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Video Projectors?

Video Projectors?
27/06/05 16:09
Hi all,

I wanna setup a home theatre and planning to buy a video projector, but in dilema what to buy and best projector.
When i see web site, i find two types of Video Projector, one LCD and other DLP-Projectors.
If anyone has idea which is the best one? dlp or lcd?
Any further info, how this projector works like?
Any further comments or suggestions for best sound, video quality for installing home theatre.

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Re: Video Projectors?
7/07/05 21:03 en respuesta a Deepak Bansal.
Hi Deepak,

Probably you are looking for upto 2000 Euro models, because there is also a CRT projector type which is expensive 10000+ and generally for enthusiasts.

Simply both LCD and DLP has advantages and disadvantages. Depends your preferences.

LCD projectors generally has worse contrast than DLP counterparts, but new ones has quite high contrast values. Also LCD projectors generally have Vertical Banding problem, that is vertical lines/bars with alternating brightnesses.

DLP projectors have good contrast values, but some people are very sensitive to the rainbow effect caused by the rotating color wheel used in DLP projection technology. Simply, white colors display rainbows.

Check some of the AVS forums, and have both types of projectors demoed to see if you like/dislike them.

http://cine4home.de/ (very detailed, German)

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