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Sending Child to Home Country for studies

Sending Child to Home Country for studies Ma Gm 14/04/05 19:39
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies Manfred Baksh 15/04/05 13:26
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies Denis von Domikulic 15/04/05 13:59
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies Ma Gm 15/04/05 14:12
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies Denis von Domikulic 15/04/05 14:20
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies ben fleck 15/04/05 16:25
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies chandrasekar krishnamurthy 15/04/05 16:32
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies H B 15/04/05 16:55
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies Denis von Domikulic 15/04/05 16:59
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies H B 15/04/05 17:02
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies Denis von Domikulic 15/04/05 17:06
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies Ma Gm 15/04/05 17:14
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies H B 15/04/05 17:19
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies Denis von Domikulic 15/04/05 17:41
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies chandrasekar krishnamurthy 15/04/05 17:54
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies chandrasekar krishnamurthy 15/04/05 18:00
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies H B 15/04/05 18:09
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies Guvenc Gulce 15/04/05 18:23
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies frank alagan 15/04/05 18:44
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies Guvenc Gulce 15/04/05 19:16
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies Indian the great 15/04/05 19:22
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies Guvenc Gulce 15/04/05 19:41
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies Denis von Domikulic 16/04/05 4:40
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies ben fleck 16/04/05 14:31
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies rana Afzal 16/04/05 16:39
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies ben fleck 16/04/05 21:00
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies Denis von Domikulic 17/04/05 22:19
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies Risto Minev 18/04/05 15:15
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies Indian the great 18/04/05 15:18
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies ben fleck 18/04/05 15:52
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies D K 18/04/05 15:59
Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies ben fleck 18/04/05 17:11
I am planning to send my child to my home country for studies. Normally the visa of the child will be invalid if he is not coming back to Germany with in 6 months. Is there any was to get rid of this problem. Is there anyway to extend the stay (of the child) in the home country without having any problems for the visa
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 13:26 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
I would also like to know answers to this questions...and if in germany esp Gymnasium there are courses for children in English in normal german school.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 13:59 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
And why are you doing it?
Here is Studium for free.
Meaning in your homeland it can not be cheaper.
And I can hardly believe that Studium is better there.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 14:12 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
We want to send our child because
we are not planning to settle here. May be after three or four years we want to go back to our home country. Since we have good oppertunities in our home country (India). I think after making some money and good experience. I think allmost all Indians here think like that. So then there will be difficulties for the child to continue his studies.

I do n't think German eduactaion is not a good system. If the Politicialns and other people in Germany are thinking on this. I think the system here are making young generation more and more lazy.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 14:20 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
And what does child says?
I think even if you all go back to India, it would be very usefull if child does Studium here.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 16:25 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
>I think even if you all go back to India, it would be very usefull if child does Studium here.

Can you explain us, how useful it is? do you know the age of that child? You should know that the educational foundation you get in India is really good. Germany or any other country who attract foreign students is good if you are looking for higher studies and now even that quality is going down in these countries but the infrastructure and facilities are still excellent here for students, there is no doubt about that.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 16:32 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
Hello DVD,

Though German universities have good infrastructure and good courses, I would say the present primary school system doesnt have a proper programme for disciplined upbringing of students.
Well parents too have a role to play but the schools have more influence on them as they spend more time there than the effective time spent at home.

I dont think good schools in India would keep quite if they see girls and boys smoking together within the precincts of the campus,or wont bother if some student behaves badly in public. I would say schools in India go to a extent more than not only in teaching but also in the upbringing of the child.

All said exceptions cant be excluded.

Rather than having a free studium here, I would rather invest in my childs moral development.

I feel that with the present scenario in Germany, this govt is going to find it difficult to cultivate a sense of self responsibility, ethics and etiquettes thereby losing its edge over the present developing countries in the next 15-20 years, which is the time by which our children would be getting shaped to face the future.

I hope I didnt offend anybody, but would welcome a discussion regarding this topic.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 16:55 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
This was a message posted by one of the members some time back.


Makes me really wonder .... :-S
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 16:59 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
This topic could be discussed unendly.

I would say that this way:
In Germany there is big danger that kid comes in "bad surrounding" which could than be fatal for his moral development.

In India is this danger allmost 0.

But I still prefer Germany because when you take other things in account you can see that such a danger is big only for uneducated family, and if child comes from better family chances to go wrong are really small.

