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Visa Questions

How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers

How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers Parth Patel 4/07/04 0:12
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers trust 7 4/07/04 4:02
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers Parth Patel 4/07/04 12:53
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers trust 7 4/07/04 16:00
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers Hameed Ud Din 4/07/04 16:46
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers Hameed Ud Din 6/07/04 17:30
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers Fred J 6/07/04 17:53
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers Guvenc Gulce 6/07/04 18:15
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers A Alvarez 6/07/04 18:24
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers Hameed Ud Din 6/07/04 21:33
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers Guvenc Gulce 7/07/04 1:13
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers Denis von Domikulic 7/07/04 13:17
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers Denis von Domikulic 7/07/04 13:26
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers Hameed Ud Din 7/07/04 14:03
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers Srikanth Vakalapudi 7/07/04 14:15
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers Denis von Domikulic 7/07/04 14:22
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers Srikanth Vakalapudi 7/07/04 14:27
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers A Alvarez 7/07/04 14:27
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers Srikanth Vakalapudi 7/07/04 14:29
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers Srikanth Vakalapudi 7/07/04 14:33
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers Denis von Domikulic 7/07/04 14:47
Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers Srikanth Vakalapudi 7/07/04 14:54
It seems in new Immigration law doesn't have a point system, and Normal B. Engineer (4 year) are not consider as a " High Qualified" so it means they will not get chance to Migrate in Germany like Canada, Australia etc..

Is any one has more information please reply and help

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Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
4/07/04 4:02 en respuesta a Parth Patel.
The so called Green Card programm was a kind of a test for the Immigration Law, only for IT experts. Now the German labour market will be open for more professionals.

The prerequisite will be, that one gets a contract with a German company and if a German company will be allowed to employ a foreign expert, will depend on the economical situation.

The federal employment agency decides if a special profession is needed, because there are not enough qualified Germans, for example Engineers for building bridges, and than the agency will give a general permission for foreign Engineers to immigrate, if they will get a job.

In special cases there will be individual permissions, but at the moment nobody knows, what professions will be selected.

Do not worry about 'high qualified' and 'qualified'. The only difference is, that a high qualified person can apply for an unlimited working permission and for an unlimited visa at the beginning of his stay in Germany, other, let us say 'normal qualified' experts can apply for this after 5 years.

Everything is very new, so there are no experiences who will get the permission to come and who could call himself 'high qualified'. But the whole Immigration Law has the intention to help Germany to get the experts, who are needed. The new law gives Germany the possibility to compete with the USA, Australia, NewZealand and others, for the 'Best Brains'.

Therefore you can be sure to get a chance to come here and to stay here, if you are one of those experts.

Remember, to get a job with a German company will be the prerequisite to come. And if you find a company who wants you, you will get a lot of support from this company, in case you have to face some problems.

As soon as we know more, if we know it for sure, we will inform everybody on our website!

Good luck
Manger of trust7
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Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
4/07/04 12:53 en respuesta a Parth Patel.
Thanks Detlef,

To get a job is not difficult for me because I was working for one of the German (engineering company) since five years outside of Germany so called with their agent due to the fact that when they appoint me it was difficult to get a working permit. This company is growing good and they will help to get visa. But as you know that they never have had work for such kind of visa things so I have to collect information and provide them.

Your reply satisfies me and gives me big hope to live in Germany.

Do you think we would know better after July 9th??
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Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
4/07/04 16:00 en respuesta a Parth Patel.
Hi Parth,

the 9th of July is the day when the new law will pass the 'Bundesrat'. Which is very sure now, after the agreement between the government and the opposition parties.

We will not know more, but we already know the law since more tha 2 years. There are only minmal changes.

By the way, even with our old law there are some possibilities for an employer to hire a non European specialist. It is just a bit more paper work. So if this German company really needs you soon, they should contact me.

