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@ Lacrima
26/07/07 14:02
Morgen Lacrima,

long time old forum friend!

I write you just to bother you as usual.

As far as I remember (I tried to search for your name in the Forum and when I got 1154 messages with your name I quitted!) you came to D somewhere in 2002, same as me.

If this is true, are you about to start the famous NE process? When you think is clever to start with this?

I´m just starting to mentally prepare for that (as I have only two neurons this takes me a lot of time!) so I wanted to ask for your advices.

In my former life in Bayern, I could go to ask in any moment to the local ABH but that I´m in a big city, ABHs are a kind of bunkers where for all kind of purposes you need Termine to be set loooooong time in advance.

Any answer will be welcomed!
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Re: @ Lacrima
26/07/07 22:44 en respuesta a YO 1.
Hi Yo,
Nice to hear from you again.. you are correct.. I came to Germany in 2002.. and it is true I already posted quite a few messages to this forum.. ;)

Well.. my case is a little bit more complicated.. I was a trainee(Praktikant) when I came to Germany in 2002, so I was on Student Visa for 6 months, then at the beginning of 2003 I got my greencard.

Therefore I am not %100 sure whether I can apply in this year.. If the new law comes into effect, I may convince the ABHlers to count my 6 months to half and apply for it in December or so.. but if not, then in February 2008 probably..

I am planning to apply 1 or 1,5 month before the expiration date of my current residence permit.. (That would be also my advice to you..) so to get an appointment which will be 1 month earlier of your residence permit expiration date, maybe you should call them 2 months before the expiration date.. it should be a painless process, as long as you have a stable job and fulfill other minor requirements mentioned in §9 AufenthG

Keep us informed about your progress.. ;)

Take care,

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Re: @ Lacrima
26/07/07 23:05 en respuesta a YO 1.
@ Lacrima
as you said
"If the new law comes into effect, I may convince the ABHlers to count my 6 months to half"

I heard that counting student time to half is considered in certain provinces. Is it going to be addressed in some new law ? if yes, would it be in everywhere in Germany ?
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Re: @ Lacrima
26/07/07 23:46 en respuesta a YO 1.

Please don't confuse the student time which is counted to full for naturalization (only in some states) and which will be counted to half for NE with the coming new law. The new law will be federal law so it will be effective in all states. As the law will be quite new, at the time I apply for NE, most probably the ABH-Officers wont have a clue about it.. and I am not in the mood to quarrel with them just to get my NE 2 months earlier.. that's why I said, If I can convince them..

But again.. don't confuse the NE and Naturalization.. the conditions to get them are totally different..


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Re: @ Lacrima
27/07/07 13:26 en respuesta a YO 1.
@ Lacrima (again)

Hey man!

Thanks a lot your answer. Shut! This (strange) calculation of the student/Practikant time... I don´t understand it.

But anyway, is not that long time. Three months more or less is not that difficult isn´t it? We lived almost five years here, a couple of months is nothing.

I any case, I´ll send you the link to a very valuable document. This is the so called "VAB" or Vorläufige Anwendungshinweise for the ABH in Berlin.


Here you´ll find a lot of details of the procedure here in the north, that maybe are useful to fight for your rights in your ABH.

I´m reading this in my free times (that by now are inexistant) just to avoid surprises...

Thanks your advice. I´ll write ABH to ask for an appointment. I think I fulfill ALL the things requested (but you are never ever sure aren´t it) but I´ll try my best really because I´m tired of the stamp "temporal worker" in my face.

So, have a nice weekend and keep us also informed your your progress


PS: I guess Cedomir is also a GC from 2002 isn´t it? Maybe I´ll contact him!
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