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Visa Questions

Student time is considered for NE ..read this link ....

Student time is considered for NE ..read this link .... John Daniel 28/03/06 15:30
Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link .... Denis von Domikulic 29/03/06 12:15
Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link .... nanda nanda 29/03/06 12:38
Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link .... John Daniel 29/03/06 13:30
Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link .... Mashud kabir 29/03/06 14:55
Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link .... John Daniel 29/03/06 15:23
Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link .... Denis von Domikulic 29/03/06 15:48
Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link .... Sabine Reeder 29/03/06 16:55
Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link .... Akshay Khanna 29/03/06 17:20
Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link .... Mashud kabir 29/03/06 18:12
Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link .... nanda nanda 29/03/06 19:24
Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link .... Denis von Domikulic 29/03/06 19:48
Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link .... ben fleck 29/03/06 22:33
Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link .... Denis von Domikulic 30/03/06 13:13
Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link .... Rose Ham 30/03/06 15:04
Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link .... kiran r 2/04/06 1:26
Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link .... Mashud kabir 3/04/06 21:04

Student time is considered for NE, only if the person have paid the "rente"

vorübergehende oder befristete Aufenthalte z.B. zur Ausbildung oder für Arbeitsaufenthalte, bei denen Höchstzeiträume festgelegt sind (u.a. Au-pair- oder Saisonbeschäftigungen); vorausgegangene legale Aufenthalte zum Studium werden zu 50 % angerechnet

from this link
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Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link ....
29/03/06 12:15 en respuesta a John Daniel.
I do not see any Rente there. Looks like Studium is allways counted but only 50%.
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Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link ....
29/03/06 12:38 en respuesta a John Daniel.
I think it largly depends on state and behörde. Like last time I showed them all the official documents stating these rules, But the lady in rathhaus (stuttgart region ) told me "Student time is not counted..whether you paid rente or not!! Because it is not a real job". This case came up as I applied for the workpermit, I had to go through all arbeitamts checks as my green card job at that time was two years and with student job over three years. So they told me only two years are counted...very cleary :-) and you have to go through all checks. I got only for one year work permit. So all these links are for what...i dont know..
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Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link ....
29/03/06 13:30 en respuesta a John Daniel.
from the statement what is correct, it state that student period is take for 50 % for 5 years. or 50 % of student time is taken into account.

If it is the second case some one who have studied here for 9 years and with 6 months GC can get NE....
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Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link ....
29/03/06 14:55 en respuesta a John Daniel.

Student time rente is counted for BE in Stuttgart region. I have already got this. This is decided by Arbeitsamt, not by Auslanderbehoerde. You should apply in written form to Auslanderbehoerde. Then they should forward it to Arbeitsamt for the decision.
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Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link ....
29/03/06 15:23 en respuesta a John Daniel.
can you please clarify my doubt, since I am not so good in german

<string>from the statement what is correct, it state that student period is take for 50 % for 5 years. or 50 % of student time is taken into account.

If it is the second case some one who have studied here for 9 years and with 6 months GC can get NE....
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Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link ....
29/03/06 15:48 en respuesta a John Daniel.
It is not clear in law so every AA/ABH does what they want. That will never happend that they count 4,5 years studium. I think 2 years is max for BE. For NE they usually take only Renten time and for PhD Student that means all the time.
For students that did not work they take nothing into account.
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Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link ....
29/03/06 16:55 en respuesta a John Daniel.
It is clear in law! Watch out § 16 II 2 AufenthG! § 9 AufenthG is not applicable. Accordingly admininstrative instructions will be formulated. More chances with naturalization.
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Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link ....
29/03/06 17:20 en respuesta a John Daniel.

It is clear in law! Watch out § 16 II 2 AufenthG! § 9 AufenthG is not applicable.

So what you are saying is, after 5 years of study he can not get NE but after 7 years of residence in germany he can get Einbürgerung?
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Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link ....
29/03/06 18:12 en respuesta a John Daniel.
Student time is not considered according to the EU gestez (Kapital 1, Artikle 3 - Anwendungsbereich) for EU langefirstets Aufthalts.

Again in Düsseödorf Auslanderbehoerde website, it is clearly stated that, one has to provide 60 months of rente. It has also the option to count 50% of study time.
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Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link ....
29/03/06 19:24 en respuesta a John Daniel.

" Student time rente is counted for BE in Stuttgart region. I have already got this. This is decided by Arbeitsamt, not by Auslanderbehoerde "

Well when i argued with the lady in Auslanderboerde she said you can go to Arbeitsamt. She even called Arbeitsamt infront of me! I contacted Arbeitsamt myself as well, they told me you have not completed three years of rente, so you have to go through arbeitsamt check (reason: student time is not "richtig zeit"). Then I came back to Auslanderbehoerde..then that lady was smiling at me...like saying "go to arbeitsamt again :-))"
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Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link ....
29/03/06 19:48 en respuesta a John Daniel.
There is big difference between PhD Student and Student. PhD has a full time job and pays Rente.
That time is ussually counted. Normal study time not.
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Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link ....
29/03/06 22:33 en respuesta a John Daniel.
Daueraufenthalt-EG <> | != Niederlassungserlaubnis
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Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link ....
30/03/06 13:13 en respuesta a John Daniel.

Daueraufenthalt is not EG.
Daueraufenthalt is NE and EG is Dauerarbeitserlaubnis meaning permanent work permit.
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Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link ....
30/03/06 15:04 en respuesta a John Daniel.
I would suggest that with a change of anmeldung to Rhein one would be surprised at the result from there.

good luck.
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Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link ....
2/04/06 1:26 en respuesta a John Daniel.
There could be two possible visa statu for a PhD student. One wissenschaftliche mitarbeiter, that is rente raid status. Other status is not Rente paid (tex free scholarship from research organizations like DAAD). How second type of PhD period would be counted for NE ?

I have been in Germany since 4 years. I am employed now. I have been student for my first three years. I did not work first year, worked more than 50 days in my second year hence paid Rente, worked less than 50 days in third year hence did not pay Rente. To which extent this period can give me benefit ? . When I could be able to applying for a NE.

I heard that living 8 years in Germany on a valid visa status (student or employed), one is able to apply for NE. Its mean a person who has been student only for 8 years, without any other condition, can apply for a NE.

I would be very thankful for someone clarifying my confusions.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Student time is considered for NE ..read this link ....
3/04/06 21:04 en respuesta a John Daniel.

Student time is not at all counted for NE anyway.

After legally residing in De, one can apply for citizenship. But at the time of application, you must not be a student. You must have an employment visa.


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