Have anice Sunday
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Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
4/07/04 16:46 en respuesta a Parth Patel.
I'm a newly gratuated Software Developer.
I have one question: How can i get to Green-Card if
i came to Germany on visit (my visa is still valid)?
If i have to find a job then which city is best for juniors like me
Thanks ahead
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Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
6/07/04 17:30 en respuesta a Parth Patel.
Anybody can answer my question please????????????? emoticon
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Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
6/07/04 17:53 en respuesta a Parth Patel.

It doesnt help if you ask the same questions in different threads. Who are you, where are you, and how do you plan to come to Germany on a visit? You have given zero details about yourself. And you call yourself a S/w Developer. Do you work experience. Of course you can come here on visiting visa (if someone sponsors you) and then try for a job. If you get one, you can go back to your country and get the visa stamped in the German consulate there. This is the procedure. But like D aka NoBody suggested, knowledge of German will help you. In todays economical situation, its not advised to come here and try. Look at the websites suggested by "D" and get an idea.

0 (0 Votos)

Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
6/07/04 18:15 en respuesta a Parth Patel.

I will be honest to you.. a fresh graduate without "some years" of experience and without german language knowledge(I am talking about fluent German) does not have much chance..

3-4 years ago, such a person might have a good chance but not anymore.. I have a German friend with a fresh German Informatik degree
who couldnt find a job for a year.. this is an example for you to see the picture realisticly..
(on the other hand, situation is getting better but it will never be like it was 3-4 years ago.. you may consider to come here (if you really want) after gaining some experience..)


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Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
6/07/04 18:24 en respuesta a Parth Patel.
Error, you can not get a green card only with your degree. You need a job offer first, not the other way around. And read some posts in the forum where the same question already has been answered.

If you want to read about the work situation in germany, get some information from the employment research office:
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Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
6/07/04 21:33 en respuesta a Parth Patel.
Hi guys ,
first of all sorry for providing zero detail :-)

Fred wrote:
>It doesnt help if you ask the same questions in different threads.

I didnt remember if i asked SAME question in different threads.I wrote only in 2 threads. And both time i wrote 2 different things, may be you should take a look on my other post again/?

>Who are you, where are you, and how do you plan to come to Germany on a visit? You have given zero details about yourself. And you call yourself a S/w Developer. Do you work experience.

'm in Russia, I gratuated this year and have a work experience
of 14 Months (worked in a wellknown s/w developing company in Russia). How do i plan to visit Germany: I've Schengan visa (not issued by Germany embassy)

>Of course you can come here on visiting visa (if someone sponsors you) and then try for a job. If you get one, you can go back to your country and get the visa stamped in the German consulate there.
try for job: its the thing i want your help/advice with, i'm trying through net but almost no progress. :-(
Does it help if i go there and try for a job? Why do i have to go out of Germany? Cant i change my visa status or smth like this?

>This is the procedure. But like D aka NoBody suggested, knowledge of German will help you.
I dont know German , but i can take a course here or there + looking for a job.Any problem with this?

>In todays economical situation, its not advised to come here and try. Look at the websites suggested by "D" and get an idea.

If nothing comes out then i'll come back Russia, we've enough jobs here with less pay :-) What's wrong with trying?

0 (0 Votos)

Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
7/07/04 1:13 en respuesta a Parth Patel.
"I didnt remember if i asked SAME question in different threads.I wrote only in 2 threads. And both time i wrote 2 different things, may be you should take a look on my other post again/?"

They were baiscly targeting the same point("Job in Germany"), so we can consider them as SAME question posted in 2 threads.. :-)

"I've Schengan visa (not issued by Germany embassy)"

There are some regulations regarding Schengen Visa and you are supposed to spend most of the time of your Visa in the country which issues the visa.. :-) I would investigate this a bit more detailed, If I were you..

"Does it help if i go there and try for a job?"

