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Who has to pay "privat krankenversicherung" ?

I was talking with one lady from insurance company and she told me that company has to pay half of mine and half of my wife's private insurance if it is in government limits (I think around 600€ per month) and we are.

After that I called lawer and she said that she thinks that this is true but she is not 100% sure.

Does anybody know anything about this ?

Btw. my company is paying half of mine insurance but I want emoticon that they pay also half for my wife because this will be much cheaper compared with government insurance (in total we pay around 260€ per month so I want that company pays 130€ and in government insurance company and we will have to pay min. 250€ each).

Also if this is true I want that they pay for last year which they did not paid (I started to work for them on 01.11.2003.) so I guess that I will have interesting conversation (it is always interesting when we talk about money;)). Btw. I am leaving them so I do not care if we go in fight about this (if this is true of course).

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Re: Who has to pay "privat krankenversicherung" ?
14/10/04 19:44 en respuesta a Marcus Dracus.
Hi Dracus,

I think legally the company is not liable to pay the half part of your private insurance forget about your wife's part. Becoz you are in private insurance. My company doesnt even pay half part of my private insurance. They are only liable to pay half in case of govt insurance.

But pls check with a lawyer and if it is true that even in private they have to pay half , then my company doesn't pay my half since more than 3 yrs. Or lets wait of anyone knows it clearly. I know this becoz my company people told me that its not compulsory incase of private insurance when i asked them. Of course i can move on to government one but, i will also have to more on my part then.

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Re: Who has to pay "privat krankenversicherung" ?
14/10/04 20:38 en respuesta a Marcus Dracus.

Me too also had the same experience. I worked for 19 months for a company and I had a private health insurance (286 Euros which included my wife). But the company paid me only 28 Euros per month for 18 months. So if they are to pay 50% then I will get back (286/2 -28) * 19 = 2185 Euros back. How can I claim this amount back ?`

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Re: Who has to pay "privat krankenversicherung" ?
15/10/04 11:31 en respuesta a Marcus Dracus.
Well boys I think that I have good news for you emoticon

Company HAS to pay half of your, your wifes and you kids private insurance if you are under government max. value for insurance (I think around 600€).

This is in the social law and number is SGS V § .257.
I will write down what is written there (part of it).

(2) Beschäftigte, die nur wegen Überschreitens der Jahresarbeitsentgeltgrenze oder auf Grun von § 6 Abs. 2a versichertungsfrei oder die von der Versicherungspflicht befreit und bei einem privateen Krankernversicherungsunternehmen versichert sind und für sich und ihre Angehörigen, die bei .... (NOW IMPORTANT PART) ... erhalten von ihrem Arbeitgeber einen Veitragszuschuss. Der Zuschuss beträgt die Hälfte des Betrages, der sich unter Anwendung des durchschnuttlichen allgemeinen Beitragssatzes der Krankenkassen vom. 1. Januar des Vorjahres (§ 245) und der nach § 226 Abs. 1 Satz 1 Nr. 1 und § 232a Abs. 2 bei Versicherungspflicht zu Grunde zu legenden beitragspflichtugen Einnahmen als Beitrag ergibt, höchstens jedoch die Hälfte des Betrages, den der Beschäftige für seine Krankenversicherung zu zahlen hat etc...

Basicly insurance agent gave me this and told me that they have to pay, lawer said that she thinks that they have to pay. Only question since when this law is in use because this can tell us how much money they have to give us back.

Any way it will be perfect if somebody who understand German better then us read this part and tell us his/her opinion.

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Re: Who has to pay "privat krankenversicherung" ?
15/10/04 11:48 en respuesta a Marcus Dracus.
I am not sure but I think that this law is valid from 01.01.2003.
I will try to find out right date.
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Re: Who has to pay "privat krankenversicherung" ?
15/10/04 12:27 en respuesta a Marcus Dracus.

I am confused. According to upper page text that I previously wrote is from 23.12.2002 which means that it should be valid but I could not find anything where is written that this point of law is valid from xx.xx.xxxx. so I do not know exact date since when they apply it.

It looks like that this is valid from 2003.

Can you also try to find something ?
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Re: Who has to pay "privat krankenversicherung" ?
15/10/04 15:18 en respuesta a Marcus Dracus.
I checked with second lawyer and company has to pay half of wifes and children insurance if only husband works. Of course this sum can not be higher than government limit.
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Re: Who has to pay "privat krankenversicherung" ?
15/10/04 17:09 en respuesta a Marcus Dracus.
Hello Everyone.

I have private health insurance from the very beginning, which is July 2001 and my company has been paying 50% of its premium since.

I just got married and my company informed me that provided my wife is not working and provided the total contribution from company is below 249 euros per month, the company will also pay 50% of her private health insurance premium.

And I believe that my company will also pay 50% of my child's health insurance premium, again provided the total contribution from company is below 249 euros per month,

and provided the baby doesnt have any job ;) apart from crying, eating, sleeping and smiling ;)

Nitin Malhotra
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