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Visa Questions

DG Visa problems

DG Visa problems
15/08/11 17:52
I am in Germany working for more than 5 years now continously without any job break.
I have applied for DG visa. I have provided them all required docs as per visa requirements along with my A1, A2 and B1 certificates.I understand that I need to do the Orientation Kurs soon as well for the DG visa.

Now the visa office is asking me to provide "Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinigung" from Finaz AMT.

Is it that we receive normally something like than - any experience will be a great help.
Also do we receive something like Integration Kurs completed once we complete Orientation Kurs, or the certificates are enough.
I also have the letter which states that I have completed 600 hrs of Deutsch Sparache Kurs in the schools in Germany.
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Re: DG Visa problems
15/08/11 18:15 en respuesta a Reddy Babu.
"Unbedenklichkeitsbescheinigung" from Finaz AMT is nothing but a letter stating that you do not have any outstanding tax liabilities. Just drop into your local finanzamt(with your passport and your tax number) and explain the situation. They will issue you with the letter without any problem.
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Re: DG Visa problems
15/08/11 18:25 en respuesta a Reddy Babu.
thanks Raj, that was indeed quick and clear from you !!!

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Re: DG Visa problems
16/08/11 14:09 en respuesta a Reddy Babu.
Raj - I have a questions and would you or any body be kind enough to answer it will be greatly appreciated.

@ I have my BE visa till End of Nov this year. Now I am in the process of applying DG visa. However I have to do my orientation kurs before it can be processed successfully. I see that this kurs and exam will take time as I am not getting a free slot in any schule. So I am afraid that this DG visa processing can take more than Nov end and in that case I might be in problem as my current BE visa ends on end of visa.

Under such circumstances, can I ask the visa office to give me BE visa again and stop the DG visa processing ?

In that case I will get BE visa for another 2 years and in the eman time or may be next year I can reinitiate the DG visa process.
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Re: DG Visa problems
16/08/11 14:36 en respuesta a Reddy Babu.
They will extend the BE for another 1 or 2 years. You can apply for the D-EG when all the required documents are available.
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Re: DG Visa problems
16/08/11 16:49 en respuesta a Reddy Babu.
regarding integrationskurs:

is 'Zertifikat Integrationskurs' one of the docs that you are asked to provide for your NE-DG from the ausländeramt?


is it only ausreichende deutschkenntnisse? that means, you can convince them that you have sufficient german language proficiency with your language certificates.

If you must need Zertifikat Integrationskurs which you can get BAMF after the successful completion of a language test(DTZ Prüfung) and orientierungtest. If you have taken part in both of these examinations,your course provider or you yourself can contact BAMF to get Zertifikat Integrationskurs.

If you have berechtingungschein(a document from BAMF that permits you to take part in integrationskurs), you can contact a course provider who can let you directly take the exams instead of taking part in course.
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Re: DG Visa problems
16/08/11 18:23 en respuesta a Reddy Babu.
As I understood from their letter which states :-
"Es wird noch ein Nachweis über den abgeschlossenen Integrationskurs, bestehend aus Sprachkurs und Orientierungskurs, benötigt. Hierzu stellt in der Regel das Bundesamt f. Migration und Flüchtlingen den Kursteilnehmern bei Bestehen des Kurses ein entsprechendes Zertifikat aus."

From the above, i see that I have to study Orientation kurs now and get the certificate by passing the exam. For Integration course completeion required for NE-DG, we need to have A1, A2, B1 and Orientation certificates.
Also the recipt which states that I ahve completed 600 hrs of Integration course is required.

There is no special certificate or paper stating that you have completed Integration course.

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Re: DG Visa problems
16/08/11 18:45 en respuesta a Reddy Babu.
Basically, they mean "Zertifikat Integrationskurs".
(a language test plus a orientierungstest). It is clear. What I meant is, since you already have sufficient german language lessons and skills,you can directly take the exams.

for orientierungstest,there is a catalog of 250 questions out of which you will be asked 25.

Do you already have a berechtigungschein?

If so, go to a nearby course provider and tell them that you would like to take the exams on the next available date.
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Re: DG Visa problems
16/08/11 19:25 en respuesta a Reddy Babu.
thanks for your answers. However, another Integration test ? I though if we give test for A1, A2 and B1 and pass them to get certificates, this itself proves that you have passed the integration exam, also we need to pass the Orientation kurs as well and get the certificate.

What I did not get is: even if we have A1, A2 and B1 certificates, we still need to give another Integration exam ? Is it normal that all DG or NE visa applying candidates give this special Integration exam which is not the A1, A2 and B1 exam.

And yes I have the eligibility for Orientation kurs now as I have B1 certificate.

But do not have the question catalog which you wroteemoticon
That will be a great help as well emoticon
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Re: DG Visa problems
16/08/11 20:10 en respuesta a Reddy Babu.

OrientierungsTest catalog

you can google.

i dont think they will accept your individual course completion certificates.
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Re: DG Visa problems
17/08/11 0:09 en respuesta a Reddy Babu.
thanks a lot for the links.
This is a real help.

However, regarding a separate integration exam is not required anymore as the current procedure has been changed. That is what I understand from the certificate I received after giving my last exam.

When I gave the B1 exam this year, it was conducted by people from Bundesamt fur Migration und Fluchtlinge. After passing that B1(Deutsch-Test Fur Zuwanderer)exam I got the certificate where it has a stamp from Bundesamt fur Migration and it states that "Mit dem Gesamtergebnis B1 werden ausrerichnde Kenntniss der deutschen Sprache gemass $3 Abs. 2 Integrationkursverordnung(Int V) nachgewiesen." Frankfurt/Main....

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Re: DG Visa problems
17/08/11 0:16 en respuesta a Reddy Babu.
oh ok. it is a news for me. thanks!

In that case, you are just one step away...Orientierungstest. you can go thro the question catalog. I guess, if one answers 13/25 questions right, then he is through.
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