know whether there is any other step involved in between that I did not mention. Furthermore, can the limited period of my duration in Germany till the end of this year cause any problem?

My thanks to everybody and I aould really appreciate if anybody can throw some light on these issue.
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
17/01/09 12:39 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
(duly stamped by Foreign office and Ministry of External affirs),

you do not have to get this attested. They will conduct their own verification.

check out VFS German website.
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Spouse Visa from Kolkata embassy
20/01/09 11:45 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
Hi All,
When I look at the checklist (http://www.kalkutta.diplo.de/Vertretung/kalkutta/en/01/Visabestimmungen/seite__visa__detailed__info.html) from Kolkata embassy needed for spouse visa, I find it quite different (and complicated as well) in comparison to other embassy centers in India.
Can somebody please elaborate to me how to get the following done, after the registered marriage, which I intend to get done sometime in August09:
(I must add that I don't have much idea about registered marriages and who certifies it)
1) Marriage certificate attested by the Home department and the Ministry of External Affairs!!!!
My comments/question: Isn't the certificate from the magistrate who supervises the marriage evidence enough? If not, when its said Home-Dep/ExternalAffairsMinsitry, who is supposed representative of them in Patna, Bihar

2) Proper Birth Certificate under the Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1969.
My comments/question: The passport wont suffice? Does it mean we both the groom and the bride needs to get the birth certificate 'dug' out from the municipality!!!!
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
20/01/09 12:53 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
I checked out Kolkatta website, they require attestation from MoE and MoH.

Follow all instructions on their website.

Normally they dont ask for birth certificate veriifcation, if they do..then you should get it done.

In fact register your marriage earlier ..so that by August 2009 .spouse visa will be ready
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
20/01/09 15:14 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
Hi stutt23,
Thanks for your reply. But what I need to know is who is considered to have the authority on behalf of MoE and MoH in a state capital. Do you have any idea regarding this?
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
20/01/09 15:17 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
MoE is the passport office in your jurisdiction.

MoH would be SSP.

Call the consulate and confirm this.
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
20/01/09 23:31 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
Thanks for the replies. I also read the article as follows as requirements for visa for spouse:
But when you look at the embassy websites, they just have no exception regarding spouse's A1 level knowledge of German language, even if he/she has completed his/her Masters from reputed university. Does anybody has any idea if this fact can be utilised, despite embassies stating otherwise?
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
21/01/09 11:49 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.
No matter what is written in the pdf link and the consulate website, it is better to get A1 course done. If the ABH asks for the A1 course, then your spouse will have to do it.

besides A1 course at Goethe is cheaper.
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Re: question regarding spouse visa
21/01/09 15:15 en respuesta a yousuf sohel.

I have a University degree and I am exempted from the German language course when I applied for a residence visa in my home country. They approved my visa BUT .... with the condition that I MUST take an integration course and have to pass the exam when I arrive here in Germany... So, if your wife still have a luxury of time before the visa application, it is also good that your wife take language course in your home country. You have the ready certificate when the ABH ask for it.. besides, it is really IMPORTANT to have at least basic German language when she arrived here in Germany.


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RE: Re: question regarding spouse visa
2/04/15 9:22 en respuesta a Karry Lee.

For the last 9 months I was living in London along with my husband. My husband got a job with a company in Munich and we went to the embassy in London for visa application. While they accepted my husband's documents and issued him a blue card the next day, I was told that there is a verification process and it would be prudent on my part to apply from Kolkata. 

On 19th March, 2015 I applied for my Family Reunion Visa from the Kolkata Embassy. The embassy collected both visa charges and the verification charges from me and also took my biometrics. After which I was sent home. 

The visa process seems to be like a black box as there isn't any tracking mechanism or method of finding out what's going on. 

Q1. My husband will relocate to Munich only by end-April. Does that affect my visa chances in any way. 

Q2. Also, what is the verification process? My marriage certificate has already been apostilled. Does that help in any way? Do the authorities visit my home or do they do the verification at back-end?

Q3. Also do I need to do any follow-ups regarding my visa, both here or in Munich? What is the right time to do follow-ups, if any. 

Thanks a lot. 
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