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for one jear to mumbai / ein jahr nach mumbai

hallo zusammen,

ich muss aus privaten gründen für ein jahr nach mumbai. ich weiß nicht was mich erwartet und auf mich zukommt. aber was macht man nicht alles aus liebe. na ja. wie auch immer. kommt jemand aus mumbai bzw. kennt sich dort gut aus? insbesondere habe ich fragen zu wohnungen (muss mir nämlich eine dort suchen), verkehr (muss nach pune pendeln) usw.
für gute tipps und hilfe wäre ich sehr dankbar.
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Re: for one jear to mumbai / ein jahr nach mumbai
17/09/08 1:12 en respuesta a Recep Schein.
Hello ,
Hopefully you understand English .English is well spoken in Mumbai and Pune as well.
Are you there in Pune for work or for a visit to the Ashram ?
Especially for the Ashram in Pune you would find lots of German speaking informed people on the yahoo group forum "MunichSanyas"

Now to your question ...living can be very expensive in Mumbai and if you choose inexpensive (relatively) accomodation in the wrong areas of the city ,it could be dangerous for a foreigner.As a rule ,I have seen most foreigners prefer the Colaba area to stay .It can be expensive but if you search long enough I am sure you would find a backpacker or Bed and Breakfast like accomodation also.
Other areas(or suburbs) like Bandra ,Andheri are also popular among tourists.

About Pune ...there are good connections by train and taxis from Mumbai.Koregaon Park area is where the ashram is.This place is always full of foreigners.Deccan Area is another popular spot.

If you are instead going to the Auto manufacturing area of pune (Talegaon) ,this is on the outskirts and you must be carful about your choice of residence in that area.

More information on MunichSanyas then.
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Re: for one jear to mumbai / ein jahr nach mumbai
17/09/08 15:38 en respuesta a Recep Schein.
hi anhonik,
many thanks for your response. my english ist not realy good but i try.
it is familary reason why i want to stay in mumbai. i searched a job in mumbai but the nearest plase was pune. so i thougt to oscillate between pune and mumbai.
therefore i would like to have a flat in the north of mumbai. but it seems that oscillation is not realy easy. i am not realy sure if its work.

you mean mumbai is expensive. what is the everage price for a flat in a in "normal" area in mumbai? is it better to look for flat locally or via internet?

many thanks for your help
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Re: for one jear to mumbai / ein jahr nach mumbai
17/09/08 17:13 en respuesta a Recep Schein.
Hello ,
North Bombay to Pune is about 2.5 to 3 hours in each direction ...definitely not easy / cheap on a daily basis.North Bombay is probably New Bombay /Thane regions.
I would personally prefer to stay in Pune over staying in New Bombay /Thane .Pune is the second largest city in the State of Maharashtra and due to its many colleges also has international population in the central parts of the city.Quite lively too .Lufthansa has connection to Pune also .
Typical apartment rental price for a furnished apartment 700 Square feet (circa 70 QM) is between 10000-20000 rs (175 - 375 Euros)in good areas .The best areas in the city will be much higher .Mumbai (bis 40000 rs or 775 Euros) .Pune (bis 25000rs or 475 Euros).

Travel is very difficult in both cities.It is better to take apartment near your job.

Best luck.
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Re: for one jear to mumbai / ein jahr nach mumbai
17/09/08 20:42 en respuesta a Recep Schein.
hi ahonik,

these are very good information. i am not sure wether mumbai oder pune after the information about the traffic situation.

concerning good areas. wich areas are "good" in mubai and pune? wich areas i have to avoid?
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Re: for one jear to mumbai / ein jahr nach mumbai
18/09/08 15:24 en respuesta a Recep Schein.
my suggestion is for you to stay in Pune. The rentals are almost same as in mumbai. It would be better you use your own transport in Pune.
Even if you stay in Thane areas, it will take you minimum 1 hours to travel to your work place.

Searching for a home, better you see for yourself and then only make the treaty. Pune is expanding and there are lots of good areas.

One good place in Pune i stayed was Aundh. But you will find equally good places which may cost lesser.

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Re: for one jear to mumbai / ein jahr nach mumbai
19/09/08 3:23 en respuesta a Recep Schein.
Hello ,

It all depends on which area in Pune you will be working in.Aundh is a good reasonable location ,but quite a bit far away from the "Koregaon park" area of Pune.I would suggest ,if you are a German ,try as far as possible to stay in and around the Koregaon Park area.During my stay out there ,I am pretty sure there used to be always German tourists in that area .There is a 'German Bakery' ,as they call it.And you would not feel left out of the crowd ,as there are always European tourists in the area.

Of course ,the rents are higher ... probably upto 350 Euros a month for 70 Sq.ft area.
And you must check how far this area is from your work place.
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