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terrorist attack

terrorist attack
26/07/05 15:28
Just a "lunch time" thought.

In my mind, this topic come more frequent as it use to be.
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Re: terrorist attack
27/07/05 7:22 en respuesta a Seng Kiang Hoe.
terrorists == problems, at least by majority

people in Europe do not want to have problems

that's why terrorists exist

i guess i made a good contribution to this topic? ;)
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Re: terrorist attack
3/08/05 22:32 en respuesta a Seng Kiang Hoe.
I think your contribution is bollox. Terrorists exist because bad governments create them. When is a terrorist a terrorist and a revolutionary a freedom fighter? Governments brand different organisations with different names in the media to win the support of the general population. Take for example the struggle for equal/civil rights of the ANC in South-Africa. The government there branded them terrorists for years and imprisoned it's leader for thirty years, he's now an ex-president of that country. Martin McGuinness of Northern Irelands Sinn Fein was a former "Terrorist" now he is the minister for education in Northern Ireland.
Why can't people wake up and smell the fucking coffee? People are getting blown to bits on trains and planes are crashing into buildings because the hatred has been bred into the families of those by successive money/oil greedy governments who tore up the middle east and sold out the Arabs. The US thinks it's dealing with the native American indians again. This time they took on just a bit too much!
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Re: terrorist attack
4/08/05 3:32 en respuesta a Seng Kiang Hoe.
"I think your contribution is bollox."

lol you didn't understand what i tried to say.

the main problem is not in money/oil greedy governments, the main problem is that ordinary people in industrial countries do not want to have problems, do not want to hear anything about problems, are lazy, do not care about their neighbours at all and all believe that they are protected and the problems will not touch them

the terrorists try to show them that they are wrong and that if they will be ignorant to others and let their governments to do everything they want to do, they will be targeted and will never be safe
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Re: terrorist attack
4/08/05 5:25 en respuesta a Seng Kiang Hoe.
and i wouldn't underestimate indians, they have forgot nothing. they just have a different culture, it's not common there to react at once
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Re: terrorist attack
4/08/05 5:34 en respuesta a Seng Kiang Hoe.
and btw under the curcumstances (that is how the world system is built now) i really do not see any difference between terrorists and freedom fighters. the only difference is, that new technologies have made it possible to establish new ways of robbering some poor people, presenting it as helping those poor people. the stick always has two ends - new technologies were developed by other side as well.
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Re: terrorist attack
4/08/05 5:45 en respuesta a Seng Kiang Hoe.
lol just wanted to add one more contribution here:

when Jews will admit that they are Arabs and Arabs will admit that they are Jews? ;)

so to say when both sides will be ready to say truth? ;)
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