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Salary Review
29/08/05 17:31
I have been working on GC for last 2 years. At the time of interview when discussing about salary, in good faith asked them to pay according to their company norms and as per GC regulations.They offered 40 K (including non obligatory bonus) which was ok at the beginning. After 4 performance reviews,which was excellent all the time, the salary revision was only 3 %. The work load has also increased much.Now I want to ask for salary hike. Is their any official document showing minimum salary for GC or what is the minimum
salary an GC can work.Any ideas to handle this situation are welcome.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Salary Review
29/08/05 19:13 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
Whats ur Experience, whats the turnover of ur firm ?
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Re: Salary Review
29/08/05 19:19 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
Total of 5 years (including these 2 years). My firm is an MNC with very huge turnover.
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Re: Salary Review
29/08/05 19:21 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
Just Go ahead and ask your manager for GREAT Hike !!!

Please donot be complacent here as you did inthe beginging bz asking for ´company stds´

Ask ..u shall receve !!
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Salary Review
29/08/05 19:46 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
Thanks GCK, but the issue is how to convince. According to HR the last hike I got (3%) is highest it seems.I was planning to show document which says 50K per year should be paid for GC holder,and some how I missed it for 2 years.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Salary Review
29/08/05 19:56 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
yeah ! There are documents stating minimum requirements on salary etc..I am sorry I cannot recall that now..DvD, if he sees this will help !!

Just tell your boss how expensive daily life si ..ima sure he too is feeling the brunt as for higher than 50 !!

Just stick to ur guns !!
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Salary Review
29/08/05 20:09 en respuesta a Hari Hari.

I wonder how you even got 3% hike. Why should they pay you more, when they can make you slog-your-butt-off for cheap? You seem to be surviving(well...you aint dead yet) with your present salary and you certainly dont plan leaving the company in near future, infect you are so damn comfortable with your job that you have stopped checking job market. Actually, they have done you a favour by hiring, otherwise you would die out of boredom and cold. Considering, that they provide you with a warm place to hang out for 8 hours, you should actually be paying them money instead of asking for a raise :-)

No offence, but thats how the management would like to think of your case :-)
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Re: Salary Review
29/08/05 20:20 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
uhhh.... strange thinking. may be they think so.I was wondering if I stick on my demand will they be offended or think practically and act sensibly.
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Re: Salary Review
29/08/05 20:25 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
50 is old law, and even in old law it was obligatory only if you do not have degree.
with degree maybe ~39 was min

however that was old law. now the salary should only be apropriate and even 30 or 35 is apropriate.
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Re: Salary Review
29/08/05 20:31 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
"if I stick on my demand will they be offended or think practically and act sensibly."

lol...if I were your boss I would rather opt for economical reaction (i.e. being offended/insulted/humiliated/angry and not pay you a single penny more) than non-profitable reaction (i.e. being practical/sensible/nice/human....etc. and raise your salary so that other employees will also wake up and join the queue)
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Re: Salary Review
29/08/05 20:37 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
Sorry Guys comming back to the same question. Problem is in a team of 8 member all are earning more than 50K except me because the day I joined was not known that they do the hike only by 4% at a maximum.

Other thing to be noted here Iam the senior in the team and work for many areas where none of the team members work. I share the same responsibilites like them. Iam a permanent employee in this company but not happy with this salary. I am with a child and wife.

They know Iam earning the least but say simply it's not company policy to increase at a time by 5000 Euros. Iam a graduate (non IT) with 8 years IT experience which includes 5yrs relevant area experience.

I have a review tomorrow and would like to show them a solid proof so that they increase my salary at least 5000 euros.

If any one knows how to request or demand in this situation pls help me.
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Re: Salary Review
29/08/05 20:58 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
"If any one knows how to request or demand in this situation pls help me."

Now you are talking business :-) Consider this scenario, today after work you went back home and your wife tells you that you have got a job offer from a big MNC and they are offering you 55K + Perks. Being a reasonble/sensible human being you dont immediately jump-up to the new job-offer and decide to give your present employer one last chance. So, tomorrow you and the HR Manager sit across the table and discuss all the possible options. In light of the new information that someone has put a new price tag of 55K on your head, he suddenly feels himself in presence of an enlightened soul and begs you to recosider your decision.....ofcourse with a raise in your salary :-)
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Re: Salary Review
29/08/05 21:12 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
Thanks for the reply.Well if this trick goes well Iam happy emoticon. If not is it a good idea to hold the position after expressing our interest in price tags of other companies.
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Re: Salary Review
29/08/05 21:15 en respuesta a Hari Hari.

you mentioned a few good arguments in your last posting. Getting the support of the boss (if the HR decides on this topic) helps and is one of the most important things.

The rule of a thumb when negotiating:
Be persistant and hard on the problem and nice and friendly with the person.

It is not only that your technical experience matters when speaking for a raise but also your "social competence". Ironic in the IT branch but very true especialy in the bigger companies. Show confidence.

good luck

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Re: Salary Review
30/08/05 14:08 en respuesta a Hari Hari.

No venture no success.Give it your best shot !
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RE: Re: Salary Review
2/12/15 10:59 en respuesta a Hari Hari.
Hari Hari:
Thanks for the reply.Well if this trick goes well Iam happy emoticon. If not is it a good idea to hold the position after expressing our interest in price tags of other companies.
Dear Hari Hari,

may i know what was the outcome of your meeting?

Best regards,
+1 (1 Voto)

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