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Help needed!

Ausländerbehörde-Arbeitsvertragskundigung- Aufenthalt nach Para 18c Abs3

Dear forum subscribers,

Perhaps someone has already encountered the same issue. I would be very grateful for responces from those. I was laid off in October. My Aufenthaltstitel is employer-bound and expires in March 2015. Acc to AufenthaltsGezetz Para 18c Abs 3 i have a possibitily to get 6 months visa for Arbeitssuche.

Abs. 3 of Para 18c sais, nevertheless that visa for job search can be issued if the applicant posesses Aufenthalt zum Zweck der Erwerbtätigkeit unmittelbar vor Erteilung des Arbeitssuchevisum. Which is in my case de-facto so, but i am already fired. Beamte in Ausländersbehörde told me i could search for a job for a couple of months and then, if i dont get one, apply for a Jobsearch visa. I am concerned if it is really so and more concerned about "unmittelbar". I know that some officials in Auslandersbehörde can be sluggish and not always give right advice. If anyone encountered the same issue, could you please kindly tell, if i am obliged to apply for Job Search visa as soon as I am fired (bedeutet unmittelbar) or i could search for a job under existing job visa (employer-bound) and apply for JobSearch in a couple of months.

Thank you very much in advance for any responces and any knowledge of the matter.
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