So I could agree in some extent with you but I have to say that one can not expect whole Germany to be perfect.
There are allways bad and good sides from every story.
Allthough you see only bad sides from german culture, it is not that bad at all. Problem is that bad allways comes out so it looks like everything is bad but it isn't.

Anyway people usually do not mess with everybody. You mess with your own kind, you find somebody who is similar to you and all that average out there does not interest you. It is same no metter in what country you come.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 17:02 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
"Problem is that bad allways comes out so it looks like everything is bad but it isn't."

If this statement were true ... why dont we hear such bad things about other countries ... ???
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 17:06 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
maybe because you are not living in those countries.

ever heard about schools in USA.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 17:14 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
We are planning to send the child for primary education.
We select India because
The Primary eduaction is better than Germany

Children will be developed with some moral values. It is in this age children can be developed with string moral values.

Children will keep relationships..especially towards parents and others. Here the mentality is differnt. Even to parents the relationship is formal.

After primary education, they can go to any country for higher education. Note: Higher education in India is also very good. Especially IIT's (Technical Universities & IIMs (Management schools) in India can compete with any universities in the World.

Also in the time of globalisation, oppertunities will be flowing to the developing countries.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 17:19 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
I didnt mean Germany in particular. I know US is worse.

There is a saying in English "There's no smoke without fire" ....

So, your argument "Problem is that bad allways comes out so it looks like everything is bad but it isn't." is not true.

If something looks bad, then it really is bad.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 17:41 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
"If something looks bad, then it really is bad."

Hm, let me see if I understud it well.
India looks bad, very bad indeed. Everywhere poor and sick and uneducated people. So according to HM India is bad, very bad indeed. And there is only poor and sick and uneducated people there.

Don't understand me wrong. This is your saying, not mine.
Please do not atack me for those words because those are not my words. HM says so.
If you want to attack someone than attack HM because he said that.
I do not even agree with him.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 17:54 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
Hello Mr.DVD,

I think you belong to some of the groups of India haters.
What ever may be your opinion about my country or its citizens, we are just discussing here about the schools and the moral values instilled by them on their wards.
So keep your discussion to this topic and not get into some India bashing just because you hate our country or to put it pschologically 'Dont be JEALOUS SEE OUR DEVELOPMENT'.
I think you should control your toungue a little bit.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 18:00 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
And coming to what MAGI says.
Ofcourse IIT and IIM's are the best. They have been graded by every country as the toughest institutions in the world to enter.

At the school level, in every Olympiad, be it MAths or Science, you always have a minimum of 3 Indian students out of the top 10.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 18:09 en respuesta a Ma Gm.

I dont want to comment on your last post.

But your original post:

And why are you doing it?
Here is Studium for free.
Meaning in your homeland it can not be cheaper.
And I can hardly believe that Studium is better there.

I really dont agree with this. Just because Studium is free here, I dont see how is it better than other countries.

And it is very expensive to send kids to English medium schools.

I wont mind spending all my savings on my kids education, if that would give them the best education in all respects ...

and I am honestly not pleased with the education system here ... and I still consider it bad.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 18:23 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
I think that German Universities have a good world-wide Reputation. Noone can claim that University Education is bad in Germany. It is however very well possible, some Universities in 3rd world countries have better education than some 2nd class University in Germany but that would not be a fair comparison. We should look at the average University quality by taking into consideration all Universities of the country.

On the other hand, I agree that Elementary-Secondary-High school education is not that good in Germany. We already know it from Pizza studies. But that does not mean that German School system can not compete with 3r World's Elemantary-High schools. Such a conclusion would be a real exaggeration.

This "moral" stuff mentioned by some posters is more a "cultural" thing. You can not expect a german school to give an education in the way of a 3rd world country school.

Here people (even Kids) have more freedom, the culture is different. It can be bad from your perspective but could be very good from a German perspective. I find it also a bit wrong to signify such a "cultural" difference as a handicap in German school system.


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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 18:44 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
Thanks lacrima for your useless comments, and poring more oil into the burning fire!
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 19:16 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
Thanks Frank for your kindness.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 19:22 en respuesta a Ma Gm.

The real answer for your question is 'NO'. May be in future if they change the rules. But you can always make a new application if the stay crossed more than six months.

It is quite funny that here a few come from some parts of the world which is worse than india (you can call them 4th world or no world) and making comments about india. Interesting!!!
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
15/04/05 19:41 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
I consider my country also 3rd World, to avoid the misunderstanding maybe I should mention this. Excluding EU, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and couple of high-tech Asian countries(like South Korea)
for me the rest is 3rd World. This is just a fact. No need to feel offended. Please read my posting again by keeping in mind this.



