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Need Info regarding Kindergeld

Need Info regarding Kindergeld gcc ram 7/06/06 16:21
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld Rohit Kumar 7/06/06 16:45
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld gcc ram 7/06/06 17:09
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld Denis von Domikulic 7/06/06 17:25
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld gcc ram 7/06/06 17:31
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld A Alvarez 8/06/06 0:40
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld Denis von Domikulic 8/06/06 10:53
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld gcc ram 8/06/06 14:55
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld Denis von Domikulic 8/06/06 16:01
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld gcc ram 8/06/06 16:26
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld Denis von Domikulic 8/06/06 18:04
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld gcc ram 12/06/06 16:51
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld maurice love 12/06/06 17:13
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld Denis von Domikulic 12/06/06 18:52
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld - - 13/06/06 1:27
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld gcc ram 13/06/06 3:40
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld Denis von Domikulic 13/06/06 10:40
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld gcc ram 13/06/06 13:02
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld Denis von Domikulic 13/06/06 13:19
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld gcc ram 13/06/06 13:30
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld Denis von Domikulic 13/06/06 16:05
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld gcc ram 13/06/06 17:30
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld Denis von Domikulic 13/06/06 18:14
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld Rohit Kumar 13/06/06 21:05
Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld Denis von Domikulic 16/06/06 16:13
Need Info regarding Kindergeld
7/06/06 16:21
I am trying to get kindergeld here
it got rejected with reaseon following reason
I need help in this regards
1. Should i Get Kindergeld
2. If Yes How can I proceed
Kindergeld nach dem Einkommensteuergesetz (EStG)
Sehr geehrter Herr ,
Ihr Antrag auf Kindergeld vom 25.11.2005 wird hiermit abgelehnt.
Nach § 62 EStG steht ausländischen Staatsangehörigen nur dann Kindergeld zu, wenn sie im Besitz
.einer Niederlassungserlaubnis, ~
.einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis zum Zwecke der Erwerbstätigkeit,
.einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis nach § 25 Abs. 1 und 2, den §§ 31, 37, 38 des Aufenthaltsgesetzes
.einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis zum Zwecke des Familiennachzugs zu einem Deutschen oder zu
einer von den Nummern 1 bis 3 erfassten Personen, sind.
Nach den vorliegenden Unterlagen erfüllen Sie keine dieser Voraussetzungen.
Deshalb haben Sie keinen Anspruch auf Kindergeld. Falls Sie lohnsteuerpflichtiger Arbeitnehmer
sind, kann die Eintragung eines Kinderfreibetrages auf der Lohnsteuerkarte möglich sein. Sie können
sich unter Vorlage dieses Bescheides an das fOr Ihren Wohnsitz zustandige Finanzamt wenden.
Rechts be he Ifsbelehrung:
Dieser Bescheid kann mit dem Einspruch angefochten werden. Der Einspruch ist bei der vorbezeich-
neten Familienkasse schriftlich einzureichen oder zur Niederschrift zu erklaren. Die Frist fOr die Einle-
gung eines Einspruchs betragt einen Monat. Sie beginnt mit Ablauf des Tages, an dem Ihnen der
Bescheid bekannt gegeben worden ist. Bei Zusendung durch einfachen oder Zustellung durch einge-
schriebenen Brief gilt die Bekanntgabe mit dem dritten Tag nach Aufgabe zur Post als bewirkt, es sei
denn, dass der Bescheid zu einem spateren Zeitpunkt zugegangen ist. Bei Zustellung mit Postzustel-
lungsurkut1de oder gegen Empfangsbekenntnis ist Tag der Bekanntgabe der Tag der Zustellung.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
7/06/06 16:45 en respuesta a gcc ram.

