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11/04/07 20:08
Hello Friends,

Did any one try Ermessenseinbürgerung nach § 8 StAG mit besonderem öffentlichen Interesse nach 3 Jahren.

It means if Germany is interested on your profile, you can get DE passport within 3 years. JUST LIKE HIGHLY QUALIFIED DE PASSPORT.

I am going to give a try. i was in the Einbürgerungsamt and after 20 minutes of debate, they told me that they will write me in May if it is possible.

They are bit convinced that i have NE §19. I shall inform you all the outcome.

I just want to know if anyone has applied for it. in principle, you can apply after 6 years under Asylberechtigte or 8 years normal. But i will be finishing my 8 years only next year and my Bayern state will not calculate 1.5 years of bewelligung..
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12/04/07 9:28 en respuesta a Rajesh Shankar.
Hi All,
could anyone advice ?
I am married since 2002 with a german wife.have an Unbefristet Aufenthaltstitel or settlement permit since 2005. I want to apply for the german citizenship but at the time being we are not living in germany for professional reasons
(I do come on regular basis to Germany though). would this be possible ? if yes, how?does this cause any problems?
are there possibilities I might loose my Aufenthaltstitel since am not residing there ?
or do you think it is wiser to keep a second adress in germany als nebenwohnungsitz?

Raj . sorry to send this in your reply section , I was not able to find the icon (post a new message). probably you could advice how I can do it in the future.
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Re: Ermessenseinbürgerung
12/04/07 11:07 en respuesta a Rajesh Shankar.
Got this from a group. Do you think whats mentioned in Para2 is possible? What do they exactly mean?

Ein Ausländer, der seit acht Jahren rechtmäßig seinen gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt im Inland hat....

Weist ein Ausländer durch die Bescheinigung des Bundesamtes für
Migration und Flüchtlinge die erfolgreiche Teilnahme an einem Integrationskurs
nach, wird die Frist nach Absatz 1 auf sieben Jahre verkürzt.

Bei Vorliegen besonderer Integrationsleistungen, insbesondere beim Nachweis
von Sprachkenntnissen, die die Voraussetzungen des Absatzes 1
Satz 1 Nr. 6 übersteigen, kann sie auf sechs Jahre verkürzt werden.
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Re: Ermessenseinbürgerung
12/04/07 11:47 en respuesta a Rajesh Shankar.
This is for the people living in NRW;


It says that it is possible to have citizenship after 6 years but the law has yet to be passed.
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Re: Ermessenseinbürgerung
12/04/07 19:23 en respuesta a Rajesh Shankar.
Hi Rajesh,
I would like to know how it went for you. I am in Berlin but would like to talk to you about it. I am also a potential applicant under the same category. Could you post your email address here? I read your insight into buying a flat some time ago and found it extremely useful.
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Re: Ermessenseinbürgerung
13/04/07 12:16 en respuesta a Rajesh Shankar.
@ bizzare,

As i told you, i am still waiting for an answer. The concerned person who is dealing my case is in holiday and she took a copy of my passport and she will have a through look on to my Akte before she makes a decision :-). This probably might be in the Month of MAY. I actually went to apply for Daueraufenthalt-EG but changed my mind and entered the Einbürgerungs office. I am 50% confident that they should work on my case positively.

the law clearly states that if you are highly qualified or an extremely gifted sportsman, the state needs to look on to your case for giving a citizenship after 3 years . Well, we are not that highly qualified but why should we underestimate ourselves..so let us give a try...

I am travelling a lot these days and especially in MAY. so i shall try to give you a feedback in early June.

My email address is rajeshspg(at)yahoo(dot)com

Best Regards
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Re: Ermessenseinbürgerung
30/10/09 18:53 en respuesta a Rajesh Shankar.

please can you update on your status? I´m also considering this option :-) So any info will be of great help, Thanks in advance!!!!!
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Re: Ermessenseinbürgerung
4/11/09 11:21 en respuesta a Rajesh Shankar.
Actually, i applied the normal way after 8 years as the officer told me that special cases might require more than 2 years of processing in Bayern and it is better to wait for some more time(in my case i had only 1 year waiting time!!) and apply normally. I did apply for § 8 as i applied in Bayern.

Regards and Good Luck!!
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Re: Ermessenseinbürgerung
4/11/09 13:56 en respuesta a Rajesh Shankar.

iam also living in Bayern. What is bewelligung ?You mean in Bayern they dont consider Student time for Citizenship?

thank you
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Re: Ermessenseinbürgerung
4/11/09 15:03 en respuesta a Rajesh Shankar.
Yes, in Bayern student time is not considered
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