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stuttgart meetup Rakesh Kay 27/09/05 20:34
Re: stuttgart meetup Guvenc Gulce 28/09/05 1:04
Re: stuttgart meetup onye bolo 28/09/05 13:18
Re: stuttgart meetup Guvenc Gulce 28/09/05 14:18
Re: stuttgart meetup Rakesh Kay 28/09/05 14:53
Re: stuttgart meetup Faisal Muhammed 28/09/05 17:34
Re: stuttgart meetup Harshit Srivastava 28/09/05 20:06
Re: stuttgart meetup Vladimir Andreev 29/09/05 21:28
Re: stuttgart meetup Faisal Muhammed 30/09/05 12:10
Re: stuttgart meetup onye bolo 30/09/05 12:38
Re: stuttgart meetup Vladimir Andreev 30/09/05 14:28
Re: stuttgart meetup Rakesh Kay 4/10/05 21:44
Re: stuttgart meetup Vladimir Andreev 7/10/05 12:37
Re: stuttgart meetup onye bolo 7/10/05 13:35
Re: stuttgart meetup trust7 7/10/05 14:01
Re: stuttgart meetup Suresh Gattu 7/10/05 14:09
Re: stuttgart meetup onye bolo 7/10/05 14:49
Re: stuttgart meetup narinder soni 7/10/05 16:14
Re: stuttgart meetup Rakesh Kay 7/10/05 17:16
Re: stuttgart meetup Vladimir Andreev 7/10/05 17:32
Re: stuttgart meetup Guvenc Gulce 8/10/05 12:51
Re: stuttgart meetup Akshay Khanna 8/10/05 13:28
Re: stuttgart meetup Mainul Kabir 13/10/05 15:18
Re: stuttgart meetup Akshay Khanna 13/10/05 16:01
Re: stuttgart meetup Guvenc Gulce 13/10/05 16:01
Re: stuttgart meetup Faisal Muhammed 13/10/05 16:58
Re: stuttgart meetup onye bolo 13/10/05 19:09
Re: stuttgart meetup Mainul Kabir 17/10/05 15:16
Re: stuttgart meetup onye bolo 17/10/05 18:08
Re: stuttgart meetup Mainul Kabir 2/11/05 15:00
Re: stuttgart meetup Vladimir Andreev 3/11/05 12:17
Re: stuttgart meetup Rakesh Kay 3/11/05 13:26
Re: stuttgart meetup onye bolo 3/11/05 13:47
Re: stuttgart meetup onye bolo 18/11/05 11:07
Re: stuttgart meetup narinder soni 18/11/05 11:37
Re: stuttgart meetup Vladimir Andreev 18/11/05 12:08
Re: stuttgart meetup onye bolo 18/11/05 12:40
Re: stuttgart meetup Guvenc Gulce 18/11/05 16:20
Re: stuttgart meetup Mainul Kabir 18/11/05 21:31
Re: stuttgart meetup onye bolo 28/11/05 12:11
Re: stuttgart meetup Otto Nasarimba 1/12/05 14:12
Re: stuttgart meetup onye bolo 2/12/05 9:55
Re: stuttgart meetup Guvenc Gulce 2/12/05 15:17
Re: stuttgart meetup onye bolo 2/12/05 15:26
Re: stuttgart meetup Daniel Pirs 4/12/05 22:20
Re: stuttgart meetup Guvenc Gulce 5/12/05 0:49
Re: stuttgart meetup Denis von Domikulic 5/12/05 10:02
Re: stuttgart meetup Daniel Pirs 5/12/05 22:26
Re: stuttgart meetup Denis von Domikulic 6/12/05 9:54
Re: stuttgart meetup Daniel Pirs 7/12/05 18:51
Re: stuttgart meetup Denis von Domikulic 7/12/05 18:53
Re: stuttgart meetup Daniel Pirs 7/12/05 21:46
Re: stuttgart meetup Denis von Domikulic 8/12/05 9:22
stuttgart meetup
27/09/05 20:34
onye suggested organising a stuttgart GC meetup, any takers?

i'd say an evening over dinner someplace would be a good idea..so please pitch in with ideas about the time/date/place..

for starters, how about thursday (29th-the day after) someplace near eberhardstr. (if there are better places, please let me know)?

if this is too short notice, we could always move it
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Re: stuttgart meetup
28/09/05 1:04 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Hi tiefweiss,
I would be interested in such a meeting but thursday is for me very short notice.

