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Aufenthaltstitel des Kinds

Aufenthaltstitel des Kinds
11/01/05 11:01
Hi Nobody/Parents,

I know thru some of your posts that your kids were born in Germany.

So, as of previous experience regarding Aufenthaltstitel, I would like to aks whether what is written in "Mutter Pass" for a Kid, who is born in German.

In which case, a Kid is granted "Ausweiss" of its own.

Thanks for sharing info.

GC(Ausländer aus Drittes-Welt(Under World :-)
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Re: Aufenthaltstitel des Kinds
11/01/05 11:27 en respuesta a A. T.
Hi A.T.

I´m not NoBody, but also from "Dritte Welt" and also have a son borned in Germany.

I think in no case a Personalausweis is given to your kid. Is absolutely clear that your son/daughter has borned here in Germany but now he has no right for a German Nationality. Only a son of a German can be German wherever he/she borns.

YOU have to provide in all cases a document for your kid. In some countries, you are allowed to add your kid to the passport of one of the parents (usually the mother). This is only another sticker in the pass of mama/papa.

In my case, my country doesn´t allow this. This thing obblied me and my wife to start a long and difficult (thousends of papers) way to "declare" my son in my own country (via embassy) and later get a passport for him where finally the Aufenthaltserlaubnis was enclosed.

What says the Aufenthaltserlaubnis for my son? He says his stayin in Germany is allowed because his father is GC (Vatter als IT Fachkraft ITargV....) and he is not allowed to work here (f...! he is 16 months old!)

In those times, it produced me a lot of troubles in ABH because I had no document to add the visum on, on the pass of my wife was not allowed in my country, Germany gave me no document (only the birth certificate) and the intelectual level of the friend Beamte was not the highest. He wasn´t able to understand that until the papers in the embassy were not finished, my kid had no document. I had to request help to a friend not to translate to German (I´m not Goethe but I do speak clear German), to translate from Bavarian logic to my_country_embassy logic, and that´s was quite hard.

Finally the Beamte understood and my son received a temporal visum for three months, later I extended for other three months till I could finally ABH bring the pass to stamp the visum on.

So, ask your country because you need a Personalausweis for your kid when he/she born in Germany.


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Re: Aufenthaltstitel des Kinds
11/01/05 14:43 en respuesta a A. T.
Hallo YO1,

First, many thanks for your reply.

V.sad to hear that you had to go thru such a tough and un-necessary procedure.

What I wanted to confirm is the following:

"Aufenthaltserlaubnis erlischt mit Beendigung des Aufenthaltsrechts des Vaters".

So, is it lawfully correct, because, I was stamped "Aufenthaltsbiwillingung Titel" instead of "Aufenthaltserlaubnis Titel".

Therefore, I wanted to confirm, whether if this thing is additional.

Can you please write me whether what Law says in this regard.


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Re: Aufenthaltstitel des Kinds
11/01/05 14:55 en respuesta a A. T.
Hey GC

I tell you tomorrow. I don´t remember what is written 100% and I don´t carry the passport with me.

I could write you later, but Freenet still doesn´t want to communicate with Trust7 from home.


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Re: Aufenthaltstitel des Kinds
11/01/05 17:09 en respuesta a A. T.
Hi A.T.

YO is right, it all depends on the country you're from. In my case, when my 2nd daughter was born, I had to get a visa for her and as with the first one, she is included in my wife's visa and actually since the last time we extended my wife's visa, they all 3 got a visa ending the same day as mine.

And in the Mutterpass, if you really speak about the same thing I'm thinking of, nothing is stated regarding the residence of the kid in there, it's just medical stuffs (Geburt, Untersuchung uzw.)

And about this subject, I was thinking about that yesterday: I will make a request for a PR sometimes in May this year and as things are, I should get it. Fine.
But my wife which visa is bound to mine won't be able to get it, as she has to do 5 years here first, right?

And now, what's with the kids? Will they get some years more according to their mother or a PR according to me as normally, kids under 18 or 21, can't remember, get their visa related to one of their parents.

Should I extend my wife's visa and asked for a PR for the kids or should they all 3 got an extension and get a PR by after?

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Re: Aufenthaltstitel des Kinds
11/01/05 17:41 en respuesta a A. T.
"I will make a request for a PR sometimes in May this year and as things are, I should get it. Fine."

So you get PR in May and I get Citizen watch. emoticon

"But my wife which visa is bound to mine won't be able to get it, as she has to do 5 years here first, right?"

Your wife gets extension and later after full 5 years she gets PR.

"And now, what's with the kids? Will they get some years more according to their mother or a PR according to me?"

Kids need 5 years for NE as everybody else, so you should extend visa for them also, and later ask for PR:

§ 34 Aufenthaltsrecht der Kinder
(3) Die Aufenthaltserlaubnis kann verlängert werden, solange die Voraussetzungen für die Erteilung der Niederlassungserlaubnis noch nicht vorliegen.
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Re: Aufenthaltstitel des Kinds
11/01/05 21:06 en respuesta a A. T.
Hi Nobody,

Yes, ofcourse, if and when you apply for PR.

Now, as DvD tells, your wife+kind(er) will get Auftentahlts verlängerung at that time. But, I would suggest you to apply and rather fill the forms for them as well.

I personally am not sure about Kind(er), but if your wife is here for more than 1 year, then she does not need 5 years as GC. I hope so, because, I did not get thru this, but I am in the Queue.

So, I will share my experience.

Thanks to YO1, who repled and

Have a nice Beamter(in) @ Ausländeramt to all GCs :-)

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