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Visa Questions

Benefits of B.E.

Benefits of B.E.
25/03/09 13:44
Hi friends,

I am in Germany since March 2003 and did my MS here. I am working from April 2006.
I think I may not be eligible for NE. So I am planning to go for BE.

Other than company independent status, are there any otehr benefits for this BE?
If u loose a job on BE, how long u can stay in Germany?
Im planning to bring my spouse here, does BE makes the process slower than AE(as its valid till Oct 2010)?

Thanx in advance.
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Re: Benefits of B.E.
25/03/09 13:50 en respuesta a kewl buddy.
The main advantage of BE is the case when you loose a job or if you want to change your job.

You can immediately start working for new company without going through the hassles of arbeitsamt. This factor plays a big difference in present economic situation.

You can stay as long as your visa is valid with BE in case if you loose job.

Dependent visa does not make any difference between AE and BE.
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Re: Benefits of B.E.
25/03/09 14:19 en respuesta a kewl buddy.

you have chances to get NE even if you lose your job.

You can count your study times to get NE, but to the half. It is stated by law in §9.(4) AufenthG (Niederlassungserlaubnis/NE in fhttp://www.aufenthaltstitel.de/aufenthaltsg.html#9 ).

The difference ( (April 2006) - (March 2003) ) gives 3 years 1 month, which is 36 months. Only half of this period is considered for NE.

From April 2006 till March 2009, 3 years passed again, this gives 36 months.

According to the formula above, 36 + 36 / 2 = 54 months are eligible for NE.

If you loose your job, you just need to get 6 months of ALG-I (Arbeitslosegeld) in which your unemployment benefit from state pays pension fund (Rentenversicherung) which is needed for NE, because it is required the months where you paid Rentenversicherung, no matter how (working or unemployed). Your unemployment times are considered for NE!

If you don't lose your job, you can apply for NE in September, because it is 6 months away.

As soon as you loose job, go to Arbeitsamt immediately and apply for Arbeitslosegeld, so that you get the chances I address here.

According to the link from raj, you can stay max. 18 months as unemployed in Germany, because you have worked 3 years:

These 18 months will be enough for you to get NE.

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Re: Benefits of B.E.
25/03/09 14:22 en respuesta a kewl buddy.
Thanx a lot klenze and baba for prompt replies.
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Re: Benefits of B.E.
25/03/09 14:31 en respuesta a kewl buddy.
Another huge advantage of BE, is that you can take any Job on the market in any field, whereas for AE you can only work in a specific field and sometimes only for a specific company.
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Re: Benefits of B.E.
2/04/09 14:36 en respuesta a kewl buddy.
Hi friends,

Finally I got my B.E today in Munich. Thanx to babashankar,klenze17 and AxEnNeSo.

Its written as "Unselbständige Beschäftigung gestattet. Selbständige Tätigkeit nicht gestattet"
Is it all?

Surprisingly the Beamter didnt ask for any kind of documents from me except for passport and foto.
It was a matter of 5-7 minutes.

I did ask him if I am eligible for NE now and he said theoritically yes. But they need to check some docs which I have to submit soon.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Benefits of B.E.
2/04/09 15:34 en respuesta a kewl buddy.

What is the difference between "$ 18 Abs 4 Satz 1 Aufenth" and "$ 18 AufenthG" and accordingly "Erwerbstatigkeit nicht erlaubt, Beschaftigung jeglicher Art gestattet" and "Unselbständige Beschäftigung gestattet. Selbständige Tätigkeit nicht gestattet" in simple words.

Thanks in advance.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Benefits of B.E.
2/04/09 16:19 en respuesta a kewl buddy.
Congratulations, that's it, you can do everything except freelancing.

I just don't understand how they told you that you're eligible for NE now. You worked 3 years and studied 3 years before that?
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Re: Benefits of B.E.
2/04/09 17:16 en respuesta a kewl buddy.
Thanx AxeN.

Beamter said this according to
"Possession of a residence permit ("Aufenthaltserlaubnis") for at least five years"

But he said, he need to check if i can meet all the other requirements for NE.
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Re: Benefits of B.E.
2/04/09 18:49 en respuesta a kewl buddy.
Hello Klenze17,

Could you please comment on my post up?

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Re: Benefits of B.E.
2/04/09 20:07 en respuesta a kewl buddy.

same meaning but different words
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Re: Benefits of B.E.
3/04/09 1:28 en respuesta a kewl buddy.
Thanks Raj.
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Re: Benefits of B.E.
3/04/09 4:15 en respuesta a kewl buddy.
AxEnNeSo wrote on 02.04.2009 13:19
I just don't understand how they told you that you're eligible for NE now. You worked 3 years and studied 3 years before that?

AxEnNeSo, could you please read my 1st post in the thread? I have given reference to law that he has chances to get NE. There are several similar cases explained by officials at http://info4alien.de .

RainFall wrote on 02.04.2009 12:34
What is the difference between "$ 18 Abs 4 Satz 1 Aufenth" and "$ 18 AufenthG" and accordingly "Erwerbstatigkeit nicht erlaubt, Beschaftigung jeglicher Art gestattet" and "Unselbständige Beschäftigung gestattet. Selbständige Tätigkeit nicht gestattet" in simple words.

AufenthG §18 ( http://www.aufenthaltstitel.de/aufenthaltsg.html#18 ) is an explanatory law item, according to which work purpose a limited residence permit is given. This permit is regulated usually by Arbeitsamt. In Germany, if a residence permit is limited, then this law item defines the work permit. §18 Abs 4 Satz 1 AufenthG is:

Ein Aufenthaltstitel zur Ausübung einer Beschäftigung nach Absatz 2, die eine qualifizierte Berufsausbildung voraussetzt, darf nur für eine Beschäftigung in einer Berufsgruppe erteilt werden, die durch Rechtsverordnung nach § 42 zugelassen worden ist.

This is usually an IT job or engineering job. I am a Greencard person, got my Greencard (IT-ArGV) in December 2004 and I got my residence permit in January 2005 according to this item, because Greencard is related to IT/engineering jobs. I am an electrical engineer.

I confirm what raj said:

"Erwerbstatigkeit nicht erlaubt, Beschaftigung jeglicher Art gestattet"

Means: Freelancing not permitted, instead you can do any job you want (you can work even as a McDonalds front-desk or you can work as a manager , any kind of job)

"Unselbständige Beschäftigung gestattet. Selbständige Tätigkeit nicht gestattet" in simple words.

Exactly the same meaning but different words. Some officials write the first, some the other one. Matter of taste.

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Re: Benefits of B.E.
3/04/09 13:00 en respuesta a kewl buddy.
I already read your post, and I'm familiar with the law. 54 months are not enough for NE, he still needs 6 months and then he's eligible...
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Re: Benefits of B.E.
23/04/09 14:08 en respuesta a kewl buddy.
Yor are right Axen. Today I went to ABH and submitted reqd docs for NE. The beamter took sometime and checked the docs and said Im not yet eligible for NE and must come around Dec2009, even though I tried to convince him by explaining "RentenversicherungsVerluaf".
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