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Visa Questions

Einbürgerung - 6 years

Einbürgerung - 6 years
30/08/07 1:45
Hi Lacrima et al,

Any news on this ?


Thanks in advance!
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Einbürgerung - 6 years
30/08/07 13:04 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
Hi pwehrli

AFAIK the new law/law changes are now active.

You can check it in this forum the post some days ago (on monday 27th august) of a colleage.

BUT if you were also checking in the info4alien forum, they also told there that even the law is now active they are waiting for the internal manual for the ABHs, the so called "Anwendungshinweise"


This is still not ready and this may take a while until see the light. There should be more clear if it´s possible the 6 years thing.

It would be interesting to check that. But we should read all things carefully, because if you see now the (old) Anwendungshinweise, you can have a German citizenship with 7 years, but to prove all the conditions for that is a little bit tricky.

Also AFAIK, the 6 years clause would include some also tricky things to prove like "very well integrated to the German system" thing, that (without reading the law text I must confess...) sounds to me a little bit subjective.

But, let´s pay attention to the subject.
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Re: Einbürgerung - 6 years
31/08/07 12:45 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.

....6 years clause would include some also tricky things to prove like "very well integrated to the German system"....

I guess they have prepared a tricky multiple-choice questionnaire to ascertain the level of integration ;-)


"An einem Nachmittag, kommen Sie von der Arbeit unerwartet nach Hause und in eurem Ehebett erwischen Sie Ihre Ehefrau mit dem Gärtner. Wie würden Sie reagieren?"

(A) unverzögert beide sofort umlegen.

(emoticon Selbstmord veranstalten.

(C) von dem Typ Geld verlangen.

(D) mitmachen.

(E) mit dem HandyCam verfilmen und später ins Internet verkaufen.

(F) ab in die Kneipe und zum Tod saufen.

(G) sich entschuldigen und sofort das Zimmer verlassen und erst am Abend in aller Ruhe mit der Ehefrau darüber besprechen.
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Einbürgerung - 6 years
1/09/07 4:46 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
lol! akshay,

you didnt mention the qualified answer of such a multiple choice question (in the given scenario)!

0 (0 Votos)

Re: Einbürgerung - 6 years
2/09/07 18:30 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
haha! sehr gut emoticon

i know for sure Akshay wouldn't pick (G) emoticon
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Re: Einbürgerung - 6 years
2/09/07 20:37 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
How are you so sure about this ? Have you met him ? In what circumstances ? emoticon)
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Re: Einbürgerung - 6 years
10/09/07 1:07 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.

(G) is the most civilized answer, the only question is, are we?
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Re: Einbürgerung - 6 years
10/09/07 2:37 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
Sorry.. I just saw this post in which you addressed me directly.. My friend YO is right.. it looks like we will need to wait the so called "Verwaltungsvorschriften" and some real life experience of people who try to use that paragraph to naturalize themselves after 6 years..

So let's wait and see the first examples..


0 (0 Votos)

Re: Einbürgerung - 6 years
10/09/07 2:55 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
thanks Lacrima!
0 (0 Votos)

Re: Einbürgerung - 6 years
29/09/07 23:44 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
Are there any updates on this issue!
Any real life experiences?
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Re: Einbürgerung - 6 years
1/10/07 14:12 en respuesta a Paul Wehrli.
Hello everyone,

I would like here to share my experience regarding this topic as I was on last Thursday by our local Landratsamt (in Bayern) asking exactly about this point.

I had already Zertifikat Deutsch since 2002 and TestDAF since 2004 and I did an Orientierungskurs in June 2007 with note A (40 from 40).

From my view of point I thought that I should be able to apply for German Citizenship as I finished my 6th year at end of July 2007.

Now the guy in Landratsamt said that it doesn't make since to apply now for the following reasons:

* There aren't any available guide lines till now about what are the conditions to say that a foreigner is really well integrated and it will take at least three months to have one.

* They will put a special Citizenship application as I am trying to use a special case in the law and this normally takes up 6 months to have answer back from the local Government !

* By the time an answer will come I will be any way eligible to apply as my 7th year is almost there which will be much easier without involving any special or complicated process.

So I decided to take the official Guy's Advice and wait till June 2008 and apply normally (Integration + 7 years) for all of us.

I hope this information will be useful for you all.


IT Expert
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