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Renternversicherung refund

Renternversicherung refund
rentenversicherung pension
20/04/14 13:11
Hallo everyone,

I have heard that we can get back the rentenversicherung if we have worked less than 5 yrs in deutschland. Also i came accross some info that it is 60 months of RV payment.

I am living in germany for 4 years. I was working for few months as a student. Then got a permanent position. Does student RV payment months are also considered?.. 

I am planning to leave Germany in near future. I dont want to cross 60 months of RV payment. So that i get RV refund after stating 2 yrs outside germany. 

If anyone knows has clear info on this, please share here.
0 (0 Votos)

RE: Renternversicherung refund
21/04/14 10:47 en respuesta a Pulsar.

why don't you use our search function?

You will be surprised how often this topic has been discussed already!

+1 (1 Voto)

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