We can meet up somewhere close to Schlossplatz.
Amadeus or Cafe la Theatre (not sure about the spelling)

Or maybe eberhardstr.. but eberhardstr is the street where the stuttgart ABH resides so we better meet up somewhere else.. emoticon

I would suggest doing it on next Thursday or Friday.
(7th, 8th October)


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Re: stuttgart meetup
28/09/05 13:18 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Hi Tiefweiss ,Hi Lacrima and Hi Others,

Tiefweiss thanks for your thought towards this direction.
I don't know if there has been GC meeting in Stuttgart before.I think the first
ever was held on sep 11/18 2005 not quite sure of the date at the moment.I think Tiefweiss can be more precise.Anyway,we played badminton not actually my game but I enjoyed it and wouldn't mind improving my skills and fitness too :-).

I know where Amadeus is;quite close to my Deutsch school IFA.For me Friday 7th october would be fine.

what do you think tiefweiss ?
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Re: stuttgart meetup
28/09/05 14:18 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Looks good to me, so can we say:
Friday 7th October at 18.30 - 19.00 at Amadeus.


0 (0 Votos)

Re: stuttgart meetup
28/09/05 14:53 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
im fine with that too..count me in..but is it going to be just the 3 of us!?? i thought there were more around..

people in areas near stuttgart (all the -ingens, -burgs, -heims) are also welcome


we need to play more..maybe squash this time..emoticon
i'll call you about it..
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Re: stuttgart meetup
28/09/05 17:34 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
hey guys...i can also join...anyone else?
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Re: stuttgart meetup
28/09/05 20:06 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Count me in too. :-)

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Re: stuttgart meetup
29/09/05 21:28 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Cool, it would be nice to meet some of you gals and guys! I'll do my best to join next Friday, but don't count on me for squash (or badminton, for that matter) :-)
Can anybody post an address or map of that place - Amadeus, was it?

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Re: stuttgart meetup
30/09/05 12:10 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
flado....i am afraid there is only some guys!!!!! No girls....
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Re: stuttgart meetup
30/09/05 12:38 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Maybe this link might be helpful in locating the place.


Charlottenplatz 17 (Eingang Dorotheenstraße)
70173 Stuttgart-Mitte

I hope my thought about the place is right?

BTW: I guess it's going to be an evening over dinner.
I'm not conversant with that area.I'm confident someone is and would make nice the evening by organizing for; so far 6/more...
Anyway, if it's going to be in Amadeus I guess there would be enough drink :-).
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Re: stuttgart meetup
30/09/05 14:28 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
@faisalm: Well, I'm not afraid of that ;-)

@onye: Thanks for the link
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Re: stuttgart meetup
4/10/05 21:44 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
now that we have 6 people turning up..i think we need to reserve a table at Amadeus..i'll do that tommorrow..just to make sure i'l reserve for 8/10 so that we can accommodate last minute entries
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Re: stuttgart meetup
7/10/05 12:37 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
You might know each other by face, but I haven't met any of you. How can I recognize you tonight?

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Re: stuttgart meetup
7/10/05 13:35 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Hi Folks,

In response to Flado's post;at Amadeus between 18:30-19:00 maybe the following
clues might be helpful :-

.1) You might see a strange face smiling warmly
at you at the main entrance,return the smile
and ask; "pls are ya GC" ?

.2) You might see two/more guys standing in
front of the main entrance.You could ask them
nicely "pls are ya GC" ?

.3) In case you arrive late you could ask the
bartender for some group of aliens that call
themselves GCs. :-)!

Other suggestions are welcomed...
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Re: stuttgart meetup
7/10/05 14:01 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Hi folks,

in a couple of month it will be a lot easier to recognize each other, because I am planning to offer base caps and t-shirts with the trust7 logo. I already have one :-)

Then you will know that somebody is a family member if you meet him somewhere.

Do you think this is a good idea?

I wish you 'Stuttgart Meeting GCs' lots of fun!

And a nice weekend to all of you
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Re: stuttgart meetup
7/10/05 14:09 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Hello all,

Is this meetup only for GCs or any other work permit holders?! I think there is no GC from Jan 2005. I interpret that GC means Green Card holders!

