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Visa Questions

New Visa Service!

New Visa Service!
27/10/04 16:03
Dear trust7 users, GCs,

I just want to let you know, that I just published our new visa service, in cooperation with VPMK ( http://www.vpmk.de ). You can find it under the new 'Visa' button. At the moment it is only in German, but an English version will follow soon.

This service will protect you from all the annoying circumstances which can happen in connection with the 'Ausländerbehörde'. You do not need a lawyer for your visa applications, but it makes life a lot easier :-)

A 'normal GC' (I mean with an income less than 84.000 Euro per year) should wait until 3 or 5 month before his 5 years working permission expires, before he applies for the unlimited permission, the so called 'Niederlassungserlaubnis'.

If someone earns more than that or if someone spend already more than 60 month in Germany or if someone thinks that he is 'High Qualified' because of other reasons, he can apply for PR right now.

I strongly recommend the VPMK lawyers for any kind of trouble or visa questions. They are young and ambitious and experienced in alien law!

Viele Grüße aus Berlin
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Re: New Visa Service!
27/10/04 16:20 en respuesta a trust7.
Hello Detlef
my gc will be over in Aug so when should i apply for the Nie.Erlaubnis....i cnt obviuosly apply after aug as i will be deported to my country back,....wont there be any invitation from the rathaus which issued my gc.
please mail in
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Re: New Visa Service!
27/10/04 16:38 en respuesta a trust7.
Wov, That is good. So I can go for PR right now. (Dont i need to wait till jan 2005) I was told that the new law will be in place from Jan 2005.

Regards, Asian
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Re: New Visa Service!
27/10/04 16:40 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Detlef,

If I worked when I were a student in Germany, would these months count among the 60 months? or only the months during my green card?
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Re: New Visa Service!
27/10/04 16:41 en respuesta a trust7.

that is perfect news emoticon.

Is there any insurance which can cover costs in this "work permit"/"new law"/"foreigners" thing ?

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Re: New Visa Service!
27/10/04 16:50 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Detlef,

"This service will protect you from all the annoying circumstances which can happen in connection with the 'Ausländerbehörde'. You do not need a lawyer for your visa applications, but it makes life a lot easier"

Could I use my Rechtschutzversicherung for this?

"A 'normal GC' (I mean with an income less than 84.000 Euro per year) should wait until 3 or 5 month before his 5 years working permission expires, before he applies for the unlimited permission, the so called 'Niederlassungserlaubnis'. "

A-ha. That's what our HR meant, she said that I can only prolong the visa 6 months before my visa becomes invalid. This arose my question, can I prolong my visa for 2 years more from now right now? I mean, first really only 2 months, because I need to apply for a credit loan for 2 years.

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Re: New Visa Service!
27/10/04 16:58 en respuesta a trust7.
@ stier,

you should apply for it in March or April. Then there is plenty of time left.

But we will discuss this with vpmk, maybe we will publish the best time for the applications every month, beginning next year.

@ asian,

if you are 'High Qualified' you can start your application now, maybe you will get it in January.

@ gc1234

I am not sure about it. I will ask our lawyers.

@ Dracus

I do not konw if your 'Rechtsschutzversicherung' will pay for this service. But maybe your boss will :-) You should ask him!

@ adna_f

This depends on the kind of your visa. Maybe it could be useful to change your visa? I do not know. I recommend our 'Paket 1'.

@ all

Please give us some time to publish more facts before posting your questions. We are now working on the English version.

Viele Grüße
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Re: New Visa Service!
27/10/04 17:55 en respuesta a trust7.
But then will come the question for those who:
- aren't HQ + will not have their 60 months completed no matter how.

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Re: New Visa Service!
27/10/04 17:59 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Detlef,

Thanks for the info. I am not sure whether i fall in the Highly Qualified category. But my salary is much more than 84K € per year. So in that category i think i am qualified. Will go thru the site and start the process.

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Re: New Visa Service!
27/10/04 18:40 en respuesta a trust7.
You are HQ with that salary. Only that salary is sufficent for NE. Even if you have no Uni. But only after 1.1.05. when new ZuwG starts.
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Re: New Visa Service!
27/10/04 19:17 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Detlef,
Ich wohne seit 8 Jahre in Deutschland. 7Jahr mit Auenthaltsbewilligung und seit einem Jahr besitze ich Aufenthaltserlaubnis, ich meine Green Card. Ab nächste Monate fange ich wieder meine Arbeit an. Die Firma will für mich den Zusicherungantrag stellen. Ich war letzte 7 Monate Arbeitslos aber ohne Arbeitslosen Geld. Meine Frage ist, wird es schwierig wieder zusicherung zubekommen oder ist es ok. Und nächste Frage wenn ich es bekommen habe, kann ich danach für Niederlassungserlaubnis bei euch einen Antrag stellen.


