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Visa Questions

Petition to Bundestag & lobby groups

Petition to Bundestag & lobby groups
13/07/04 19:28

This is a draft text of the letter that will be sent within next week to a number of Bundestag deputies, as well as some lobby groups like BDI and BITKOM.

Both English and German versions are available:


Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are the group of IT-specialists who arrived in Germany by IT-AV and IT-ArGV government programs aimed to attract highly-qualified computer engineers to this country. Those programs, especially IT-ArGV (Greencard program) are widely believed to be successful predecessor of the recently adopted Immigration law in its part concerning work immigration. The program benefits the foreign employees as well as their German employers and the image of Germany, as a country with competitive policy for winning the best brains.

Welcoming the long-awaited agreement of the political parties we would like to draw your attention to an ambiguity remaining still uncovered by the new Law. It still remains uncertain whether Green Card specialists will be considered "highly qualified" according to the paragraph 19 of the Immigration Law or they would be a subject to "Anwerbestopp", the set of rules valid as of 1973 isolating the German Labor Market from low- or mid-qualified work force.

Also we have to assume that the above-mentioned uncertainty would leave the decision about prolongation (after 5-year term) of the work permits to the employees of local Arbeitsamts. Even having a mutual consent of both employee and employer to continue the working relationship, the possibility to stay would remain questionable and may force many specialists and their families to leave Germany.

As to given facts we would like to kindly request to explain whether it is planned with any further laws, legal instructions or commentaries to the Immigration Law to define eligibility of GreenCard-Specialists for the Niederlassungserlaubnis in accordance to paragraph 19 of the Immigration Law or postulate the legal right of Greencard holder to extend work permit after initial five years had elapsed.

Such a clarification would help the GreenCard-Specialists and their employers to plan the future and would emphasize the image of Germany as a country with accurate and unambiguous legislation.

Yours sincerely,
Initiative Group of IT-specialists,
July 13, 2004


Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Die Teilnehmer des IT-AV und IT ArGV Programms richten diesen Aufruf an Sie. Das "Green Card" Programm, das darauf zielt, hochqualifizierte IT Spezialisten aus dem Ausland dazu zu bewegen in Deutschland zu arbeiten, wird als erfolgreiche Vorstufe des Teils des neuen Einwanderungsgesetzes angesehen, das sich mit arbeitsbedingter Einwanderung beschäftigt. Das Programm nützt sowohl den ausländischen Angestellten als auch ihren deutschen Arbeitgebern und nicht zu letzt dem Ansehen Deutschlands als ein Land mit einer konkurenzfähigen Lösung im Wettbewerb um die besten Köpfe.

Obwohl wir die lang erwartete Einigung zwischen den politischen Parteien begrüßen, würden wir gerne Ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf Doppeldeutigkeiten lenken, die (immer) noch nicht von dem Gesetz abgedeckt werden. Es ist für die "Green Card" Spezialisten immer noch nicht sicher, ob sie als hochqualifiziert im Sinne §19 des Einwanderungsgesetzes gelten, oder ob sie dem Anwerberstopp unterliegen, einer Reihe von Regeln, die 1973 in kraft traten, um den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt von wenig bis mittelqualifizierten Arbeitskräften zu isolieren.

Wir nehmen an, daß die aktuelle Unsicherheit damit die Entscheidung auf erteilung einer Arbeitserlaubnis den örtlichen Arbeitsämtern überlassen wird. Selbst im Falle das Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber beidseitig übereinkommen, Arbeitsverhältnisse beizubehalten, bliebe das Bleiberecht fraglich und viele Spezialisten würden Deutschland mit ihren Familien wieder verlassen müssen.

Diesbezüglich stellen wir die Frage, ob es durch zukünftige Gesetze oder Anwendungsrichtlinien geplant ist, die Anerkennung als GC-Spezialist für die Niederlassungserlaubnis nach §19 des Einwanderungsgesetzes rechtsverbindlich zu regeln, um die Möglichkeit zu bieten, Arbeitsgenehmigungen nach Ablauf der ersten 5 Jahren zu verlängern.

Eine derartige Klassifikation würde den GC-Spezialisten und Ihren Arbeitgebern helfen, Ihre Zukunft zu planen und das Bild deutschlands als Land mit genauer und eindeutiger Gesetzgebung stärken.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Initiativgruppe der IT-Fachleute,
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Re: Petition to Bundestag & lobby groups
13/07/04 20:12 en respuesta a Jack Johnson.
Where do we sign?
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Re: Petition to Bundestag & lobby groups
13/07/04 20:45 en respuesta a Jack Johnson.
The petion will be sent as email from http://german-green-card.org website. Please mention that currently, the text of previous appeal (and two official feedbacks) is displayed there. It will be fixed soon, anyway before sending new version to Bundestag.

The message will have a list of real firstname/lastname/contact-email information of all participants. If you agree with the content and want to add your data to this list of signees, just send above-mentioned data to

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Re: Petition to Bundestag & lobby groups
13/07/04 22:05 en respuesta a Jack Johnson.
I support the petition, but I guess, the chances of getting an answer are little. Especially because we have the summer break now, Sommerpause.

So do not expect fast results, but I am very optimistic (as always :-) ), there will be a solution for Green Card people.

