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6/12/05 13:06

I came to know that, ALG won't be available till I use up my personal savings and when those are used up I can get ALG. Like I've say saved some money and available in my account, and I loose my job. Then I've to servive on money I've saved and when I've used my money, then they will give me ALG.

Is it true? What is the current scenario? If there is something like this, then they are just screwing us.

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Re: Arbeitlosgeld
6/12/05 13:19 en respuesta a Samir.
"Is it true?"

No, it is not true, from whom did you hear this ?

It might be true, if you are getting social help(ALGII, sozialhilfe) but not for ALG.. ALG is kind of insurance where you get your own money which you invest during the time you work but ALG II and Sozialhilfe are different stories.


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Re: Arbeitlosgeld
6/12/05 13:30 en respuesta a Samir.
This what you wrote is so called 'Arbeitslosengeld Zwei' or 'Hartz IV'. This comes into play after 1 year of receiving 'normal' arbeitslosengeld. Although duration of 1 year can be also longer or shorter (perhaps). The idea is obviously to excercise pressure on unemployed to find some job. Let's say this is some mild version of "Aufenthaltstitel erlischt mit Beendigung der ... Tätigkeit", but it is not even close :-) .

But to receive ALG II however you must have NE/EG - and by the way - if you are on ALG II there is no chance to get german citizenship.
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Re: Arbeitlosgeld
6/12/05 16:47 en respuesta a Samir.
I'd some discussion with some German friends. They were complaining about it and I got alarmed. emoticon Anyway they are screwing me, as cedomir said, I'm on Aufenthaltstitel and long way to go through it.
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