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Identity Card

Identity Card
1/10/04 13:11
Dear all,

What do you carry with you as Identity Card when you go out? I think all foreigners are supposed to carry their Passports with them. I never do it, because of fear that I might lose it. I have my German Driving Licence as ID Card with photo!

Any other suggestions?

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Re: Identity Card
1/10/04 13:24 en respuesta a Fred Jeffry.
The Germand driving license should be enuff, but you could make a copy of the important pages of your passport and go out with it, it should help in first instance. But being frank, I always go out without papers, unless I have to do something official or I have to travel across German states, but most is only when I go to München :-)

But I never use them normally for 2 reasons, but I dunno if it's the case in every Bundesland:

1. I once got asked my papers in Mainz, I surely had none, but the police checked my ID through computer with my name, and birth date, so I think they are able to check it when they want.

2. My wife got asked her papers once, also in Mainz, she had none and the police escorted her home so she could show them her papers.

So either I get a small ride home, or they do a small keyboard typing, but as I said, it was in Mainz.

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Re: Identity Card
1/10/04 13:33 en respuesta a Fred Jeffry.
From ino4alien:

"Zum Thema Mitführungspflicht:

Die Regelungen im Personalausweisgesetz stimmen in etwa mit den Regelungen in § 40 Abs. 1 AuslG überein. Danach gibt es eine Pflicht, den Ausweis/Pass auf Verlangen den Behörden vorzulegen etc. In keinen Vorschriften steht, dass man diese Unterlagen ständig mit sich führen muss. Wenn ich den Pass zu Hause habe, besitze ich einen solchen. Wenn ich dann bei einer Kontrolle angebe, dieser Pass ist bei mir zu Hause, ich bin gerne bereit, diesen unverzüglich vorzulegen, komme ich allen Verpflichtungen nach.

Gebt mal bei Google "Personalausweis Mitführungspflicht" ein. Da findet sich einiges."

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Re: Identity Card
1/10/04 15:24 en respuesta a Fred Jeffry.
Thanx NoBody and aalvarez,

I had been checked a couple of times, and they asked my address and confirmed it with their Zentrale.

The only time the policemen were not satisfied that I didnt carry a passport was in Bayern. They advised me to carry my passport with me, which I dont intend to do !! ;-)

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Re: Identity Card
1/10/04 19:00 en respuesta a Fred Jeffry.
I think it's just a mindset we all go through. Actually that may not mean it is in place; partly to
psychologically weaken your morale or make you feel like an alien (which you are anyway (:-)) )
in context of the place & manner of approached.

Anyway, with time we all get used to it and react with style & dignity.


As earlier said, a photocopy of important pages of your papers and a certification
by a notary in normal(most) cases sufficient.So you may not need a compulsory small
free ride home (:-)) !
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Re: Identity Card
1/10/04 19:10 en respuesta a Fred Jeffry.
But if you were already on your way back home, a free ride is always welcome. :-)

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