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Help needed!

how long I can stay when my visa expires !?

Hi All,

My student visa ends by the end of september.. I got the visa extension letter, etc.. from the university and mailed ABH to get an appointment for visa extension (I stated in the email that my visa ends by 30th september).

They replied me to come on 4th October at 15:00 Uhr.. In their mail, it was stated that I cant go and meet them without having an appointment.

My friend said that based on the state, we can stay in germany between 1 to 2 weeks even after the visa expires. I am living in Mainz.

I emailed them today saying that my current visa ends by the end of september but no response so far. What shall I do now? Shall I wait and go on 4th October or should I go before this weekend?

Thank you.
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Re: how long I can stay when my visa expires !?
28/09/05 19:19 en respuesta a LaLi LuNa.
Why dont you call them ? it is an old communication way but more effective than e-mail.


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Re: how long I can stay when my visa expires !?
28/09/05 19:27 en respuesta a LaLi LuNa.
Strict interpretation of the law says you must go before your visa expires. Otherwise you might face yourself with refusal of extension, since your stay between 30.9. and 4.10 would be illegal.

Me myself however have reported visa expiration once with 2 weeks delay (after I have lost my job) and faced no consequences.
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Re: how long I can stay when my visa expires !?
28/09/05 19:30 en respuesta a LaLi LuNa.
Better I would go to ABH tomorrow...If I cant meet, I will make a call. emoticon

Just wanted to know if there is any problem. Thank you.
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Re: how long I can stay when my visa expires !?
28/09/05 19:37 en respuesta a LaLi LuNa.

According to my experience, you won't face any problem, as they have confirmed you by e-mail for a appointment.

You can go on the appointed date, and keep the e-mail with you, for next 4 days, incase of any other problems faced.

Sometime back I had faced a similar problem, and they had told , once you have an appoitment ,even if the visa expires in due time, it won't affect you in anyway..!

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Re: how long I can stay when my visa expires !?
28/09/05 20:14 en respuesta a LaLi LuNa.
Thank you for your quick replies.

What does this sentence mean in their email:

"- ausgefüllter Antrag auf Verlängerung Ihrer Arbeitsnehmigung"

Is it "Filled form for extending workpermit" ?

I have extended student visa last year but dont remember if this was a requirement!
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Re: how long I can stay when my visa expires !?
29/09/05 15:16 en respuesta a LaLi LuNa.
I have called the ABH and they said its not a problem. So, I will go on October 4th.

Could anyone tell me what means:

"ausgefüllter Antrag auf Verlängerung Ihrer Arbeitsgenehmigung"

Thank you.
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Re: how long I can stay when my visa expires !?
29/09/05 15:22 en respuesta a LaLi LuNa.
Your translation is correct.
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Re: how long I can stay when my visa expires !?
29/09/05 16:07 en respuesta a LaLi LuNa.
Thank you, but what is that form? where to get it?

Isn't just the information "Student Visa" hold everything!?
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Re: how long I can stay when my visa expires !?
29/09/05 16:15 en respuesta a LaLi LuNa.
Probably ABH people sent you a generic e-mail which they send to everybody who requests a residence permit extension.
I personally can not see any reason for filling such a form for student visa extension petition.


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Re: how long I can stay when my visa expires !?
29/09/05 17:17 en respuesta a LaLi LuNa.
"Antrag auf Verlängerung der Aufenthaltsgenehmigung" can be obtained in the local municipality (Gemeinde, Rathaus, ...).

Go there and ask for the form. In Munich area Gemeinde has also to put the stamp on the last page and confirm that they do not have anything against that you stay further on their therritory.
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Re: how long I can stay when my visa expires !?
29/09/05 17:31 en respuesta a LaLi LuNa.
Hmm.. laliluna was talking about a form regarding "Arbeitsgenehmigung".
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Re: how long I can stay when my visa expires !?
29/09/05 18:36 en respuesta a LaLi LuNa.
>> Probably ABH people sent you a generic e-mail which they send to everybody who requests a residence permit extension. <<

Yes, Most probably.

Thank you.
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