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Termination of employment with immediate effect

I want know what are effects of termination of the employment with immediate effect.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Termination of employment with immediate effect
23/02/12 22:30 en respuesta a Mandar Kulkarni.
The effects could be really bad.
-1 (1 Voto)

Re: Termination of employment with immediate effect
23/02/12 22:52 en respuesta a Mandar Kulkarni.
Means that you are released from your job immideately.

Are you eligible for ALG (Arebeitslosengeld)?
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Termination of employment with immediate effect
2/05/12 16:06 en respuesta a Mandar Kulkarni.
if the termination of employment was not directly caused by yourself the most important thing you need to do is to report the Arbeitsamt you are unemployed as soon as possible so your ALG-I payments don't get delayed.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Termination of employment with immediate effect
4/05/12 18:04 en respuesta a Mandar Kulkarni.
One of the things one should get in this country is this "Rechtschuztsversicherung", the insurance for legal issues ( pays e.g for lawyers costs). I faced this Employment Termination with immediate effect and got out with a good money thanks to the lawyer and got another job within 7 weeks (incl. 6 weeks holidays).

Don t wait until you r in trouble cause it takes 3 motnsh to be effective and certainly, do not think it won t happen to you

+1 (1 Voto)

Re: Termination of employment with immediate effect
7/05/12 11:00 en respuesta a Mandar Kulkarni.
Unfortunately, I can not agree more with Baudouin66. Rechtschutzversicherung is not a bad idea although, completely absurd, as it encourages people to start Anzeige for every small thing and such processes without insurance have become so expensive that its difficult for normal people to "afford" justice even in so called first world countries.

- Withinn 3 days of your unemployement file for ALG, inform Arbeitsamt. Do not delay it.
- Negotuate with employer not to mention that they have fired you on your Arbeitszeugnis.
- If you have been fired during Probezeit, then do not mention this job in your CV if you wish to apply furter. I know at least 4 persons who did the same. After more or less struggle all are working today with reputed companies.
- And most important, do not get discouraged. Most of the times, it is the employer who is at fault. They hire people without giving much thought to their backgrouds, because they always have an option to fire those during Probation period.

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RE: Re: Termination of employment with immediate effect
19/02/13 10:37 en respuesta a Baudouin Tameze.
Thanks to all for sharing the views and suggestions.
It is setteled but new job was already in my hand. In fact I was serving notice period of 3 months at my old employer, and this "Immediate Termination" was issued by earlier employer after he came to know I will join the new employer is his competitor. But I did not receive the money from Arbeitsamt, how ever after a lot of followups and putting pressure on earlier employer, he had given me the earned vacation related amount.
0 (0 Votos)

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