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Finding a place in Kita in Berlin

Finding a place in Kita in Berlin
20/07/12 15:06
Hi All,
I would be moving to Berlin, in the October 2012.
We have a baby of 3 years old, could any one let us know what would be the process and possiblities to get a place for her in Kita in Public school.

1)  How long will it take to get admission for her in Kita.
2)  How much does a private kita will charge.
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RE: Finding a place in Kita in Berlin
22/07/12 17:33 en respuesta a Gopinathan kuppuswamy.
I have no idea of charges for a place in private Kita, but wherever your child goes, make sure that it is as near to your house as possible, so that he/she does not need to cross a road when he/she is able to come home alone.
If I were you, then I would start enquiring about nearby Kitas as soon as I find a Wohnung in Berlin. As far as I know, a child must be given a place in KG from 3 years of his/her age onwards. So I do not think that she will to wait too long.
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