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Re: New Visa Service!
27/10/04 21:29 en respuesta a trust7.

I think you mixed up something.
You have to wait a lot for NE since you need 60 Rentenbeiträge,
so you'll wait more than 4 years.
If you are 8 years here you can now aply for citizenship which is much better that NE, and you can do it now, you do not have to wait 2005.
It is important in what Bundesland you are because somewhere is Bewilligung time added and somewhere not.
In NRW it is added so if you are in NRW you can get citizenship.
For citizenship you don't need 60 Renten.
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Re: New Visa Service!
27/10/04 21:31 en respuesta a trust7.
I think Zusicherung is no problem.
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Re: New Visa Service!
28/10/04 19:47 en respuesta a trust7.
Thanks DVD
One more question. What is this new draft of BeschV. give it to us any possibility to get the niederlassungserlaubnis after 3rd of january 2005. Any how i live in Berlin. As far as i know they are also going to count the time period of Aufenthaltsbewilligung here in Berlin. I would do this It takes minimum of 6 month to get the citizenship. I think if i get the Pr. it can give me some security.

Whta do you think
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Re: New Visa Service!
28/10/04 20:02 en respuesta a trust7.
we can get NE after 1.1.05
but only after 5 years in De (which you have)
and 60 Rentenbeiträge (which you would have to wait 4 years).

these conditions remain the same, even with BeschV.
BeschV says that GC will be treated as an agreement to get Aufenthaltserlaubnis, not NE.
We can get NE same as everyone else:
-after 5 years and 60 Renten or
-with 84K or
-as a leading person
-as a scientist.

It would be nice to have NE to aply for citizenship, but
since you have 8 years it makes no sence to wait 4 years to get NE when you can get citizenship now.
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Re: New Visa Service!
8/11/04 14:24 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi *,

the English Text is online now!


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Re: New Visa Service!
8/11/04 14:39 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Detlef,

I don't want to sound hasch but have you thought of a Ratenzahlung for these services? Or something ressembling?

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Re: New Visa Service!
8/11/04 14:53 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Nobody!

The first step costs 110 € - Package 1. If you order Package 2, the 110 € will deducted from the 750 €. This includes 16% taxes.

You pay half of it in advance, the rest 4 weeks later.

I suggest to ask your employer, if he pays for it. For him it would be even cheaper, because he would get the VAT tax back.

Viele Grüße aus Berlin nach Berlin
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Re: New Visa Service!
8/11/04 15:25 en respuesta a trust7.
It's quite ok for the prices, mostly because of the 4 weeks between the 2 payments.

I will surely go for that, be assured of, perhaps not the NE directly, becasue I still got to get my 60 months completed, but if I can get an extension necessary for me to reach the level, then it will be ok.

But I won't ask my employer, that's the kinda thing I like to deal with myself so I can owe to it to *Nobody* else than myself.

As one can do it 3 or 5 months before the end of the owned visa, then I will go for it as soon as February or March reaches the door, so I will know soon ahead what to deal with.

Greetings from Berlin to Berlin :-)

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Re: New Visa Service!
10/12/04 0:44 en respuesta a trust7.

- Have GC now, expires in 2006
- Income higher than 84k/year
- management position
- University Degree
- Dont speak german

With the above can be this Niederlassungserlaubnis - permanent residence requested and obtained right now?

Or only unbefristet - unlimited work permit from 1.1.2005?

Please advise.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: New Visa Service!
10/12/04 12:25 en respuesta a trust7.
Hi Adrian,

yes, you can start the application for NE from the 1st of January or you can order our service right now.

We already have some applicants like you and in a couple of weeks, we will have our first experiences and - I am sure - our first 'Niederlassungserlaubnisse' :-)

Viele Grüße aus Berlin
und ein schönes Wochenende to all of you!
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Re: New Visa Service!
13/12/04 14:36 en respuesta a trust7.
Just to add since we understud few things in the meantime.
60 Renten are not necessery for those that came to De before 1.1.
Only 5 years are needed (and Unterhalt, off course)
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