With the above letter it is clear that on which grounds they have rejected your application but what is your status in Germany? What kind of resident permit you have and other information is missing?

so please provide it then may be somebody can help you.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
7/06/06 17:09 en respuesta a gcc ram.
§18 AufenthG siehe xxxxxx

Beschäftigung nur gem. §39 Aufenthg i.v.m. §27
BeschV geststtet als Software Engineer
Erlischt mit Beendigung der Tätigkeit bet der FA. XXXXX XXXX
Valid till Aug 2008
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
7/06/06 17:25 en respuesta a gcc ram.
looks like they do not have copy of your AufErl.
send them a fax with AE and letter and call them about details.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
7/06/06 17:31 en respuesta a gcc ram.
I already sent them all documents including my Visa/WP, "local registration" XEROX but still they are not ready to pay me KINDERGELD

I'll really Appriciate if sombody in foram will reply to my questions
1. Should i Get Kindergeld?
2. If Yes How can I proceed now? I got this letter in DEC 2005
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
8/06/06 0:40 en respuesta a gcc ram.
Hmmm, for the record, normally you should reply to this things within one month, it also says this at the end the letter.

What you can do is to apply for a Kinderfreibetrages on your Lohnsteuerkarte. This means they will put an amount of money that you don't have to tax.

Anyway, as it was their mistake since you gave them a copy of your residence permit, you can probably talk them out of their error. But go with someone who speaks the language properly to avoid misunderstandings.

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
8/06/06 10:53 en respuesta a gcc ram.
first of all:
are your wife and children in Germany?
if not, you can get no Kindergeld

next time try to povide more info instead of hiding it!
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
8/06/06 14:55 en respuesta a gcc ram.
My wife and child are here in Germany with me

Are you looking for specific info please let me know.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
8/06/06 16:01 en respuesta a gcc ram.
how is your german?
can you call them and explain everything?
they probably have some wrong ideas about GC.
find some tel number in the letter you got.

do you know that in a few months you can go for BE. it makes life easier
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
8/06/06 16:26 en respuesta a gcc ram.
how is your german? ... very Poor
can you call them and explain everything? seems to be difficult to talk to them in german and they are not willing to speak english

they probably have some wrong ideas about GC.
What is GC??
do you know that in a few months you can go for BE. it makes life easier

What is BE??
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
8/06/06 18:04 en respuesta a gcc ram.
search the forum. you'll find a lot about BE.

anyway it is hard to say what did they got wrong, but it's obvious that you should get KG. maybe they think your visa is not real AE cos it is GreenCard visa that you got according to old law.
lots of people in Germany thought that GC is not real AE even before ZuwG. stupid but it is so. I had problems regarding that too, but not related to KG.

what ever they got wrong, you need someone with good german to call them.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
12/06/06 16:51 en respuesta a gcc ram.
I asked them and reply is as follows
nach § 62 Einkommensteuergesetz steht ausländischen Staatsangehörigen nur dann Kindergeld zu wenn sie im Besitz einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis nach § 25 Abs. 1 und 2, den §§ 31,37 oder § 38 sind. Deine Aufenthaltserlaubnis ist gem. § 39 so dass kein Kindergeld gewährt wird.

Noteemoticonlease Post your replies in Enhlosh
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
12/06/06 17:13 en respuesta a gcc ram.
They are saying the class of visa you have received ( Aufenthaltserlaubnis ist gem. § 39 ) makes you ineligible for kindergeld. If you had a visa from one of the other visa categories they mention, it would be no problem.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
12/06/06 18:52 en respuesta a gcc ram.

it is ODER between those points:
"(2) Ein Ausländer erhält Kindergeld nur, wenn er im Besitz
1. einer Niederlassungserlaubnis,
2. einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis zum Zwecke der Erwerbstätigkeit,
3. einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis nach § 25 Abs. 1 und 2, den §§ 31, 37, 38 des
Aufenthaltsgesetzes oder
4. einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis zum Zwecke des Familiennachzugs zu einem
Deutschen oder zu einer von den Nummern 1 bis 3 erfassten Person ist."

