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Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?

Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? vijay raud 20/08/07 21:08
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? Mark Johnson 21/08/07 6:26
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? kaan oezturk 21/08/07 11:50
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? raju khanna 21/08/07 12:39
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? kaan oezturk 21/08/07 14:06
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? Rajesh Shankar 21/08/07 16:16
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? Nandhakumar Raja 21/08/07 16:32
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? Rajesh Shankar 21/08/07 16:41
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? trust7 21/08/07 16:45
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? Rajesh Shankar 21/08/07 17:04
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? Akshay Khanna 21/08/07 17:16
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? Nandhakumar Raja 21/08/07 18:40
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? kaan oezturk 21/08/07 19:35
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? vijay raud 22/08/07 0:07
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? kaan oezturk 22/08/07 15:26
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? rav zem 24/08/07 11:29
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? Akshay Khanna 24/08/07 14:45
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? klenze17 holmenkollen 24/08/07 16:32
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? Max max 24/08/07 17:07
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? Max max 24/08/07 17:20
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? rav zem 24/08/07 18:04
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? Akshay Khanna 24/08/07 21:26
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? Max max 27/08/07 2:03
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? Paul Wehrli 27/08/07 3:11
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? Akshay Khanna 27/08/07 15:01
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? Paul Wehrli 27/08/07 16:36
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? Max max 27/08/07 18:20
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? rav zem 27/08/07 19:43
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? Max max 27/08/07 22:36
Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind? Paul Wehrli 28/08/07 0:05
any of you have read this?
www.spiegel.de english section
any comment, welcome.
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
21/08/07 6:26 en respuesta a vijay raud.

I heard and read that. Should it surprise anyone? not really. Germany is hostile to foreigners and that is state sponsored in a sense that they deny it and ignore it and don't do anything about it. Now stop and think if this had happend to some german guys by the tuerkish people. The state would send them back to turkey.
As far as I am concerned german politicians know exactly what is going on and these brown people are directly supported. Germany lives on exports and boycotting their products is a good start.

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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
21/08/07 11:50 en respuesta a vijay raud.
It is not the first and will not be the last.
In such cases, the suspects get always very funny penalties.

Another interesting article:
Von der NPD-Demo zurück in die Union

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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
21/08/07 12:39 en respuesta a vijay raud.

I too read the news on Spiegel.de. The newspapers and television try to say that it is only a small quarrel. The Germans need foreign cheap products, and their expensive products should be sold in the countries like India. They need eastern markets for their investments; no German should be killed in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan but the foreign born German citizens can be attacked which the government do not want to see and behaves like it is a petty thing. The thing is Indian should also boycott German products and German companies in the country.

The spouses of east European countries, USA and Japan don't need the language skills to enter in to Germany (even they are low qualified) but the Asians must. This is really a racist approach. Now for me it is clear Germany is not good for immigrants, you will be always like the second-class citizens here. I do not think they want again the Second World War situation here in Germany.

Sorry If I wrote little bit much, but I was really upset to hear this news.
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
21/08/07 14:06 en respuesta a vijay raud.
What wrote the indian press about this happening?

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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
21/08/07 16:16 en respuesta a vijay raud.
@ indogerman

we try to summarize with one incident which occurred not in favour of our race..do you know how many incidents like this happen every day???..I was in Moscow for 5 years and each and every day a foreigner was hit(nearly to death...).. The police or the authorities never condemn these riots..but i am amazed that even most of the german press bought this issue already... i am pretty sure these actions need to be condemened but how can you summarize that all Germans are fascists...

India is still working with Russia on many projects, can we just boycott Russian items? or after some punjabi's were targetted after the Sep 11th in USA, shall we stop sending software applications to USA?. Do you know thousands of men and women are suffering(every day) in the Gulf with real rascists..but in contradiction, our President and PM welcomes the king of Saudi Arabia in the Airport(breaking the national protocol)..Do you think the rich and the famous care for us???......

