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Need advice for geting work permit for wife (on dependent visa)

Hallo alle!
I have come to Germany 2 months back on an scholarship for 9 months (Master Thesis). My wife and son have also come with me.The scholarship does not cover my family but I support them with my savings.
My wife has 5 years of experience in IT and she got a job offer in Berlin. Presently she is on a dependent visa and we will get the residence permit soon. My questions are:-
1. Can she get a work permit based on the job offer?
2. If yes, which section of law states that, as we went to the aueslanderamt and they did not sound positive.
3. In an discussion with the employers we got to know that, they have not given the job posting in bundesarbeitsagentur. But they did conduct interviews for all the applicants. Will this cause a problem in the case, as I think the application also goes to bundesarbeitsagentur?

In any case we have given the application at aueslanderamt today and if I can show them the section of law may be they are a bit positive towards us.

Vielen Dank,
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Re: Need advice for geting work permit for wife (on dependent visa)
31/10/11 15:14 en respuesta a Alok Dua.
Unfortunately there is no law section for you to get a positive result. The workpermit will be decided by the arbeitsagentur and the preferences will be germans, EU citizens and then non EU's. The company has to prove that they have not found a suitable candidate for the position or if you are lucky the arbeitsagentur will just give the permit without problem if the salary is very high. You just have to wait and see what the decision is.
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Re: Need advice for geting work permit for wife (on dependent visa)
31/10/11 15:48 en respuesta a Alok Dua.
Thanks for replying back raj.
How long do you think this procedure will take? We want to accordingly reply the employers regarding the start date.
Also when you said very high salary, can you indicate the level?
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Re: Need advice for geting work permit for wife (on dependent visa)
31/10/11 16:12 en respuesta a Alok Dua.
Hello Raj,

I found this after searching the net. Of course it is the same as you said! My wife is an IT professional and I found the following in Bundesagentur fuer arbeit:-

Die Zulassung ausländischer IT-Fachkräfte erfolgt nach § 19 AufenthG als Hochqualifizierte oder nach § 18 AufenthG iVm § 27 BeschV als qualifizierte IT-Fachkraft.

Eine Niederlassungserlaubnis nach § 19 AufenthG können Spezialisten und leitende Angestellte mit besonderer Berufserfahrung ohne Zustimmung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit von der Ausländerbehörde erhalten, wenn sie ein Gehalt in Höhe von mindestens der Beitragsbemessungsgrenze der allgemeinen Rentenversicherung erhalten.


But here again the question remains. What is the contribution assessment ceiling of the general pension scheme? Do you know where I can find the answer?
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Re: Need advice for geting work permit for wife (on dependent visa)
31/10/11 17:42 en respuesta a Alok Dua.
>>How long do you think this procedure will take?

A few weeks to few months

>>We want to accordingly reply the employers regarding the start date.

You cannot give a start date. the date from which your wife gets the workpermit will be the start date and the company will take that into consideration. Never ever start working before getting the workpermit, even if the company says so.

>>Also when you said very high salary, can you indicate the level?

For 2011 it is 66000 Euros
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