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Visa Questions

Things to be taken care after an Infants arrival


I would like to know all the bureaucratic stuff which has to be taken care after a newly born child comes to germany like applying for kinder geld , erziehungs geld (hessen region any limits or is it eligible for every one), any tax class change required etc where all has to be done what and how is the procedure. If some one has exprienced it would be great share the stuff so it becomes easy for the remaining people..

Thank you..
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Re: Things to be taken care after an Infants arrival
9/06/04 17:42 en respuesta a rajkumar nooney.
Hi Rajkumar.

I guess more than 10 GC had new childs in Germany, maybe some other can remember me the things I surely will forget.

My child, Lukas YO was born here in august 03.

The first thing you have to know is he/she is not german. So, in addition the papers you will have to do here, you will have to make all the papers stuff from your home country for your child get any nationality. My own boy was "stateless" 4 month before he could get my nationality.

I´m not sure if your child will born here or you will bring him here. If your child born here, you will receive automatically the "Geburtsurkunde" or Birth certificate, a paper for your Krankenkasse, a paper for Kindergeld and a paper for Erziehungsgeld. In addition to those papers, you have to ask for a "Internationales Geburtsurkunde" that is a Birth Certificate with translation to 5 or 6 languages. It costs extra about 7 euros I guess.

After that, you will have to carry the corresponding paper to the Arbeitsamt, abteilung Familienkasse to start receiving Kindergeld or 154 euro/month. Allways carry your pass, contract and so on. The formulars are available online and you will gain a couple of days downloading and filling them.

Kindererziehungsgeld is money you receive from the government the first 3 years of life of your child. The calculation is extremely hard and involves formulas you can check in internet but with our salaries I guess you are not entitled to get it, but try.

You have also to Anmeld your child in the Rathaus, same tramit you made with you and your wife. Just Geburtsurkunde and any document of him/her. If your child has no document (passport or whatever), in some countries you can add your child to the passport of the mother. My boy finnaly could get a passport of my country and got a Visa stamped on it, of course with the clause "he is not allowed to work", I don´t know if after two years I can also get an Arbeitserlaubnis for him ;-)))

Then you have to make to the Internationales Geburtsurkunde "Apostille" thats its just only a stamp that gives this certificate validity worlwide. Check your own state how and where you can do that, but in my case I had to go first to the Landratsamt to get a stamp validing the sign of Frau Beamter who signs the certificate in a small city and then to the Government of the Bundesland corresponding to my house to get the apostille who validates the sign of Herr Beamter from Landratsamt, who validates the sign of Frau Beamter of the Dorf.

I guess that was. The sleepless nights and the satisfactions come alone automatically.

I hope it works


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Re: Things to be taken care after an Infants arrival
9/06/04 18:23 en respuesta a rajkumar nooney.
"Kindererziehungsgeld is money you receive from the government the first 3 years of life of your child. The calculation is extremely hard and involves formulas you can check in internet but with our salaries I guess you are not entitled to get it, but try.", I dunno which salary you have but with mine at the time (45K pa), I could only get the Kindererziehungsgeld for 6 months and it got cut automatically, in fact, they gave the 6 months in one time and then stopped sending it, without notifying me that I couldn't get some more, I had to call them after seeing no money for 3 months and then they told it to me.


PS YO, for the Arbeitserlaubniss, first find him a job, maybe as animator in the Kinderkrippe, with a basic salary of 3 milk bottles per day and it should do the trick emoticon
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Re: Things to be taken care after an Infants arrival
9/06/04 18:44 en respuesta a rajkumar nooney.
Hello NoBody,
Any reason y Kindererziehungsgeld was stopped after 6 months, how is it calculated. Where to apply for it? Any conditions if both parents are employed?

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Re: Things to be taken care after an Infants arrival
9/06/04 19:24 en respuesta a rajkumar nooney.
Hi Bluesky

I can't tell you how it was calculated (in fact, the only thing I understand on German's calculations are the 16% Mwst, all the rest is too complicated for my simple mind), I know that my salary was the reason because that's what the lady told me "according to your salary, you are not entitled to more than 6 months KEZ, unless your salary has changed in the meantime, either becoming lower or if you are unemployed. In one or the other case, you can resubmit an application" and I was like "damn, if I knew... because I just found me a new job and I'm better paid than the previous one, mist...".
"Where to apply for it?", can't remember how it is called, but I think it's at the Jungendamt, the place where you had to get back the birth certificate of your kid.
"Any conditions if both parents are employed?", nothing that I know, because it is supposed to "help" you when you got kids and not enough money to care for them and the "not enough money" is subject to calculations, and if both parents are working and the calculations put you in the case where you can get it, then you will for sure.


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Re: Things to be taken care after an Infants arrival
9/06/04 20:19 en respuesta a rajkumar nooney.
"My own boy was "stateless" 4 month before he could get my nationality."

One remark: "stateless" born in Germany child has a right for a German citizenship. if the child does not accept any other citizenship themselves of course, and submits necessary papers for getting German citizenship in time (till they are 21 year old, if i am not mistaken)

the trick here is that Germany (along with several other countries, not so many in total really) has signed up a convention on reducing statelessness ;)
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Re: Things to be taken care after an Infants arrival
10/06/04 11:23 en respuesta a rajkumar nooney.
Hello Everybody,
I would advice all of you to just forget about the Erziehungsgeld, In the reforms made by the German govt. in 2003 they have changed the eligibility criteria for Erziehungsgeld.

From 2004 onwards, families with income less than 20K are only eligible for Erziehungsgeld. So all GC's are out.

There is no change in the tax card status if a child is born.

Hope this info helps u.
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Re: Things to be taken care after an Infants arrival
10/06/04 18:20 en respuesta a rajkumar nooney.
"There is no change in the tax card status if a child is born", not in the card class status but in the number of kids in there, and this bring you some more money (around 200 euros more I think on your netto), dunno if it's generic, but that's what my daughter brought me.

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Re: Things to be taken care after an Infants arrival
4/07/04 16:52 en respuesta a rajkumar nooney.
Try getting the birth done in India. Some of the hospitals in mumbai are world class. At least he will be an Indian and do his/her mama / papa proud. Another thing - must Indians always look for allowances. Pse live king like.
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