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Arbeitsberechtigung for my wife, again

Arbeitsberechtigung for my wife, again
27/10/04 14:11

sorry for bothering you with the same topic. My wife and i have been here for 3,5 years now and I think she has now right for "Eigenstandige Aufenthalterlaubnis". Some of you have been succedeed to do this including getting "Arbeitsberechtigung" which is not depended on employer. My question is: should I go first to AA or to AB? Is there any lawyer in Munich who can help us, at least to whom we can make some consultations? Thanks,

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Re: Arbeitsberechtigung for my wife, again
27/10/04 15:11 en respuesta a Estananto Estananto.

your wife can get the Arbeitsberechtigung but not an "Eigenstandige Aufenthalterlaubnis".
first you have to apply in Aus.B. to change the statment stated on here resedence, to be allowed to work, second to apply by AA for Arbeitsberechtigung.
you can refer to older messages in this forum to find out more about the letters themselves and more info.
good luck

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Re: Arbeitsberechtigung for my wife, again
27/10/04 18:54 en respuesta a Estananto Estananto.
Hi Muhtaram,

Thank you for your explanation. But does anybody have some experience with Auslaenderbehorde Munich regarding to residence and work permit for his/her spouse? I just called them this morning and it seems that they didn't know anything with this thing. Are you sure if I show all the SGB and AusIG they will make it?

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Re: Arbeitsberechtigung for my wife, again
27/10/04 21:35 en respuesta a Estananto Estananto.
They never know.
AA usually does not give it, so people have to sue them to get it.
But on the end, they get it if they are smart.
Everything is on forum.
Do search for Spouse Visa.
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Re: Arbeitsberechtigung for my wife, again
28/10/04 1:34 en respuesta a Estananto Estananto.
Hi DvD,

I have followed your discussion with guys in info4alien.de and it made me crazy now. They said what we discuss here about eigenstaendige AE for spouse is bullshit:-(
It is clearly promised by GC official brochure "Bundesministerium fuer Arbeit und Sozialordnung" that the spouse can get "ARbeitsberechtigung" but it is not clear with Aufenthalterlaubnis which clearly states "Erwerbstatigkeit nicht gestattet". How can we combine this two? If I go to AB they will say that §19 AusIG valids only if the couple are divorced because it clearly states here:
"(1) Die Aufenthaltserlaubnis des Ehegatten wird im Falle der Aufhebung der ehelichen Lebensgemeinschaft als eigenständiges, von dem in § 17 Abs. 1 bezeichneten Aufenthaltszweck unabhängiges Aufenthaltsrecht verlängert, wenn:"
It means that it's nearly impossible for me only from §19 AusIG and §286 SGB to get work permit for my wife...
But how can the others do?
I think this depends on the officers at AB and AA. That's why I asked you: did anyone have experience getting work permit for spouse in KVR Muenchen?

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Re: Arbeitsberechtigung for my wife, again
28/10/04 12:51 en respuesta a Estananto Estananto.
"They said what we discuss here about eigenstaendige AE for spouse is bullshit"

True but not completely.
You can not get eigenstaendige AufErl for Spouse,
but you can get Arbeitsberechtigung for her.
If both are GC than both can get ArbBer.
They also say so.

"Erwerbstatigkeit nicht gestattet"

After 1 year you can ask them to delete it.
But her visa will still depend on your.
My wife never had this sentence in pass

"§19 AusIG valids only if the couple are divorced because it clearly states here"

Is it a problem.
You just need to divorce. emoticon
Just kidding.

§ 2 Arbeitsberechtigung
(2) 1Dem Ehegatten oder Lebenspartner eines Deutschen oder eines Ausländers ist die Arbeitsberechtigung nach Absatz 1 zu erteilen, wenn die Voraussetzungen für die Verlängerung der Aufenthaltserlaubnis nach § 19 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 oder 3 und 4 des Ausländergesetzes vorliegen. 2Satz 1 gilt entsprechend, wenn die eheliche Lebensgemeinschaft oder lebenspartnerschaftliche Gemeinschaft fortbesteht.

I will repeat:
2Satz 1 gilt entsprechend, wenn die eheliche Lebensgemeinschaft oder lebenspartnerschaftliche Gemeinschaft fortbesteht.
2Satz 1 gilt entsprechend, wenn die eheliche Lebensgemeinschaft oder lebenspartnerschaftliche Gemeinschaft fortbesteht.
2Satz 1 gilt entsprechend, wenn die eheliche Lebensgemeinschaft oder lebenspartnerschaftliche Gemeinschaft fortbesteht.

Meaning she gets AB even if she is not divorced.

AAmt ussually does not give ABer and then you should sue them like this:

then judge will probably answer this:
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