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Visa Questions

Passport/Citizenship after NE

Passport/Citizenship after NE
25/06/13 10:21
Hi all,

Would really appreciate if someone can answer the below query and share his or her practical experiences:
  1. If a Blue card holder gets his NE (Permanent residence visa) in 21 months will he be eligible for applying  German citizenship/ passport  3 years after getting the NE? Of it is required to have total 7 to 8 years duration without any break?
  2. What would happen to his spouse if she just join him? Will she be eligible for applying for the German citizenship/ passport at the same time or the spouse also require to stay 8 years?
I would really appreciate your quick respond J
Kind regards,
0 (0 Votos)

RE: Passport/Citizenship after NE
26/06/13 10:27 en respuesta a raj aryan.
Really appriciate if some one take the time to answere my above queries. Thanks in advance. emoticon
0 (0 Votos)

RE: Passport/Citizenship after NE
26/06/13 11:42 en respuesta a raj aryan.
Hi all,

Would really appreciate if someone can answer the below query and share his or her practical experiences:
  1. If a Blue card holder gets his NE (Permanent residence visa) in 21 months will he be eligible for applying  German citizenship/ passport  3 years after getting the NE? Of it is required to have total 7 to 8 years duration without any break?
  2. What would happen to his spouse if she just join him? Will she be eligible for applying for the German citizenship/ passport at the same time or the spouse also require to stay 8 years?
I would really appreciate your quick respond J
Kind regards,

You need to have  7/8 years continous stay to get your citizenship. Having blue card has no influence  on reduction of period of stay.

If you integrate your spouse along with you then the minimum stay is reduced to 4 years for her
0 (0 Votos)

RE: Passport/Citizenship after NE
26/06/13 12:19 en respuesta a Sudar Sankar.
If you integrate your spouse along with you then the minimum stay is
reduced to 4 years for her .

married/partner  for minimum 2 Years with German and living in germany for 3 years .
Some other conditions need to be fullfilled too.
Remeber this type of citizepship is discretionary, not your right. It can be or cannot be granted.

Damit Sie eine Einbürgerung schon nachdrei Jahren rechtmäßigen
Inlandsaufenthalt beantragen können, müssen Sie seit mindestens zwei
mit einer oder einem deutschen Staatsangehörigen verheiratet
beziehungsweise verpartnert sein.

Read more about 'Einbürgerung bei deutschem Ehegatten oder Lebenspartner'
-2 (2 Votos)

RE: Passport/Citizenship after NE
26/06/13 14:09 en respuesta a Vishal Lakhanpal.
Please do read my statement I have mentioned that If husband and wife are integrating together then the rule say "Miteinbürgerung von Ehegatten und minderjährigen Kindern
(nach § 10 Abs. 2 Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetz)

Ihr Ehegatte und Ihre minderjährigen Kinder können mit Ihnen eingebürgert werden, auch wenn sich Ihre Angehörigen noch nicht acht Jahre rechtmäßig und gewöhnlich in Deutschland aufhalten.

Grundsätzlich müssen die Voraussetzungen für eine Anspruchseinbürgerung auch für Ihre Familienangehörigen erfüllt sein.

Bei einem miteinzubürgernden Ehegatten genügt ein 4-jähriger rechtmäßiger und gewöhnlicher Aufenthalt bei einer 2-jährigen Dauer der ehelichen Lebensgemeinschaft. "

Four years in Germany and their Partnership should have existed atleast 2 years at the time of application for citizenship

@dervish: Wat you were saying is 'Einbürgerung bei deutschem Ehegatten oder Lebenspartner'  and i have said about  is Miteinbürgerung von Ehegatten
+2 (2 Votos)

RE: Passport/Citizenship after NE
27/06/13 16:11 en respuesta a Sudar Sankar.
Many thanks for your repsond. I had NE and was lived Germany from Jan 2001 till May 2007 then had internal transfer to the same company in Dubai. They gave an statement in my passport that i am allowed to work outside of Germany more than six months is i worked in the same coutnry. In 2010 they asked me when should i come back I said i can not decide and i don't know the date yet. Then they put ungultic stamp on the statement ( where it was stated that my parmanent residence will be valied even after six month). Now i got the blue card and not sure if i can apply for the citizen/passport if i get  NE again after 21 months and then after living 3 more years....
0 (0 Votos)

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