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Help needed!

transfer holidays from old to new company

Hi Everybody!

I am leaving my present company A to start at company B in September. I still have 25 vacation days at company A and would prefer to take them sometime next year. I do not want economic compensation from company A for non-taken holidays. Is there any nice law saying that I am entitled to transfer vacation days from company A to company B?

Thanks a lot!!

Vanille S.
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Re: transfer holidays from old to new company
6/07/07 13:43 en respuesta a Vanille Sauce.

Is there any nice law saying that I am entitled to transfer vacation days from company A to company B?

Aber gewiss, Frau Kollegin!! Just get a letter from the company A confirming that your 25 vacation days are due. Give this letter to your new Boss in company B and search for a job in company C.
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Re: transfer holidays from old to new company
6/07/07 15:49 en respuesta a Vanille Sauce.

this is very funny!!. if you had a company, would you make it as a law for your employees?

in case, you had worked in a government job and you go to another 'Land' working for the government again!! you can use those holidays. I worked for BW but when i got a job with Freistaat Bayern, i used some of my previous holidays..
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Need help in Understanding contract.
8/07/07 20:48 en respuesta a Vanille Sauce.
Dear All,

As my German language skills are not pretty good and understanding of legal contracts, i need to understand a phrase in my new job contract. It is as follows :

Nach Ablauf der Probezeit kann das Anstellungverhältnis von beiden seiten unter einhaltung einer Kündigungfrist von zwei monaten zum monatsende ordentlich gekündigt werden. Das Recht zur kündigung ohne einhaltung einer kündigungfrist aus wichtigem Grund bleibt hierdurch unberührt. Soweit gesetzliche bestimmungen eine längere kündigungfrist vorsehen, gilt diese für beide parteien.

What i have understood from it is that, after the probitionary period The notice period would be a from 2 months to the end of month. I dont know what this means. It is possible that employer can give Notice to by end of month. OR For two months ? Or it means that there would be notice period of 2 months if this 2 months end in mid of a month, then the notice period will be completed by end of that month ? Could you please comment on it ?
In next line it says that the notice can be given without adherence to the notice period for any important reason. Does it means, if employer has a 'important reason' it can give notice to leave before 2 months of notice period ? I have alot confusion in this line.

And what about last line ?

Thanks alot in advance, please help me to understand this phrase as it is very important for me to proceed with this job oppertunity.

Thank you.
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