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Shifting status from student to employee

Shifting status from student to employee
12/09/05 18:05
Hi all,

I have got a job offer from a company, who has asked me to join from 23 of september onwards. I have finished my thesis and also submitted the document. I have 3 months of student visa left.(till november ending)

My prof is not willing to take my defence before 10 of oct. will there be any problem if I join the company, and they process my documents and then later on 10 october I defend my thesis.

This is a kind of overlapp between two status(student status visa and employee status). I cant ask the company guys to extend the date, as they are waiting for me from quite some time.

Kind regards
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Re: Shifting status from student to employee
12/09/05 18:13 en respuesta a abhilash kumar.
from what u say it looks like u still havent got the workpermit. So go ahead and say ok to the company for their date. But the trick is issuing of workpermit may take time, so the company cannot make you work from 23rd but have to wait till u get the work permit. They can change the contract later to reflect the actual date from which you are goin to start. In the meantime u would have defended your thesis and got your degree. Overlapping is not problem.
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Re: Shifting status from student to employee
12/09/05 18:15 en respuesta a abhilash kumar.
Hi Abhi,
I had similar situation last year when I started to work in 1st of November and then defended my thesis on 28th Nov. This was no problem at all. I dont think you should bother about it, at least the University doesnt need to know whethere your visa status has changed or not. And even if it is changed, you are still allowed to study (as of my experience).

Good luck.
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Re: Shifting status from student to employee
13/09/05 13:29 en respuesta a abhilash kumar.
hi raj and xadnan,

thanx for replying and giving your suggestions. I will try as indicated.

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Re: Shifting status from student to employee
13/09/05 14:17 en respuesta a abhilash kumar.
Hi abhilash,

Congratulations for your Job offer. I was in the same position last month!

I finished my thesis at the end of august. My defence will be on october. Meanwhile, I had a Job offer from September.

I discussed with my Boss and we decided to make WerkStudent contract till the end of my studies. During the Werkstudent, we will be preparing the fulltime contract and work permit.

If you have any questions regarding this, you can contact me by phone: 0176 23781779.
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