that means you fit into point 2 cos you have AE for work, and that is enough.

if they do not count it as point 2, than you can sue them.

there is slight posibility that they think point 2. is only if you have "Erwerbstät. gestattet" in Pass.
but that is complete b...s..t.
I had KG long time with similar visa as yours.
If they think that than they are wrong.
Maybe others could provide their own experience but I think Beamte is obviously wrong.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
13/06/06 1:27 en respuesta a gcc ram.
i would think it's because some official from immigration office decided to be very clever and wrote §39 in residence permit. THERE ARE NO RESIDENCE PERMITS THAT ARE ISSUED ACCORDINGLY TO §39! §39 of immigration law talks about necessity to get an agreement of employment office before issuing a residence permit for employment purposes.

the officials working with applications for kindergeld do not know anything about immigration law => we all can see the results of cleverness of one official from immigration office who did not use recommended sentences when issuing a residence permit

now i guess you have to get a confirmation from immigration office that your residence permit is issued for employment purposes, and with that confirmation you can apply for kindergeld once more
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
13/06/06 3:40 en respuesta a gcc ram.
I know 4 of my friends with "Aufenthaltserlaubnis ist gem. § 39" in there visa are getting KG I dont know what exactly wrong in my case
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Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
13/06/06 10:40 en respuesta a gcc ram.
"THERE ARE NO RESIDENCE PERMITS THAT ARE ISSUED ACCORDINGLY TO §39! §39 of immigration law talks about necessity to get an agreement of employment office before issuing a residence permit for employment purposes."

why not. that only meens ArbMarktCheck. all GC are somehow §39. but §39 is not a problem. point 2 includs even §39.

"the officials working with applications for kindergeld do not know anything about immigration law"

even some official from immigration office know nothing about immigr law

"now i guess you have to get a confirmation from immigration office that your residence permit is issued for employment purposes, and with that confirmation you can apply for kindergeld once more"

try to get them to write down that it fits under point 2
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
13/06/06 13:02 en respuesta a gcc ram.
Is there anything to do with Social security (or unemployment insurance)?
I dont have proof for that since my salary is paid by my Indian company and Sal slip does not include above information
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Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
13/06/06 13:19 en respuesta a gcc ram.
that could be it
if your firma does not pay soc. ins. than you get nothing. but that is ilegal. they must pay soc ins. Check that out and find your soc ins number.
do you have health ins.?
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
13/06/06 13:30 en respuesta a gcc ram.
I am Having International Helth insurance Valid almost All over the world
Where I can find my soc ins number.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
13/06/06 16:05 en respuesta a gcc ram.
nowhere if you do not have soc. ins.

first check with your firma do you have soc. ins.
i think they have to pay it. I know one company that was closed because not paying soc ins and Renten. Owner is now in jail.

Beside, if they do not pay Renten you can never get BE or NE
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
13/06/06 17:30 en respuesta a gcc ram.
is it in somwhere in Lohnsteuerbescheinigung I am having it
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
13/06/06 18:14 en respuesta a gcc ram.
I don't have my paylist at the moment.
maybe somebody else can check what does the payment for soc vers and Renten looks like on payslip.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
13/06/06 21:05 en respuesta a gcc ram.
the Aufbau der Versicherungsnummer
65 170839 J 00 8

65 : Bereichsnummer
170839 : Geburtsdatum des Versicherten
J : Anfangsbuchstabe des Geburtsnamens
00 : Seriennummer
8 : Prüfziffer

so wird die Versicherungsnummer aufgebaut.

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Need Info regarding Kindergeld
16/06/06 16:13 en respuesta a gcc ram.
You have to find one document named:
Meldebescheinigung für social Versicherung.

Beside you should have card with your picture named:
Socialversicherungsausweis or
Social Insurance Card or
Carte de sécurité sociale or ...

Without this card it is impossible to get NE or stay in Germany. If they find out that you do not have it you are in trouble.

So find it out and let us know.
0 (0 Votos)

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