It is all politics played for and against us!! we have to live in this world despite all these issues which lie just around the corner.... One thing is important to consider when ever u r not at home ' To avoid mis-fortune, use Commonsense'. i have repeatedly told our indian friends, not to discount any things..we need to be careful and idiots prevail everywhere..Even in india, foreigners were mis-treated (remember the recent incident with swedish people in Cochin, Kerela) but most of the people in the west still think india is very warm the the hospitality of the nation is matchless..is it not true despite soem idiots living in India??

I still beleive that everything could happen every where..I was recently in north Sweden(Above the artic circle!!) but locals said that they have problems with skinheads bashing some foreigners during the weekends!!.. so u see, men living even in the north are behaving like 'MEN' !!!

Just take care and aviod being in big events ..or atleast stay with a big group..

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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
21/08/07 16:32 en respuesta a vijay raud.
It´s not happened to a single person trapped alone during latenight. All in front of hundreds of local people.

Many questions arise because of this event.

* Why there was no help from the public when the poor 8 have been hunted by the mob?

* Sources say that the police were informed before about the possible racist attack. Will they be so ignorant when they are informed about possible terrorist attack?

* Do anyone care about eradicating racism in this country?

* Why there is no real propaganda by the state to improve the multicultural harmonism?

Foreigners are here only because of the immigration policy formulated by the government based on requirements of workforce. All these policies are meant to improve the welfare of the country. So the foreigners here are in someway working towards the welfare of this country while improving themselves too.

In principle, the locals are challenged by the government to compete against the foreigners if they want to maintain a high standard of living. These kind of attacks, tells the message that they are not up to the challenge.

Right extremism is not a thing that a native can be proud of. It is a synonym for Xenophobia, insecurity, incompetency, unable to live in harmony, unable to cope with changes, lack of self-confidence, etc., So it simply exposes the negative traits of the public.

The above points applies to the people anywhere in the world, not only to Germans.

Germans, please anwser the questions; if not possible please anwser yourself.

Others, please come up with your own opinions. Afterall this is a democratic country. Or not??? I don´t know.
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
21/08/07 16:41 en respuesta a vijay raud.
Do u want to say that rasicsm exists only in Germany? and only Germans ignore this worldwide?

I want to say that it exists everywhere and only the intensity might differ!!
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
21/08/07 16:45 en respuesta a vijay raud.

I did not want to join the discussion to early, but now I can not wait any longer.

I was on a short weekend trip into the 'wilderness' (no internet, no mails, no radio, etc.). When I returned last night and I listened to the news in my car, I was so angry about these idiots in this little village in Sachsen. And when I listened to the comment of the major of this small town, I could not believe it. He said no racist intension behind it! What a fool. Of course it was a racist background and his way to ignore the truth does not help in the fight against racism.

I can not blame the individuals who had only watched the action and who did not help, because it is not easy to stop a drunken mob of 50 idiots which is only possible for action heros in the movies, but I blame all the politicians, judges and teachers who do not give their best in fighting against racism.

Finally, I, as a German, want to apologize myself for this racism attack to my Indian friends and all the other Idians and foreigners in Germnay!

I feel ashamed
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
21/08/07 17:04 en respuesta a vijay raud.
@ Detlef

Come on!! You dont have to apologize-- It is only because of people like you, we still have high hopes in Germany... This incident was caused by some muddle headed idiots and i bet these guys will never apologize for any thing in their lives..

Meanwhile Detlef!! me and my family visited Berlin for a weekend..It was our first trip to Berlin (after 8 years in DE). we really liked the city and it was much more cheaper than Bayern :-)

Best Regards
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
21/08/07 17:16 en respuesta a vijay raud.

You are inflaming the issue unnecessary. Just because of one minor incident you don't need to propagate panic among Indians. These eight guys are still lucky to be in Germany.

What do you think would happen to eight lower-cast people, if they upset some upper-class people in India?


How can you complain your neighbour to be ill-mannered when your own family is primitive?
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
21/08/07 18:40 en respuesta a vijay raud.
First of all, thanks to Detlef for the following comment: "major's way to ignore the truth does not help in the fight against racism." And appreciate your heart for the apology. This will give more confidence among the foreigners that there is somebody who understands and accepts the problem.

