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Also got the NE today ! Thanks VPMK !

Also got the NE today ! Thanks VPMK !
12/09/05 16:21
Hi All ,

Today got the NE after 5 years ( based on §9 ) .
I applied through VPMK lawyers and they were of a great help in my application .
Thanks also for Mr. Sorgenfrei at the ABH Frankfurt who was very professional and helpfull and very aware of the new law and respectfull for the IT specialists .

Detlev , your web site for the Green carders was of a great help also , ,many thanks .

regards to all .
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Also got the NE today ! Thanks VPMK !
12/09/05 16:30 en respuesta a yousef hijaz.
Lemme be the first to congratulates you and wish you all the best for the new perspectives this will bring to your life.

Welcome to the §9-NE Club :-)

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Also got the NE today ! Thanks VPMK !
12/09/05 16:34 en respuesta a yousef hijaz.
Thanks Nobody for your support also and your continious feedbacks and usefull info !!
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Also got the NE today ! Thanks VPMK !
12/09/05 17:25 en respuesta a yousef hijaz.

Congrats !


§9-NE Club will not be a big deal;
Eventually we all(GCers) will get use to it.:-) !
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Also got the NE today ! Thanks VPMK !
12/09/05 17:34 en respuesta a yousef hijaz.
Can you tell, how long it took u to get the
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Also got the NE today ! Thanks VPMK !
12/09/05 17:38 en respuesta a yousef hijaz.

you're most than welcome, but the big question now is, what do you plan for the/your future. It's true that before getting NE one can't really fix his mind and get it right to what he would like/can do down here, because it's hard to invest oneself and to think of the future in proper terms.

But now that you got it, and as I said, this can open more perspectives for your life, it's time to settle your mind down (your body is already, isn't it? :-))

Take care,

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Also got the NE today ! Thanks VPMK !
12/09/05 19:04 en respuesta a yousef hijaz.

Congrat. for getting NE.


You raised a good Q regarding NE!

I find you more active than B4 :-)

Did you try to know about "Integration" stuff necessary to get "Einbürgerung"?

GCN (Normalisiert/Akzeptiert)
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Also got the NE today ! Thanks VPMK !
12/09/05 20:36 en respuesta a yousef hijaz.

I find myself less active than b4 :-) maybe it's because by the time I had NE my boss was on holidays and I had to take in charge :-) But I'm here whenever I can, and when I click on my browser URL tab, T7 is the first in the Top 10 URLs I visit, then maybe you're right :-) (BTW I use Opera)

"Did you try to know about "Integration" stuff necessary to get "Einbürgerung"?", no, I will wait for the 3 years to be full for that, I don't want to stress myself with the courses, first before I don't have enough time for that (even though I would like to) and second because I think that just handing some1 a paper after he/she made Integration courses to say that he/she is integrated is really not what real integration is.

I don't want to raise question and all the hell of with what is integration or not, but if it's the way they consider one has integrated, then I will never be.

Never went to a German course, but able to speak German (not as fluent as a German and not as gramatically good as my wife would), I think that's showing more interest in the German culture to be called integrated.

BTW Does some1 knows what happened to the first GC? He left (if I remember well) because thinking of having no real future down here, has he changed his mind and came back?

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Also got the NE today ! Thanks VPMK !
12/09/05 22:24 en respuesta a yousef hijaz.

you raised a good question, but i guess it totally depend on people to people what make them happy.

future is open for all, If some one plan to settle down in germany its a great start with NE.For a person who would not afford to live without a job its hard.

Its all priorities one make what will follow after NE.

Congrates to all U guys.

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Also got the NE today ! Thanks VPMK !
13/09/05 11:47 en respuesta a yousef hijaz.
Hi * ,

@JackDaniels : it took me about 4 months due to the long waiting period of Security checks .
By the way Security checks in Frankfurt takes 6 months , but because of some additional "hurry up" from my lawyers it took less than 6 months !!

@Nobody : your point of what to do is correct !!
what else needs to be done in my opinion is try to invest in something that could strengthen and enrich your carrier and future :

- buy a proporty
- or Invistigate esatblishing and additional small bussiness activity ( startup ) .
- pursue studies .

My self decide to take a big Risk ( I like risks )
and to take a Part-Time MBA studies in Management strting this week and I looking around for buying a small apartement.

This and all to be done before applying to Citezenship . if successeded in getting it , i will be prepared to work in any Europian country .
Looks ambitious but hope that every GC will think this way . Do not loose hope and direction .

cheers to all
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Also got the NE today ! Thanks VPMK !
13/09/05 12:18 en respuesta a yousef hijaz.

Congragulations for your success and welcome once again to the NE club:-)!!

I wish you suceed in all your plans

Best Regards
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Also got the NE today ! Thanks VPMK !
13/09/05 12:21 en respuesta a yousef hijaz.

I dont think that first GC Harianto Wijaya has ever left Germany.

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Re: Also got the NE today ! Thanks VPMK !
13/09/05 14:03 en respuesta a yousef hijaz.

Some1 has to try to find him then. His brother was browsing around T7 some months ago, is he still here?

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Re: Also got the NE today ! Thanks VPMK !
13/09/05 14:18 en respuesta a yousef hijaz.
well, give him a call :-)

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Re: Also got the NE today ! Thanks VPMK !
13/09/05 15:15 en respuesta a yousef hijaz.
Thanks, I will, be sure of and I will let you know by tomorrow :-)

0 (0 Votos)

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