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websites to browse IT Jobs

websites to browse IT Jobs
27/09/09 23:50
Hello Friends,

I am trying to apply for Job in Germany from India.

Please could you suggest some good websites which are in preferably in english so that i can register, browse and apply for IT Jobs.

I want to know which are the famous websites recruiters/Employers publish their requirements.

Thanks and i wait for your replies.

I wish you all a nice evening..

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Re: websites to browse IT Jobs
28/09/09 7:46 en respuesta a Ravi Shyam.
posting the same message in differnt threads will not give you any replies.

If you are so desperate for a job, look for one in india.

And if you want the websites to be in english which is very hard to find,its better not to apply for jobs in germany.

First learn basic german so that you can atleast understand the job description inthe job portals...
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Re: websites to browse IT Jobs
28/09/09 11:29 en respuesta a Ravi Shyam.

it is worth mentioning that there is crisis in job market in Germany, right after global recession. All companies started to lay off people in Q3 and Q4 of 2009 and it seems that this trend will go until mid of 2010.

Therefore, when there are so many jobless people, it is difficult to find a job, even more difficult from India because work permit will be extremely hard to get. Usually Work Council (Arbeitsamt) who is issuing work permits checks according to the job market. If there are people suitable in the positions you will have, your work permit is not issued (Arbeitsmarktcheck).

Right after dot-com crisis in 2000 it took me 2 years to find a job in Germany, from Turkey (with 8 years of job experience in an international company). This crisis is maybe 10x, 100x greter than dot.com crisis in 2000.

Therefore please very patient. It is very though to find a job now in Germany.

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Re: websites to browse IT Jobs
28/09/09 12:13 en respuesta a Ravi Shyam.
@ Ravi

just check www.jobpilot.de www.mosnter.de but do not expect a red carpet welcome..There are quite a lot of people in the bench waiting for IT jobs. The bench group can speak English being native of Germany:-). The Work council prefers Germany speaking natives with a 'Red Color Identity card', than a English / Hindi speaking native with a Blue Identity card.

If you are a IT specialist, why did you not google before:-)

I just googled now for jobs (after quite some time :-)) , I really see at least 10-15 prominent websites.

Good Luck!!

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Re: websites to browse IT Jobs
28/09/09 12:33 en respuesta a Ravi Shyam.
if you have the skills not available in Germany then you still hold a chance here, irrespective how many locals on bench.Sometimes luck also plays a vital role. If the other side wants you here there is nothing that can stop you.

And also learn german, its very important not just for your work, but also for your everyday life.

All the best.

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Re: websites to browse IT Jobs
28/09/09 13:57 en respuesta a Ravi Shyam.
@ Ravi

I concur with savion....speaking from personal experience in this crisis situation(me got a job but ditched it for other reasons)...if the other side wants u...it will be a breeze....those german classe would certainly help..if not now...when u get here eventually...so just keep shooting out those resumes to ads on the job portals(jobpilot.de, monster.de,stepstone.de) ...someone is bound to respond..all of them wil be in German though...but after a few days on them u get a hang of it....

All the best
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Re: websites to browse IT Jobs
28/09/09 17:04 en respuesta a Ravi Shyam.
with CDU/CSU and FDPs center-right government and there promise to secure german jobs, forget about Germany.........its next to impossible securing a job from outside Germany and even people who are already here, they also have to face the music :-)
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Re: websites to browse IT Jobs
28/09/09 17:26 en respuesta a Ravi Shyam.
In that case CDU/CSU will have to produce natives who are in age of 25-40 years and having the requisite qualifications. This would work if they had to think about it during Helmut Kohls time. Secondly how many native IT guys are from the unemployed.

Thats the reason likes of Obama cannot restrict foreign workers from comming simply because the as is situation is not meeting the requirements.

What can happen now is that they limit the inward techies to the extent of having techies in germany having a job. And i feel this is fair enough as everyone would do that.
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Re: websites to browse IT Jobs
28/09/09 17:40 en respuesta a Ravi Shyam.

than its a win-win situation for guys who are already here :-)

but lets wait and watch only time has the answers!
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Re: websites to browse IT Jobs
28/09/09 17:48 en respuesta a Ravi Shyam.
First i would like to know Mr Aravishyam why would you like to find a job in Germany?
Forget about the job market and recession,even if you find a job in the current scenario what you save after tax and other expenses will be almost same or even less than what you would earn in India.Then why you want to take the risk and leave the good job in India and come to Germany leaving your friends and family to a place where there is 6 months winter and people only speak German.
Now you may ask why i am here then only reason is i came on Green card and settled here also earning good but i would never advice anyone with good qualification to look for a job here as of today Indian Inc pay packages are really good.
If you are someone with less than 10yrs experience then it is just waste of time to even look for a job here and if you are above 10 then you may find some but you would be taking a big risk with your career.
Also keep in mind it does not work like in US where you get a job with telephonic Interview and instead of you someone else attends the interview,
its a shame but while working in Hybd my boss requested me to give telephonic interviews for others and i could never say NO.In Germany one must have a face to face Interview.
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Re: websites to browse IT Jobs
29/09/09 11:46 en respuesta a Ravi Shyam.
There r ppl here ,Neither India make them happy nor germany make them happy.They will live sad and die the same way.
Raj u need to go to Psychiatrist so that he can make ur head in ordnung and then atleast u choose one country and live happly.
Anyhow TS If u put 100% believe and Think like this ..."Get it or die tryin" u wont die but u will ultimately get.
suggestion already give above by others.
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Re: websites to browse IT Jobs
29/09/09 16:51 en respuesta a Ravi Shyam.

Sorry my advice was only to well educated guys coming from decent families who can earn good in India and have a good career there instead of coming here where already the IT jobs are scare.
So my advice was not to those uneducated who just want to come here and get a Visa even marry some ugly looking Germans ;)
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Re: websites to browse IT Jobs
29/09/09 17:40 en respuesta a Ravi Shyam.
Educated uneducated dosent make too much difference dude look what ur typing ,u r just making fool of urself and ppl can see this.

and if u have noting to say its better to keep quite rather than to bring topic which are out of context.
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Re: websites to browse IT Jobs
29/09/09 18:15 en respuesta a Ravi Shyam.
I’m not a veteran in this forum but in the short time that I have been on this I see a recurring trend.
A seemingly unharmful post(read humble query) from an innocent chap is drawn into a full fledged mud slinging contest.
The OP wanted info on the job portals in Germany. Ofcourse he could have googled like one politely pointed out. And posting on all threads is quite rite amateurish but hey, the guy has got the fever and is excited about the options to work elsewhere other than his home country and why not in the middle of Europe. The post itself does not reveal any qualifications, of all the things he could be one helluva super programmer, one of the likes that we aspire to be…...or one who the newly elected would give one NUT to have.
The advice from all on the current situation is appreciated but not when its roots come from having harboured bitterness from your respective stays in never-never land.
One even pointed out six months winter being a deterrent to living in Germany. Why should it be any diff from summer. Skiing, snowboarding are the call of the day during winter. Once done, u cant wait for the next winter or u rush off to the Alps for more skiing…even during the summer months! And learning to speak german is not a feat whatsoever!
Regarding the ‘’unlikely’’ event of getting a job in Germany when physically not here. I got a job recently, company applied for my work permit and it was approved. I later turned down the offer due to inconsistent contract terms decided by us beforehand. After due consulation with the company I pointed out this opening to a fellow poster(on another forum) with inside tips on the position. They did a telephonic interview and his WP is on process now.
I thinks we get the point uh… Enuf said…

Have a good day
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