I am not here to compare Germany with any other country. These things happen everywhere. But please come to the point, I want to hear some rational comments. You cannot ignore the problem by pointing out other problems of the world.

Thing which shocks me more is the message they(major, police) pass to these racists.

Major says "There is no racist motto". That means he denies the situation.

Police arrests only 2 ??? and realeased immediately. Can you imagine it?.

Can you believe these people? These things will give more confidence to the racists. No way they are helping these extremists either.

Please be rational !!!
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
21/08/07 19:35 en respuesta a vijay raud.

Racist attacks happens everywhere, it is true. But we live in germany and we write our opinions about things happening here.

It makes the racist people here not innocent, when racists exist everywhere.

- or -

It makes the problem not unimportant, when the same problem exist everywhere.

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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
22/08/07 0:07 en respuesta a vijay raud.
anyone know the follow up of the Postdamt case?
One guy beaten to comma at the bushaltestelle?

Maybe I missunderstood, but I read somebody mentioned Alcohol played a roll in the attack.

Do any of you know the law mentioned that law isn't broken in the case of drunk? or punishment might be reduced?

Tourist attacked cause of economy crime is acceptable compare to hate crime. who agree with this statement?
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
22/08/07 15:26 en respuesta a vijay raud.
"Keine Nazis, nur Ausländerfeinde"

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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
24/08/07 11:29 en respuesta a vijay raud.
Hi friends,
I was indeed not surprised that something like this happened in Sachsen. It was such a cowardly act which i condemn with all my heart. I was adviced by my German friends as soon as i came to germany to avoid the former DDR states and also east berlin.
But it doesnt mean that every german there hates Foreigner. Moreover, this type of violence is quite common in India, that could be the reason why indian media is not so interested in the news. If you are a minority in India, you face persecution every where you go. The notion of indians being warm hearted is mostly farce. It is normal to use derogatory names for foreigners and minorities. So, dont get overexcited and brand collective germans to be nazis. Atleast polititians here condemned the act, in india polititians would have joined hand with such hooligans in the act. So, We indians who are at the receiving end of discrimination and persecution should do something to change how things are done back home. We are at the same situation here as millions are back in India.
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
24/08/07 14:45 en respuesta a vijay raud.

I fully agree with you. A human life has less value than a dog in India and people from lower cast are treated worst than insects, who can be abused/insulted/raped/killed anytime and by anyone from upper cast.

These guys never made any protest over discrimination against minority in India and all of a sudden they are complaining about racism in Germany just because their own arse is in the line.
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
24/08/07 16:32 en respuesta a vijay raud.
Here my two-cent opinion, guys...

Attacks against foreigners in Germany happen mostly in "new states" (Germans call them "neue Bundesländer" ), i.e. in the states which were actually from East Germany times. In other words, in the eastern states.

My opinion is that the there is a strong corelation between unemployment rate/economic situation and racism. Don't forget that the racism in Germany before WWII were raised also due to economic collapse.

Eastern states have very high unemployment rates, when compared to western states. You can access any kind of such data on internet.

So practically we the foreigners do not have problems in the "old states" (alte Bundesländer, the states from West Germany time), i.e. western states.

This problem is more chronical in eastern states.

What we can advice is to be careful when living or going to Eastern states.

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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
24/08/07 17:07 en respuesta a vijay raud.
@bizzare i dont understand u.

Here we r talkin about what happen to 8 indians and u r putting s**t on india.Btw if u people remember some years ago a german girl were raped in Jaipur(west india) and the person was judged in 14 days even if he was the son of a politician.

the thing is here government is not even intrested in giving judgement to these 8 indians and criminal r still free on streets without any panelty.
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
24/08/07 17:20 en respuesta a vijay raud.
@bizzare And if this happend to u then tell me how much u will be burning(hope u r a real man) from inside coz u cant do against these people and even government is also not with u.
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
24/08/07 18:04 en respuesta a vijay raud.

