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Spouse and Son Visa

Spouse and Son Visa
22/04/10 20:00
Hello Sir,

Presently I am stating in Mainz-Bingen area. I have applied for my wife and son visa.Everything is cleared but the Ausländerbehörde lady officer asking me to get three room apartment because she is saying the since my son is 12 year old, he need seperate room. Presently I have two room apartment with 56 Sq mt area. It is a rule in German that we must have sepearte room for child who is above 12 year oly.

Please any one clarify the above point.


With regards,

Anand Kumar
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Re: Spouse and Son Visa
23/04/10 12:16 en respuesta a Anand Kumar.
I also think it is 12 qm per person. Same information was also given to other forum memmber

0 (0 Votos)

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