PS: You can get the OECD's HDI(Human development Index) rankings and clearly see which countries are 3rd world.
and here is the link for that:

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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
16/04/05 4:40 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
"Hello Mr.DVD,

I think you belong to some of the groups of India haters."

hello chandra,
you are completely wrong. I like India and even have few indian friends. All those words I wrote are not my opinion. Read my post again. It is just interpretation of smart tips that HM gave us.
If you want to complain, complain to him.

By the way I like India but I like Germany more.
There is one thing about Germany that is much better than in India.
In Germany is welth quite evenly spreaded so that acctually nobody is really poor. It is much better than in USA, and of course much, much better than in India.
I know there are lot of people that live well in India now, but number of poor people is to big.
India can solve it with it's big growth but I am afraid that growth will not fill the pockets of poor people.
I think India will grow in the USA way, meaning there will be 99.99% of welth in the pockets of the 0.01% of the population. In Germany it is much, much better.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
16/04/05 14:31 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
DVD says "I like India and even have few indian friends."

Could you please tell us why and what you like in India? this will be interesting for the all the Indian posters here.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
16/04/05 16:39 en respuesta a Ma Gm.

dont exaggerate the things too much as we use to write things on our CVs.
see this news.

there should be some ground realities which people should see and only then they can believe
the better indian school or universtiy system.
unfortunately for the time being,country is still very poor. people still sleep on the roads etc, etc.

so better first imporve. just by saying this thing is good or that thing is good, u cannot change the
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
16/04/05 21:00 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
>>dont exaggerate the things too much as we use to write things on our CVs.
see this news.<<
so you did that dirty work then.

so what is the relation between this news and the current topic

>>there should be some ground realities which people should see and only then they can believe the better indian school or universtiy system.<<
aha, ok ground reality check! why don't you provide us your school to school survey results.

>>unfortunately for the time being,country is still very poor. people still sleep on the roads etc, etc.<<
again, what do you intend to explain here?

>>so better first imporve. just by saying this thing is good or that thing is good, u cannot change the facts.<<
you whooper, fix your language first
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
17/04/05 22:19 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
"Could you please tell us why and what you like in India? this will be interesting for the all the Indian posters here."

This forum is not enough for it.
First if all India is cradle of Europe civilisation.
Allmost all european languages fall into indoeuropean group. India has great history and interesting religion.
I like Vedas and I am trying to find time to read more of it. I've heard that there are lots of energy sources mentioned there, which are unknown for today science.
I like Akasha cronics and similar things.

But do not understand me wrong. I do not take anything for granted, even if I like it. That means that I am can criticise India even if I like it, because nothing is perfect anyway. Everything can be better.
I even like to criticise my own country and I think that critic can only do good.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
18/04/05 15:15 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
Hi Magi,

I would think very very deep before I send my child away from me. A child needs its parents and particularly their mothers. I know an army of so called Temporarry-Workers here in Germany who have done the same think with the same objectives, to make some money and go back home. However the child suffers the most in these cases. You will not do any favor to the child. He/She will miss you and You also will miss your child. What are the consequnces on the child development from this emptiness that it will feel. No one can predict that. You will initiate a process called heart-breakage if not even family-breakage.

Again think very very well.

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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
18/04/05 15:18 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
As per the current trend, you can get very good salaries to have a good life. It is important to be with children rather concentrating only on money. These days wont come back.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
18/04/05 15:52 en respuesta a Ma Gm.

From my view point, there is no work around to solve your problem, if there exists one then I would suggest you to contact an attorney.

I will go by your decision in sending the child back to your country only if it is a baby under 5 years because at this point of time only grand parents can give their best.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
18/04/05 15:59 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
I guess Magi would have given this a proper thought before arriving at this decision to send his child to India for education. So let's not coerce him to change his decision.

Well, to give you some tips: I am sure your child would get vacation at least once in 6 months. Your child could then visit you in Germany. In such a case, maybe his/her resident visa would remain intact and you need not worry about its validity. I am however not sure if this would legally right.
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Re: Sending Child to Home Country for studies
18/04/05 17:11 en respuesta a Ma Gm.
>Well, to give you some tips: I am sure your child would get vacation at least once in 6 months. Your child could then visit you in Germany. In such a case, maybe his/her resident visa would remain intact and you need not worry about its validity. I am however not sure if this would legally right.<

deepak, I don't think this is what magi is expecting from us. He wanted to continue keeping his child after 6 months.
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