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Visa Questions

Please help, need infos about staying in germany with my wife after wedding


I see that there are answers on all questions on this forum and i hope i will get good directions too.

Situation is like this:

I am from Serbia and Montenegro, and I have girlfriend in Germany and we want to get married. We got infos about papers we need in standesamt and they said we need this:
- Geburtsurkunde
- Bescheinigung über Wohnsitz mit Familienstand
- Heiratsurkunde
- Scheidungsurkunde mit Rechtskraftbescheinigung
- Ehefähigkeitszeugnis
- Passport photocopy
and maybe (they did not say but they asked a friend for, when he got married, birth certificate from my son).

Ok, paperworks, as paperworks are killer in Serbia as well as in Germany so, we have to wait a bit now.

We have another type of problem.
My girlfriend is native German, born there, lived whole live, mother German, father Romanian etc. We both have bad marriages behind and we have kids from those marriages. I have son (which still cannot come with me because Serbian laws and because my ex wife makes problems) and my future wife haves three kids (4, 8 and 14). Being single mother and with small kids, it is pretty hard to have a job there because there is nobody who can take care about kids while she is on work. So, they get every month, i thing Arbeitslosengeld II, i am not sure, and Kindergeld. My question is, if somebody can say from legal side what to do, is what and how to do that we stay as soon as we can together. Separate life is harder and harder from day to day, from both emotional and financial sides.

We had 2 advices by now...

1. To get married in Serbia and that she returns and start to fight for my right to come and join them, which can be pretty long procedure and from what we've heared can make lot of problems with sozialamt there for her, at least until we proove that I have no registered payment here

2. To get touristic visa, from any schengen country and to come there and to get married (this is unofficial from one ausländeramt employee) - being unemployed she can't make invitation for me and friends which wants to help with that are in similiar situation or with not enough money.

Considering our situation, specially the fact that she is without job and that she haves no opportunity to get one, what is the best to do? I want to get a job and to support my family but I can't without permits.

Thanks in advance
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Re: Please help, need infos about staying in germany with my wife after wed
17/11/05 12:50 en respuesta a Anakin Skywalker.
I have heard wedding in Denmark is done very quick but I do not know will that work since you are from Srbija.

look at info4alien.de
search about Denmark and wedding (on deutsch)
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Re: Please help, need infos about staying in germany with my wife after wed
17/11/05 13:51 en respuesta a Anakin Skywalker.
To get married in denmark is quite easy all u have to do is to stay there(atleast tourist visa from any schnegen country) for i think 10 days and all work will be done and it is valid in Germany
maybe this link will help u

but i dont know if she is not having job then who will pay for social security because that is also very important.
I think u search someone better thru a immigration lawyer who can pay ur living expense on papers.Otherwise there is no possiblity to join her if she is not having job and no other(friends) one is taking ur responsiblity germans dont want u to depend on there social security.
or other thing is to get a job there and go there thru arbeit visa and marry her.but i think this is not the short way for u.
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