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After NE
23/03/05 17:40
can anyone give an idea, how to keep NE, in case you find a job in another country?
0 (0 Votos)

Re: After NE
23/03/05 20:08 en respuesta a First NE.
Go over there and come back every 5.5 months for you not to be outside of Germany for mroe then 6 months and loose it.


PS. And keep a postal address here, best way will be as Untermieter of someone you know.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: After NE
23/03/05 22:12 en respuesta a First NE.
You need to be in Germany physically for the half of every year = 6 months.

Some of you may think that this is not possible to proove by authorities. Countries like Turkey for example stamp the passports of their citizens in every 'einreise' and 'ausreise' with port of entry and date details.

So when the German officers check your passport because of a passport change or similar issue, and see these stamps, they might see that you stay away from Germany more than 6 months in year. Of course this is very rare to happen. But it is possible. At least for Turkish citizens.

Other than that, i do not know if Germany is keeping the records of people when they 'einreise' and 'ausreise'.

The main thing is you should not be away from Germany more than 6 months in a year. It is not %100 secure to make a visit in January for 3 days, and then in May for 5 days, a few days in October etc. I know it is not much possible they catch something like this, but who knows... just FYI.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: After NE
24/03/05 9:40 en respuesta a First NE.
What happens, if I have my bank account here, I have appartment, and also I am registered in the city...

Can I leave for more then 6 months??
0 (0 Votos)

Re: After NE
24/03/05 10:53 en respuesta a First NE.
you can ask any of your friends to check your letter box every 1/2 weeks. if there is something very important from ABH or somewhere like this, then you should take care of it.

if you do not pay any social contributions, and there is not any indication of how you are managing your life, the ABH might catch you that you are not mainaining your livlihood here.

i would say - you better wait for 2 more years ( i guess you are already 5 years here) to get citizenship, then you change your job.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: After NE
24/03/05 11:27 en respuesta a First NE.
After NE, it is going to be start of new (and also boring) long discussion in this forum about getting Citizenship. It is going to be a never ending story.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: After NE
24/03/05 12:17 en respuesta a First NE.

things are only boring when you have no interest in. Having interest in something is not only seeking for it, but also trying to get more insight of a thing to help other people.
What would that be? when I get my NE I will be leaving the site because things will not be of interest for me anymore? No, I'll stay here because people will always be looking for advices I can give and I will be really willing to help, as we do in our T7 family.
I got my kinda BE since some weeks ago but I did support the mail written to the BMI, could that been boring for me? No, because I care.
No offense.

0 (0 Votos)

Re: After NE
24/03/05 15:17 en respuesta a First NE.
You are great No body.

I totallly agree with you.

If every one is selffish then there can never be friends and socities.

I agree that this foroum is a place whre we can share lot of our common problems and seek each other advices.

That will make our life easier.

also Sooner or later this will develop into a community .

For me the names like ..Nobody, DVD, detlef are already part of the life.

Keep the flame alive,

Have hope
0 (0 Votos)

Re: After NE
25/03/05 22:29 en respuesta a First NE.

I agree and appreciate Nobody approach, as he is one of active and helpful member of this site.

0 (0 Votos)

Re: After NE
26/03/05 11:42 en respuesta a First NE.
it would be great, if someone can give a good technical answer to the original questionemoticon

That will help me keep aliveemoticon

0 (0 Votos)

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