Are you gonna knock the door of each company and ask them if they need new employees ? I dont see a big advantage of being in Germany physically. They will offer you a telephone interview, if they think that you are good enough to be a potential employee. I personally found my job in Germany when I was in my home country and I was accepted after a telephone interview.. :-)

"I dont know German , but i can take a course here or there + looking for a job.Any problem with this?"

No problem with this.. unless you are a gifted person in language area, you wont be able to speak/understand enough German in 3 months..

"If nothing comes out then i'll come back Russia, we've enough jobs here with less pay What's wrong with trying?"

Nothing is wrong with trying but it will be just waste of your time.. :-)

PS: I think behaving like a smart *ss reduces your chance to get a constructive answer in the forums.. just FYI.. :-)

Take Care

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Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
7/07/04 13:17 en respuesta a Parth Patel.
"Re: How to find jobs in Germany for Software?
With 3 weeks search , i have started to understand written German (few words which i need)

Is it still good to go/work Germany ? or ...........? "

of course it is good.
but it is harder to get job.
it is hard when you have PR here (deutsche).
it is much harder when you have GC Visa.
it is allmost impossible if you do not have anything.

my advice is try to do something like praktika, praktikum or diplom or master arbeit.
or just find firma in russia that works something for De
that way you could get some Beziehungen that are very important to get a job.

but without german don't even try (unless you are genius and can prove that)
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Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
7/07/04 13:26 en respuesta a Parth Patel.
one more thing:
if you learn german good enough you could try to find jobs on web pages that Firma has.
Lots of companies do not want to handle 1000s of Bewrbungen so they search people on there own web page.
It is much better because than you are one between maximum 10.
On monster.de you are one between more than 1000.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
7/07/04 14:03 en respuesta a Parth Patel.
Guys bundle of thanks :-)
I'll keep in mind all what i've been told here.

Last Q: Where would you prefer to go if you're in my position? :-)
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Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
7/07/04 14:15 en respuesta a Parth Patel.
Dear Detlef,

I have a small question. As you said that the gates will open for all professionals means.. even for Pharmacutical professionals also!

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Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
7/07/04 14:22 en respuesta a Parth Patel.
Error: Where would you prefer to go if you're in my position?

where I get job. IF I get two where is salary bigger.

VSK: I have a small question. As you said that the gates will open for all professionals means.. even for Pharmacutical professionals also!

there will probably be some areas lists where ausländers are needed but I supose if you manage to get job in any area you are in
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Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
7/07/04 14:27 en respuesta a Parth Patel.

DVD.. Thanks for your response. I am working here in Germany since from 6 years.. the question is to know whether the new law will allow Pharma Professionals...

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Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
7/07/04 14:27 en respuesta a Parth Patel.
"Last Q: Where would you prefer to go if you're in my position?"

Hi Error. I would suggest you to go to the UK, if you are younger than 28 you can get a permit relatively easy (HSMP) where you are not bound to a job and can freelance for a while until you find something. (+ you don't have the language problem)

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Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
7/07/04 14:29 en respuesta a Parth Patel.
DVD.. sorry to inform.. I am also a Software guy.. i am planning to invite my brother to find a job in Pharma field...

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Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
7/07/04 14:33 en respuesta a Parth Patel.
DVD please read my last posting... as

'Sorry to inform'.... as forgot to inform...
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Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
7/07/04 14:47 en respuesta a Parth Patel.
hi vsrikanth9
you probably have PR allready
you can help your brother to get PR also
there is one certain way, you could mary him emoticon
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Re: How does new Immigration law will help for Other Engineers
7/07/04 14:54 en respuesta a Parth Patel.
Ha ha ha... good idea DVD.. i got married and my brother also married... I am not having PR.. even I am not thinking about this.. since if German Govt., needs they will give us, we don't need to try for that(no worries).. anyway new law is coming and every one(all foreigners) will get letters from local offices about our interest in PR etc..

I am bit settlling here.. so I am thinking to help someone.. if it works.. i can help some more people.

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