You are doing exactly what the populist politicians here are doing i.e denying something which is so obvious. You quote an example which might be true, but if u r so blind or deaf or ignorant, i could quote you 1000s of examples countering your rosy image of equality in India.
Now, I have all the sympathy with the Indians who were beaten, no doubt.
But i am focussing here on creating awareness among our Indian expatriates on whats happening in our own country and how better to clean our backyard so that we can have a moral authority over others who do unjust to others.
With every unfortunate things in life, there are lessons to learn and be a better person. I believe in this motto " Treat others as you wish to be treated".
I am hurt too to see innocent people above all fellow indians getting beaten up. So, my message was not to belittle what happened to those guys.
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
24/08/07 21:26 en respuesta a vijay raud.

There is a thing called Berufsrisiko, which is very much country specific. Everyone of us had calculated the risk of being discriminated before coming to Germany, don't tell me that you did not know about racist attacks before you decided to migrate here. Despite all the nuisance with Rechtsextremist (thank god they are only few) Germany is still a safer place to live and work.

I have complete sympathy for the fellow Indians who got beaten up, but then again it is still much better than getting shot-down by some crazy Ulfa member just because you speak Hindi.
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
27/08/07 2:03 en respuesta a vijay raud.
bizzare u dont need to talk about past.what i was writing and what u were r searching in older forms (at that time also my meinung was not wrong coz of my personal experiance.)forget that now.

Im sure even these 8 indians will not think to leave D.
The only thing boils me that when i put myself in their place then its very hard to sit quite in the hause with the thinking that its my destiny and i cant do anything against these people(neiter physical nor as per Law).
Hm but it is like it is We hav choose to come here and with other benifits and we have to live with some disadvantages also
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
27/08/07 3:11 en respuesta a vijay raud.
I will collect my german citizenship and then leave the country.
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
27/08/07 15:01 en respuesta a vijay raud.

The only solution to your problem is to buy a gun and keep it under your pillow and sleep peacefully.

Download this form to apply for a gun license in Germany.


You want to leave Germany and go where????
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
27/08/07 16:36 en respuesta a vijay raud.
anywhere except UK & co.
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
27/08/07 18:20 en respuesta a vijay raud.
Thanks for the link.Actually i was thought of doing it last year but leider my wife will throw me out of hause if i do that and if i use that then government will throw me out from D:-)

BTW i have heard that ur not allow to carry gun here on streets and this incidents will not happen inside hause:-)
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
27/08/07 19:43 en respuesta a vijay raud.
When u decided to move to a foreign country, its to your advantage to learn about your adopted country and follow the do's and dont's.It a huge gamble but u plunge in it coz u believe u would be better off. Life is not bed of roses anywhere you go.
Do you think you will never face such problems in other countries? Common, you shouldnt be that naive. When pressed about the problems in your own land, u get defensive.
I was angry and felt sorrow and frustration when i heard the news on TV.
But this incident actually opened my eyes to the pain and frustration the victims of discrimination based on religion and caste etc, must be feeling back home.
Its very easy to be bitter and wanting revenge, but its very difficult but brave to forgive and learn from a bad incident so that u dont be the cause of pain to others.
Enough about my thoughts coz i believe u have closed your mind, i am out of the topic.
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
27/08/07 22:36 en respuesta a vijay raud.
Its very easy to be bitter and wanting revenge, but its very difficult but brave to forgive and learn from a bad incident so that u dont be the cause of pain to others.
BTW there is no other option than to satisfy by saying forgive.and ur(ur i mean not to u but to all minority) fogivness will not have any weightage unless u r strong.
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Re: Indian attacked in Mügeln - not rasist movite behind?
28/08/07 0:05 en respuesta a vijay raud.

you make me really laugh here, I am not saying I hate germans and their country etc. I simply want to have some time off out of mind and out of sight, tired of fighting, need a break.

Forever fighting mode on makes one sick and crazy. So it is better to get some rest and do nothing but fishing and sleeping.

But if you really love germany that much please do not leave even for a day, what should I say .... LOL ...
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