I could inform one of my friends who is in Stuttgart on work permit status. However, I cannot attend this occasion, as I am in Freiburg.


0 (0 Votos)

Re: stuttgart meetup
7/10/05 14:49 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Hi Folks,

I think it's a wonderful Idea to have a
t-shirt and/ caps.Having a Trust7 logo on it is a good idea but having expatriates-GreenCard holders(as the case maybe)written on it would be wonderful.
This idea could be thrown open for all to contribute their opinion...

BTW : You are invited Detlef but in the future we'll certainly invite you in advance/earlier.
Maybe we might send you a foto of us ;-) !


you're right GC is an abbreviation for Greencard holders(I hope I'm right :-)?) maybe there are other affiliations; I can't tell at the moment.
As regards the other issue you raised maybe others may like to share their opinion/it might be discussed later tonight ;-)!

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Re: stuttgart meetup
7/10/05 16:14 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Hello guys,

Sorry for the late entry ;)
Count me too.
Would love to join you guys today evening.

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Re: stuttgart meetup
7/10/05 17:16 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
ok gang..here's the lowdown for D-Day:

i've reserved a table for 10 at the Amadeus today ~19:00.there's *not* gonna be anythin written on the reservation-placard but you guys just need to ask the waiters to direct u to the table reserved for "trust7"..yup..thats the password..

hope this will ease out the hassles of finding each other

well..this aint just for GCs..anyway the term's a misnomer now..its just for work permit holders to get together

hope all u guys who promised turn up!..feel free to bring a friend..we can gladly squeeze them in..

cya later then
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Re: stuttgart meetup
7/10/05 17:32 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.

BTW, I just uploaded a photo of my modest self to my profile... So if you see me wandering through Amadeus looking lost, just grab my sleeve and kindly guide me to the table ;-)

Just kidding, now that I know the password (trust7), I hope I won't be that lost :-)

See ya!
0 (0 Votos)

Re: stuttgart meetup
8/10/05 12:51 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Just to inform the community, we had the stuttgart-meeting yesterday. The participation was slightly lower than expected but it was really fun to get to know new people and share experiences. Hopefully onye will post some photos from the meeting.

See ya..

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Re: stuttgart meetup
8/10/05 13:28 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.

you are awake rather early, I thought you guys must be having severe hangover ;-)
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Re: stuttgart meetup
13/10/05 15:18 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Count me in!! Its gonna be a nice meeting I am sure!!
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Re: stuttgart meetup
13/10/05 16:01 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Count me in!! Its gonna be a nice meeting I am sure!!

I guess you need a time-machine :-)
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Re: stuttgart meetup
13/10/05 16:01 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
The meeting has already happened emoticon please check the dates in the postings..


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Re: stuttgart meetup
13/10/05 16:58 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
sorry guys, I could'nt join there...I was really sick that week..anyway if he going with a time machine , then I would like to join!!!!

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Re: stuttgart meetup
13/10/05 19:09 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Hi Folks,

Actually I have a time machine.Sometimes I don't especially like that on my bed side :-).
Perhaps the next meeting might be on 1st Nov or not; it depends on what others(you) think ;-)

Cheers !
0 (0 Votos)

Re: stuttgart meetup
17/10/05 15:16 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Hi Guys

It was unfortunate that I missed the Stuttgart gathering, I saw the posting late. Anyway, is there any new plans ? May be we can have a "Default" date like every 1st Friday of a month, and if it is a National Holiday, the next Friday!! What you think?

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Re: stuttgart meetup
17/10/05 18:08 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Hi Folks,

What do you think about a default date. 1st Friday of the month ?
Venue : Amadeus
Time : 18:30-

The place and time could be moved though!

C16x76 thanks for your contribution ;-) !

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Re: stuttgart meetup
2/11/05 15:00 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Hi Guys

Is there any Stuttgat meet-up this friday? Anyone coming? Or the time has been moved?

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Re: stuttgart meetup
3/11/05 12:17 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
I can't make it this Friday - sorry. Been a bit busy... :-(

But you guys have a nice chat&drink!

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Re: stuttgart meetup
3/11/05 13:26 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
i think i can make it this time..onye, are u in too?

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Re: stuttgart meetup
3/11/05 13:47 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
So far :-


look forward to next month's meeting --2 Dec.

This leaves :-


on their own ;-)

Thus,I think it would be appropriate to call off the meeting for this month.Right ?

