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Visa Questions

Help - Aufenthalterlaubnis

Help - Aufenthalterlaubnis
10/02/14 17:02
Hi everyone, i have a couple of questions for which i couln't find correct answers here so, i would like to post my questions here.

I am (an Indian) married with a German citizen and living in Germany since two months. At the moment i have an Aufenthalterlaubnis for one year that will be extended after that as i was told.

Now since my wife can't find a job here in her profession she is looking everywhere possible in Europe. So if my wife finds a job (temporay or permanent) in another country in Europe and she lives there because of the job and i want to live here in Germany, can i live? Can i keep my residence status here?

2. ( Even though it might be too early to ask i want to ask and better get informed early as i have the time now) 
When can i apply for Permanent Residence (NE) and Einbügerung?
Some say after 5 years and some after 3 years.
3. I read a (vague) post that said that someone married with a German citizen is different from a normal foreigner. How different it is?
Difinitely there are different kinds of Residence Permits so i can partly agree on that but i can not cirrectly undrestand and follow the legal terms and numbers for different Residence Status such as § 19 and § 18m etc,

Anyone able to clarify with some correct answers would be highly appreciated and thanked in advance.

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RE: Help - Aufenthalterlaubnis
10/02/14 18:44 en respuesta a Dawa Tashi.
I can only answer your second question. You can apply for NE after 3 years of stay in Germany, as my friend did. I don't think 5 years is correct.
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RE: Help - Aufenthalterlaubnis
10/02/14 18:51 en respuesta a Arnhem.
Thanks for your reply.
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RE: Help - Aufenthalterlaubnis
10/02/14 20:24 en respuesta a Dawa Tashi.
1) If your German wife maintains your current residence in Germany as the primary residence, then this should not cause any problem. If she does abmeldung with current residence and does not do any anmeldung in Germany, then you are obliged to report this to ABH.

3) Till 3 years it is more or less same for non-EU spouse married to German. You can get integration course. In this case residence permit is dependent on German wife. In other cases it is dependent mainly on the job.
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RE: Help - Aufenthalterlaubnis
11/02/14 12:10 en respuesta a Wim Hannover.
Regarding your 1st answer: Does (my wife) maintaining her current residence in Germany mean that she has to visit Germany on and off or more than that? 

Vielen Dank.
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RE: Help - Aufenthalterlaubnis
11/02/14 21:53 en respuesta a Dawa Tashi.
Do keep in mind ABH and the federal police will keep track of marriages with German nationals. This is also the main difference compared to other spouse visa. They might suspect sham marriages. If your German wife does not visit you often then why was the family reunion needed. You will have to answer all these questions. The law is NOT spelt out in detail for every circumstances and scenarios. It all depends on how they interpret the law.
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RE: Help - Aufenthalterlaubnis
12/02/14 1:06 en respuesta a Wim Hannover.
First of all, thanks for your answer.
We know better about a family reunion but I was just asking for answers from the legal point of view.
You know, you also have to find a job after getting married, it's Germany.
If the law is not spellt in detail how can the citizens follow every single law? In a highly civilized country?
And how do we know that a law depends on some particular thing/s? If we if go after every person to know a law we will not find even the half.
So you are not persuaded to answer if you don't know the answers.
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RE: Help - Aufenthalterlaubnis
12/02/14 8:04 en respuesta a Dawa Tashi.
You will not get free legal advice on this forum. Spend some money and contact a lawyer.
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