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Werbung for Croatia

Werbung for Croatia
25/02/05 14:08
So few words about news in Croatia.
First to make it clear right away:
Croatia is best place to spend holidays if you live in D. Why?

1-It has nice coast (1000s of islands) and clean (cleanest in Mediteran) and warm sea (>25°C).

2-It is really near. If you are in Bayern in 3-4 hours you reach it. One hour more and you are on cost. My way of counting those hours is: In 5 hours I will swim in the sea.

3-There is new high way there that is as good as highways in D, so that you can get everywhere with 200 km/h (no radars on high way).

4-It is much much cheaper than any other similar country.

If any one needs additional info...
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Re: Werbung for Croatia
25/02/05 14:11 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
I forgot great history reaching Roman Empire.
Even my house which is nothing special is 1500 years old.
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Re: Werbung for Croatia
25/02/05 14:22 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
Hey De...

Just focus on the temperature of the sea and you will have millions of candidates for tourism.

I support your idea and for sure I will visit your country
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Re: Werbung for Croatia
25/02/05 14:43 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
Hi DvD,

I agree, Croatia is beautiful. 35 years back I visited it the first time, with an old Volkswagen Beetle and a tent.

I got sunburned and I met nice, very hospitable people.

Have a nice weekend
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Re: Werbung for Croatia
25/02/05 14:48 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
I forgot:
in few years we will enter EU.
Until than I will certainly have cheap yacht charter firma.
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Re: Werbung for Croatia
25/02/05 14:50 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
But you dont belong to the Schengen States, right?

Which means Indians like me need a visa! :-(
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Re: Werbung for Croatia
25/02/05 14:58 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
Hard to say. I do not know, but to say honestly I do not know anyone that needed visa for my country. After all it is tourist country.
So no need for visa but only AFAIK.
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Re: Werbung for Croatia
25/02/05 15:17 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
India is a tourist country too!

Just check out:

Its available even in German.

But anyone, including Germans and Americans need a visa to enter the country!
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Re: Werbung for Croatia
25/02/05 15:19 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
Check out:
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Re: Werbung for Croatia
25/02/05 15:39 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
Here are lands that do not need visa for Hr
I am afraid India is not there.

Argentina Izrael Panama
Australija Jamajka Paragvaj
Austrija Japan Poljska
Belgija Kanada Portugal
Bolivija Republika Koreja Rumunjska
Bosna i Hercegovina Kostarika San Marino
Brazil Latvija Singapur
Bugarska Lihtenštajn Slovačka
Cipar Litva Slovenija
Češka Luxemburg Španjolska
Čile Mađarska Švedska
Danska Makedonija Švicarska
Ekvador Malezija Turska
Estonija Malta SAD
Finska Meksiko Urugvaj
Francuska Monako Vatikan
Grčka Nizozemska Velika Britanija
Irska Njemačka Venezuela
Island Norveška
Italija Novi Zeland
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Re: Werbung for Croatia
25/02/05 15:54 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
And you can colect as many stones as you want from the beaches. You will not get in prison for stealing culture monuments ;)
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Re: Werbung for Croatia
25/02/05 16:50 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.

Please stop it.. emoticon you dont know the details of the story. You are reacting upon what you have heard in German TVs.


Lacrima who loves also Croatia as one of the most beatiful mediterreanean country and who plans to visit it as soon as possible.. emoticon ( I need visa too.. emoticon
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Re: Werbung for Croatia
25/02/05 17:25 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
that with visas is so stupid.
tourist contry needs visas!!!!

what details I do not know?
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Re: Werbung for Croatia
25/02/05 17:39 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
Errrm, you could have translated the names of the countries; somehow I have the feeling that "Njemačka" for example doesn't say much to the others emoticon

(Viva la mare nostro! ;)
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Re: Werbung for Croatia
25/02/05 17:41 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.

They were not taking just "Stones". They were really trying to smuggle ancient/archaeoligical metarial, probably from ancient Roman time. (It does not change the fact that you are committing a crime if you say.. "Oh well, I didnt know that it was forbidden to take these nice ancient material" ). It is a heritage of that country and it should stay in that country. If you try to get it out of that country.(by knowing the laws or not). It is SMUGGLING and it has consequences for you.

Those people played the role of "innocent" in German TVs in order to gain the support of the German Public but I am sorry, if you are in a country, you have to obey the laws of that country. If you dont, you should be ready to bear the consequences of your acts. That is what we are doing in Germany now as foreigners.. I am sure that a German court would never accept an excuse like "I didnt know that it was a crime" neither did the Turkish Court.


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Re: Werbung for Croatia
25/02/05 18:30 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
Hi, DvD,

I like Croatia too, especially what I did saw on the images into the touristic agencies. The country looks like really very attractive with these green islands!

What about the water? Isn't it too salty? I was once in Greece and have tried to swim, but! The water was too salty, that I couldn't open my eyes!

I'm from Bulgaria, I live at the coast of Black See. In the summer, july/august, the water is so warm, that you couls stay into it 2 or 3 hours without problems. And the salt is in such a proportion, that you dont' need to keep your eyes closed.

Probably (after about 16 months) I'll open an yacht club there too - we could cooperate, to offer 1 week journeys from Varna to Croatia:-) Why not?

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Re: Werbung for Croatia
25/02/05 19:27 en respuesta a Denis von Domikulic.
Do you know that 1/3 of Europe comes from Croatia?

DNA analysis showed that 90% of Europeeans have one of 3 genetic lineages: EU18, EU19 and EU7.
This EU7 is most probably born in Croatia 20k years ago because there it is most often.
From there this lineage spread across Europe and know it is in:
Sweden ~48%
Germany ~40%
Holand ~22%
Poland ~25%
France ~18%
Ukrajina ~18%
Croatia ~50%

Numbers are not exact but all who want details can check it.
just google NRY DNA EU7 EU18 EU19
My island for example has 64% this lineage.

Source is:

blue one is EU7
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