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tax group / kindergeld

tax group / kindergeld
21/02/05 12:27
I have posted this message a couple of days ago and it seems will be swept under the carpet... Therefeore I take the liberty to post it again here.

Hi all,

I have been in Germany with my family for more than 4 years. We plan now that my wife and our two kids more to my home country. How is this going to impact my tax group and the kindergeld payments.

Appreciate your help!

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Re: tax group / kindergeld
21/02/05 12:40 en respuesta a Risto Minev.
Hi R

I´m not a specialist, but there are two things you have to take into account:

1- You have the duty to inform the authorities any change in your home situation

2- When you do that, your Steuerklasse will go surely to I (you must be III now isn´t it?) and you stop earning Kindergeld. You can check your new salary with


(and start crying).

BUT you can recover any money in the next year because you will have Doppelhaushalt (please consult a Steuerberater!!)
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Re: tax group / kindergeld
21/02/05 13:06 en respuesta a Risto Minev.
YO is right, that's how it will go for you.

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Re: tax group / kindergeld
21/02/05 13:42 en respuesta a Risto Minev.
thanks guys for being there for many of us (occasionals) all this time.

By the way, from YO's reply it does not sound as bad, as I initially thought. As long as I can recover the lost salary the whole scenario should work OK for us.

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Re: tax group / kindergeld
21/02/05 14:47 en respuesta a Risto Minev.
BUT you can recover any money in the next year because you will have Doppelhaushalt (please consult a Steuerberater!!)



I accept one could recover ONLY some part of it. Basically you will loose about 400- 500 Eur ( assuming of 40K per annum) and 2 kinder geld of 300 . So toatlly u loose about 700- 800 Eur per month. Based on my expereince, i guess u may recover about max 30- 40 % of it after showing big amount of money u have send to them and additonally lots of paper work to get from your native country. If i am in your position, i will send them home and once in 6 months keep coming to germany. That way u need not deregister from Rathus.

Hope it helps you.


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Re: tax group / kindergeld
21/02/05 14:52 en respuesta a Risto Minev.
And how much will flight cost?
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Re: tax group / kindergeld
21/02/05 16:40 en respuesta a Risto Minev.
If i am in your position, i will send them home and once in 6 months keep coming to germany. That way u need not deregister from Rathus.

Hi Baskey,

That is doable in my case. However is it legal?

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Re: tax group / kindergeld
21/02/05 16:55 en respuesta a Risto Minev.
yes, it is legal as long as they keep visiting you for every six months. Some times u r lucky could get special permission frm ur AA for extended stay of more than 6 months(with geniune reasons).

However if your child reaches the age of schooling then Rathus will send u a letter assuming that u r not allowing them to these German Schools!.( some how any way it is not a permanent remedy


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Kindergeld and an 18yr old
20/09/06 21:29 en respuesta a Risto Minev.
My child is going to turn 18 in one month. And is now doing her Ausbildung here in Germany. Does kindergeld stop at 18 or keep going? And since she started her job last week will they take one month away from me now
Any help would be appreciated even if you email me

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Re: tax group / kindergeld
20/09/06 23:15 en respuesta a Risto Minev.

the new FAQ section can help :-)


If you still need info, try the new 'Search Function', and mark 'search in trust7'.


Good luck
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