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Public Health Insurence Possible?

Public Health Insurence Possible?
9/10/09 5:30
IF someone has been working in Germany(who is German national) wants to start job out of Europe.

1. How it is possible to enjoy the health recources from "Gesetzliche krankenversicherung"?
2. What he has to do officially before saying goodbye to Germany for some years?
3. Will he get "Rente" in his old age or can he continue his rente and public Health insurence?

Please reply......
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Re: Public Health Insurence Possible?
9/10/09 13:10 en respuesta a a a.
>>1. How it is possible to enjoy the health recources from "Gesetzliche krankenversicherung"?

I dont think you can "enjoy" the health resources for GKV when you want to start job outside Europe. If you are outside europe then it is better for you to pay outofhand for illness than pay the costly monthly premiums

>>2. What he has to do officially before saying goodbye to Germany for some years?

Just the usual... abmeldung...cancelling contracts.. etc etc

>>3. Will he get "Rente" in his old age or can he continue his rente and public Health insurence?

Well if he is eligible for "Rente", then he will get it. But no health insurance. Have to pay on your own.
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Re: Public Health Insurence Possible?
9/10/09 14:20 en respuesta a a a.
1. If you are not a resident, then your insurance does not hold. Think of a German national living in Japan paying premiums in Euros and "enjoying" Sick Claims in Japan or living in a poor country - where there is a high probability to "enjoy" sick claims. This is going to unprofitable for Insurance Company.

Insurance Premiums are set depending on a number of factors, one among them is the place where you live.
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