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Help needed!

How much do you get??

How much do you get??
15/12/04 11:12
Hi all,

I am GC holder from 2001, and i still work i the same company.

latlly i hade a roughly discussion with my chief about my salary, hi said that i taka so much that even im SAP taka much less than me, and if i want more i should get home.

The thing is that i am not sure in what hi say, but i also don't know for sure what are the salarys of GC, while i am Visula C++ developer and a project leader, and i take around 60K... is that is a really much?? that much??

Please tell me how much is the average salary of GC holder?? Please tell me how much around do you take.

I need to make my mind if I should look for other job or shall I stay.

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Re: How much do you get??
15/12/04 12:51 en respuesta a lion_ _.
I give you few examples, from the people that i know (everybody is Greencard).
- Software developer telecommunications software, script languages, SQL, etc. - 40000, 15 y. experience, 4 yrs in germany
- Software/Hardware test engineer, automotive - 51000, 15 y. experience, 4 yrs in germany
- Software/Hardware developer engineer - 44000, 4 yrs in germany, 6 yrs. total experience)
- Software developer automotive, some smaller project-coordination 48000, 4 yrs in germany
- Software developer automotive - 51000, 4 yrs in germany

In general: for your boss, especially if he is owner of company EVERY salary you get is too high for him. The money you get, he sees as his money you took directly from him. Everyhing that he does not give to you, he has it. Understood ?

Big company: other story, but also not easy. Also everywhere where I have worked they complained about salary, event before I started and especially later :-) This discussions are always hard. My experience - you get more only if you have found something else. If you want to have it cool and easy, calculate your figure and send your applications to other companies and check your market value. Otherwise you will never know.

You can also check at union IGMETALL you can order there book "entgelt in IT branche" and check the salaries. I got book for 2002, and for your job salaries were in range between 40000 and 100000. So what does it mean to you / me. Nothing !

Also from the tone of the discusion "you can go home if you do not like it here ..." i conclude it is small company < 50 employees. They take everything very personal (see above).
0 (0 Votos)

Re: How much do you get??
15/12/04 17:23 en respuesta a lion_ _.
I think guy just wants to press him. If his visa is bounded to firma he has no visa if he looses job.
So guy tries to get him accept lower salary or loose visa.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: How much do you get??
15/12/04 18:13 en respuesta a lion_ _.
well my visa is bounded to this company... how shall i change it?? what shall i do??
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Re: How much do you get??
15/12/04 18:32 en respuesta a lion_ _.
Find another job.
If you find it you get another work permit without problems.

In the meantime keep quiet.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: How much do you get??
15/12/04 20:13 en respuesta a lion_ _.
Also, the city makes a different too.

Anyway, your salary is very good even if you are in München or Frankfurt.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: How much do you get??
15/12/04 23:10 en respuesta a lion_ _.
I am in Freiburg, i have a short and important question:
-Should I go to change any thing about my visa befora 1.1.2005 while it's linked to the company name in my passport, and if yes, what to change and where.

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Re: How much do you get??
16/12/04 17:14 en respuesta a lion_ _.
You cannot do anything before 1.1.2005, and also you cannot do absolutely anything before you find your new job. If you want to go for 100% sure then find a new job, go change a visa and after that cancel the contract with your boss. Take care about cancellation period ! However, if you do it in this way then you cannot discuss anymore with your current boss. Furthermore, (my experiences :-) he will be pissed off because you did not left him any choice (to increase your salary for example).
You can try last option to present him that your salary has actually decreased from 2001, due to inflation rate. 2% inflation rate every year power 3 years is 6.1 % loss for you (1.02^3 = 1.0612).
Freiburg is perhaps not so bad, I have to pay in Munich 620 Euro for appartment of 50 square meters (and this is relatively cheap!), in Freiburg the prices are surely not so high. For some bigger appartment in Munich (100sqm) -> 1000 Euro and more.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: How much do you get??
17/12/04 1:26 en respuesta a lion_ _.
I received this URL some months ago, it may help to find average salary.
But I don't know if it is updated, neither what city/state was region selected for the sampling...

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Re: How much do you get??
19/12/04 0:35 en respuesta a lion_ _.
GUS...Thank you!
That link is a great help to me for finding out what I should expect!
Seems that I can make more here in the US...but the standard of living I think is better in germany.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: How much do you get??
20/12/04 15:29 en respuesta a lion_ _.
I'd say 60K for C++ nowadays is pretty good salary... Especially if you don't live in Munich emoticon
0 (0 Votos)

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