Cheers !
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Re: stuttgart meetup
18/11/05 11:07 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Hi Folks,

As you maybe aware the next Stgt-Gc Meeting would be on Friday 2nd of December.

.1) I'm sure there would be burning issues
to discuss. emoticon

.2) To conform with the end of year activities;
I would propose that each one of us come
with a gift worth not less than €5 or more
and assign a number to your gift.
The numbers would be collected into a
gift-box and then those that came with a gift
would pick a number from the gift-box.You may
have to repeat the process till you pick a
number that's not yours.However , you may
decide not to part take in the lotto ;-)

.3) Place,time and venue remain the same;
Hopefully. However it's important that those
that are interested sign up so that the place
would be booked in good time.

Cheers !
0 (0 Votos)

Re: stuttgart meetup
18/11/05 11:37 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
count me in for 2nd Dec 2005 meet emoticon

what about others?

0 (0 Votos)

Re: stuttgart meetup
18/11/05 12:08 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Not sure yet. I have to get up pretty early that Saturday - to help a friend move.
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Re: stuttgart meetup
18/11/05 12:40 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Don't worry.I'm certain it's an open meeting and I'm sure permission to leave earlier than others would be granted.Should you decide to grace the occasion with your absence we may have to live without your Cigars ;-) !

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Re: stuttgart meetup
18/11/05 16:20 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.

I will probably be able to join and will try to back up our cigar reserve at the evening.. emoticon

See ya then..

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Re: stuttgart meetup
18/11/05 21:31 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
count me in !!!!

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Re: stuttgart meetup
28/11/05 12:11 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Stgt-GC End of Year Meeting !
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Re: stuttgart meetup
1/12/05 14:12 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
count me in too!!
0 (0 Votos)

Re: stuttgart meetup
2/12/05 9:55 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Hi Folks,

So far the following GCs have signified their interest in attending :-

.1) nsoni

.2) Flado (?)

.3) lacrima

.4) Onye

.5) c16x75 --- Newbies(;-))

.6) wizard --- Newbies(;-))

How about others ? :-(

Anyway I'll book the venue.
Time and place remain the same.(please, see previous post)

See you all later !


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Re: stuttgart meetup
2/12/05 15:17 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
"Time and place remain the same"

That means Amadeus 19.00 o'clock ? right ?

See ya than..

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Re: stuttgart meetup
2/12/05 15:26 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
>>That means Amadeus 19.00 o'clock ? right ?

Yep !

Reservation done.

See ya later..

Cheers !
0 (0 Votos)

Re: stuttgart meetup
4/12/05 22:20 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.

I'm new to this forum. As I can see you just have had a meeting. If you will have next one anytime soon, I would be glad to participate (if you accept new members ;-)) Please let me know.

My E-mail: dpirs@zg.htnet.hr.

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Re: stuttgart meetup
5/12/05 0:49 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
Sure.. just follow the Forum. We always publicly announce the meeting before it takes place. We try to get together every 1-2 months or so.. GC-Stammtisch.. emoticon


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Re: stuttgart meetup
5/12/05 10:02 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
ooo. neko je iz Zagreba
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Re: stuttgart meetup
5/12/05 22:26 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.

>>>ooo. neko je iz Zagreba
Je. Jel ima jos takvih?
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Re: stuttgart meetup
6/12/05 9:54 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
vjerojatno, ali ja san iz Splita
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Re: stuttgart meetup
7/12/05 18:51 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
For everyone: sorry for a foreign language.

For DvD: Koliko vidim ti si na ovom Forumu neki autoritet. Jel si i ti GC ili se bavis time? Da nisi i ti iz Stuttgarta?
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Re: stuttgart meetup
7/12/05 18:53 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
ja san bija GC.
sad iman Eg a uskoro NE
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Re: stuttgart meetup
7/12/05 21:46 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
A sta si napravio da dobijes bas EG (a ne samo BE)? Ja sam poslao zahtjev za 'Auflage Aufhebung' bez da sam naveo razlog zasto i sta hocu da mi napisu. Jel mogu na to utjecati ili to ovisi samo o dobroj volji ljudi iz AB?
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Re: stuttgart meetup
8/12/05 9:22 en respuesta a Rakesh Kay.
I said i want to do Nebentätigkeit and it worked.
But they do not have to give Eg, only Be.
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