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Visa Questions

Bue Card - Job Search Visa!

Bue Card - Job Search Visa!
28/11/12 12:11

yesterday I posted some information about the new possibilty of applying for a 6 month 'Job Search Visa' under the new Blue Card sheme.

I just repeat this in an extra thread to make it easier to be found by interested experts:


when you apply for a job search visa for 6 month you will realize that most of the Embassy/Consulate officers pretend not to know about it. So it is better to print out the paragraph of the law and present it together with your application.

Section 18c: Title of stay for the search of work for qualified skilled workers
(1) A foreigner, who owns a German or accepted university degree or a foreign university degree that is similar to a German one and who can earn the money for living, can get a title of stay for up to six month to use this time for the search of a job that suits his/her degree. The title of stay does not allow the foreigner to work.(2) A stretch of the title of stay of the already mentioned maximum time, paragraph 1, cannot be given. A title of stay after paragraph 1 can be permitted again if the foreigner stayed in a foreign country as long as he/she did stay, related to the title of stay after paragraph one, in the republic.(3) Paragraph 1 does not relate to foreigners who stayed in the republic concerning to another reason.

in German..

§ 18c Aufenthaltstitel zur Arbeitsplatzsuche für qualifizierte Fachkräfte
(1) Einem Ausländer, der über einen deutschen oder anerkannten oder einem deutschen Hochschulabschluss vergleichbaren ausländischen Hochschulabschluss verfügt und dessen Lebensunterhalt gesichert ist, kann ein Aufenthaltstitel zur Suche nach einem der Qualifikation angemessenen Arbeitsplatz für bis zu sechs Monate erteilt werden. Der Aufenthaltstitel berechtigt nicht zur Erwerbstätigkeit.(2) Eine Verlängerung des Aufenthaltstitels über den in Absatz 1 genannten Höchstzeitraum hinaus ist ausgeschlossen. Ein Aufenthaltstitel nach Absatz 1 kann erneut nur erteilt werden, wenn sich der Ausländer nach seiner Ausreise mindestens so lange imAusland aufgehalten hat, wie er sich zuvor auf der Grundlage eines Aufenthaltstitels nach Absatz 1 im Bundesgebiet aufgehalten hat.(3) Absatz 1 findet keine Anwendung auf Ausländer, die sich mit einem Aufenthaltstitel zu einem anderen Zweck im Bundesgebiet aufhalten.

So you have to prove that your degree will  be accepted in Germany. If it is like this you can check here:


If they ask you for an address you can give the address of a cheap hotel for the beginning and explain, that you will search for an apartment when you arrived in Germany.

But where to go? If you have some friends who are already living in Germany, you should try to find an apartment close to them. You can not search for 24 hours a day, so you will have spare time and you will feel better if you have somebody who you can meet.

Though you do not have an offer when you apply for the job search visa it does not matter where you go first, but you should not book a hotel or an apartment for a longer period in advance.

The phone and internet and also the transport facilities in Germany are on a high standard, so you can reach any part of the country from any point easily. So why should you go to an area where the living cost are very high, like in Munich? Or where it is very difficult to find a cheap apartment like in Berlin? You can search and ask about the different parts of Germany, the living costs, the number of fellow country men or other important points via the internet.

Maybe some of our members can give some tips here?

My time is limited so I can not tell you more at the moment, but there is one very important tip!!! 

Use the time you have to wait for the visa to learn German!!!!!

Good luck

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