Have a nice evening
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Re: Petition to Bundestag & lobby groups
19/07/04 21:41 en respuesta a Jack Johnson.
Hi Detlef,

I've seen the answers of the officials to the first petition. The question is: are these letters (answers) official enough for the local Authorities in case they 'misinterpret' the Law in the sense these officials mean?

auf gut Deutsch gesagt: wenn ich diese Briefe ausdrucke und sie dem Sachbearbeiter beim Arbeitsamt zeige, akkzeptiert er oder sein Chef das als Richtlinie 'von oben' die er gefälligst einzuhalten hat oder bleibe ich deren Willkür, tschuldigung, deren Interpretation ausgesetzt???

Mein jetziger (neuer) Arbeitgeber wurde bereits vom Arbeitsamt "darauf hingewiesen, dass nach der Verordnung über die Arbeitsgenehmigung für hochqualifizierte ausländische Fachkräfte der IT ( IT-ArGV) ein maximaler Beschäftigungszeitraum von fünf Jahren möglich ist". Das klingt für mich nach einem deutlichen Wink mit dem Zaunpfahl "nach dem fünften Jahr ist Schluß" von Seiten des Sachbearbeiters.

Herzliche Grüße und Danke für Deinen Einsatz

PS: falls mal einer von der Presse Kandidaten für Interviews sucht ich bin dabei (e-mail kennst Du ja). Beim letzten Aufruf war ich leider grad im Ausland...
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Re: Petition to Bundestag & lobby groups
27/07/04 15:31 en respuesta a Jack Johnson.
Hallo Initiativgruppe der IT-Fachleute/ Senior GCs,

I went today to Ausländeramt(To invite some relative in Deutschland).

Favourite Question:
There, I asked whether I could apply from Jan 2005(which I know, remain as a big Q in every GC mind) for the NE.

The person whom I asked was a polite one and he answered positively, but his collegue(on hearing) answered negatively denying totally that its not possible for GreenCard.

Reason: He stressed that as GreenCard was limited under (IT-verordnung), therefore, this new law does not apply to GCs.

Now, as there is time in Jan 2005 to pursue again and therefore I did not like to show the last "Supported-letter", because of your enquiry.

So, I strongly recommend that there should be a clear wording from the Govt. about GCs (Like Student, Flüchtlinge, Asyl usw) in the new law, not to hang upon the dealing person at A.A.

Please, update, if you got any respone from your effort in this respect so far.

Thanks in Advance,

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Re: Petition to Bundestag & lobby groups
27/07/04 16:39 en respuesta a Jack Johnson.

I have make a test in few Auslederamts .....
In few they have answered,...wait till new law come.We do not know yet!
In others... - answer where NO!
In three others the answer where - YES!
So...it is madnes about this zuwanderung gesetz, and I think that we must wait till 1.1.2005 to see what will happened.
Second, it is very clear that according the law anyone after 5 years having 'aufenthaltserlaubnis' can apply for normal visum.
I see no law problems why should they in auslenderamt say - geht nicht!
This so called GC (green card) exist no where in laws as GC or as GC visum, but as normal aufenthalt according the law for aufenthalts...so according the IT law, we (the GC) are brought in Germany, but there is no where written in any law that after 5 years those who have aufenthaltserlaubnis, can not ask-apply for NE or UV.
I am not a lawer but if I have fulfield all needs from the law for NE afther 5 years..then why not to have an NE?!
I have my job, I fulfield all obligations according the state (tax, security, payments....) so , are there any problems to stay on and to do the job?!
Also in the web site of ministerium des inens it is cleraly written that after 5 years if someone from so called GC, want to do his job on in Germany, he/she will have the visum prolonging according normal Ausleder gesetz valid as for all ausleders in Germany.
If there is no way for that, that why that law for NE or what ever?!
How can someone come to this law if they say 'get hicht nach 5 jahren!'
Also, why prolonging this IT GC law till 2008 if they are thinking to throw away those who are already hier and have the job?
Comme one....this madens 'missunderstanding' is just temporary and it is normaly that from Auslederamt will say 'RAUS' ... because who wants ausleders in own contry?!And beside that to have gut payment and job and as HQ!?
Wait to see what will happened till the first GC ask for NE!
If they say NO or geht nicht...that there is a priority court then bundesministerium, then the court for peoples right in Strasbour and then...why we all the GC, can not gather in front the Berlin ministerum and ask one for always....
We the GC are not animals who came in Germany just for 'making the turisam' better in Germany. I have 38, till end of 2005 i will be 40...I have my family hier, we are almoust 5 years and the part from this system, then all others law ar valid for me (and all GC) so why this FAMOUS law for NE, would not be valid also?
I was OK and gut 5 years and can not stay more?
Then there are others ways how to search the right!
Got we are the GC (computers people)....i do not understand the LAW but i do understand programming and program languages....and the LAW in computer technology...

Relax ..all will be just fine!

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Re: Petition to Bundestag & lobby groups
27/07/04 20:33 en respuesta a Jack Johnson.
"Also, why prolonging this IT GC law till 2008 if they are thinking to throw away those who are already hier and have the job?"

Hi all,

This is 2nd time I hear about this GC program extension till 2008. Is it a fact or is more like a gossip?
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Re: Petition to Bundestag & lobby groups
28/07/04 12:59 en respuesta a Jack Johnson.
The first work and residency permit can be given before 31 Dec. 2004.
The GC-law is valid till July 2008!
Why July 2008: Because at the begining the first work and residency permit would be given before July 2003 (later they changed it to 31 Dec. 2004) and if you add 5 years to July 2003 (the first version of law) then it comes to July 2008. but with the change to 31. Dec. 2004 the validation of GC-law must be till 31 Dec. 2009, and becuase of the new immigration law it doesn't make sense to change it,since the GC-law will be replaced by the new immigration law!
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