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AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte

AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte Sajan Daniel George 25/01/10 10:56
Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte vijay raud 25/01/10 12:01
Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte Jivan Talaash 25/01/10 19:47
Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte Sajan Daniel George 26/01/10 10:41
Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte Rajesh Shankar 26/01/10 12:13
Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte Sajan Daniel George 26/01/10 12:34
Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte vijay raud 28/01/10 10:49
Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte Sajan Daniel George 19/03/10 12:53
Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte Rohit Kumar 19/03/10 15:41
Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte A M 2/04/10 1:19
Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte mariam f 17/05/11 18:54
Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte Peter Constance 11/07/11 18:16
Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte Moh Sh 11/07/11 18:19
Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte Way Lee 15/07/11 2:45
Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte check chen 29/07/11 0:49
Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte sumeet ambarkhane 21/10/11 16:56
Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte Rajesh Krishnadoss 21/10/11 19:59
Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte M Ag 29/01/12 0:51
Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte mariam f 16/03/12 14:38
Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte Ngwa George 27/04/12 12:08
Hello All,

I have been working as Research Scientist in Germany since 2007. Now, with the suggestion from my Professor, I am trying to apply for AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte. Of course, I do not have salary which meets the requirement of this residence permit (63,000). However, I read somewhere that even if the salary is not high enough, if the recommendation letter is good enough, there is a possibility for getting this permit for scientists/researchers. My concerns are

1) My Professor does not have clear idea what are the things to be written in the recommendation letter. Please let me know what are the things to be included in the letter. If anybody have experience in similar situation please drop a mail to my personal email ID sajandgeorge@yahoo.com

2) How do you rate the possibility of getting this visa for researchers?

I request if anybody in this forum has gone through similar situation, please share their experience

Thanks in advance

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Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte
25/01/10 12:01 en respuesta a Sajan Daniel George.
I never heard with good recommendation letter, one can get NE with salary level lower than 63K per year.

however if you live in neue Bundesländer, then the salary level is only 54 or 55K.


you can stay 5 years in germany with working visa, then apply NE afterthat.
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Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte
25/01/10 19:47 en respuesta a Sajan Daniel George.

Yes you can get this PR as a research scientist (i assume you already have a PHd). About exact details ask your Ausländerbehörde but in general the recommendation letter has information about:

1. Whats ur position
2. What qualifiication you have. Here professor should praise you.
3. What publications and in which journals and again he should praise your work.
4. In general write that you are highly qualified and an asset to the university and country and request the ABH to give you a Niederlassungserlaubnis and how important it is to attract talent to Germany.

The other is for specialists and managers and there the money comes into play. If you are lets say at IT specialist or manager in a company and earn more than 66K (was 63 then increased to 64800 and now 66 from 2010) then you can get it.

However in the case of scientists, salary is not relevant.

As far as I know most states are quite lenient with this visa if you are a deserving candidate. So I guess it shouldnt be a problem

I cant answer any more questions so I would recommend that you talk to your ABH.
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Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte
26/01/10 10:41 en respuesta a Sajan Daniel George.
Thanks for the detailed reply and valuable information. Yeah, I already have Ph.D degree. I talked with ABH and they said that I have to submit copies of my degree certificates, last month salary slip, along with this recommendation letter. Do you know anyone with a Research Scientist background have acquired AufenthG § 19. If so, please let me know.
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Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte
26/01/10 12:13 en respuesta a Sajan Daniel George.
@ csi

I did get this type of visa in 2005(when they introduced it!!).

I had no PhD!! but had a unbefristet position at the University. I also had a letter stating that I am leading a group of engineers in a very special technical field and Germany needs 'me' in future due to my extraordinary skills:-) ( I actually do no possess any of these skills as I consider every human being equally intelligent!!)

I got the visa in 6 weeks time after i applied. This was is in Bayern..

Long was those days waiting for visas and filling out those forms for my family..

Wish you all the best and good luck with your application.

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Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte
26/01/10 12:34 en respuesta a Sajan Daniel George.
Dear Rajesh

I tried to write a personal mail to your yahoo email ID (rajeshspg_at_yahoo.com). Unfortunately the mail is bouncing back. Just now, I wrote a scrap in your orkut . If you do not mind, could you please send me your email ID, as I have to clear some personal doubts.

Thanks a lot in advance
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Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte
28/01/10 10:49 en respuesta a Sajan Daniel George.

I am curious about the result. Please report back your result, ok?
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Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte
19/03/10 12:53 en respuesta a Sajan Daniel George.
Dear All,

I am glad to let you know that today I got my AufenthG § 19 for Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte. It took four weeks for the whole procedure.

Thank you all for your support

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Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte
19/03/10 15:41 en respuesta a Sajan Daniel George.

Congratulations!! It will be really kind of you to mail me the detailed list of documents and the place where you filed your application. my email address is: travolta_johnny@yahoo.co.uk
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Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte
2/04/10 1:19 en respuesta a Sajan Daniel George.
Congratulations to everyone who has got this!

Must be a relief in terms of paperwork from now on.

It would be most helpful If someone could help me with my situation. I am meeting with the Auslanderamt next week but thought I must go better prepared.

Has anyone here applied for this as a self employed or freelancer? I have been in Germany now for close to 4 years. I worked as a permanent employee for the first 3 years and then had my permit changed to be able to freelance. My income as a freelancer is well over 85k per year.

My question simply is, does this scheme also apply to freelancers or is it just for those into the social system.

Your inputs would be most valuable.
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Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte
17/05/11 18:54 en respuesta a Sajan Daniel George.
Congrats...........so could you kindly send me the recommendation letter that your professor wrote for you and list of the documents they needed for visa application? My id is mariam_qau@yahoo.co.in
I'll be really thankful.
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Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte
11/07/11 18:16 en respuesta a Sajan Daniel George.
Hello All,

I have a similar question. I'd be very grateful if anyone could give me some direction. I'm an American IT worker interviewing for jobs in Germany I speak German and I have worked in Switzerland in the past.

I believe that I could realistically get a job that pays between 55k and 60k.

If I were to get a position in that range, how difficult would it be to get the Niederlassungserlaubnis? Would I have to wait for 5 years? How hard is it to get the 66k requirement waived?

Would it be better to try to hold out for a job for 66k to get the Niederlassungserlaubnis straight away?

I'd be very appreciative if anyone could help me with these questions. I'm going to be discussing salary with a potential employer in the next couple of days...

Thanks in advance!
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Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte
11/07/11 18:19 en respuesta a Sajan Daniel George.
If I were to get a position in that range, how difficult would it be to get the Niederlassungserlaubnis? Would I have to wait for 5 years? How hard is it to get the 66k requirement waived?

--> Yes, you need to wait for 5 years, if the salary is less than 66K.

Would it be better to try to hold out for a job for 66k to get the Niederlassungserlaubnis straight away?

--> Yes, if you think Niederlassungserlaubnis is so important.
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Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte
15/07/11 2:45 en respuesta a Sajan Daniel George.
Congratualtions! Could you please share the list of documents and the recommendation letter from the professor? Thank you! My email is liweisfi@hotmail.com
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Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte
29/07/11 0:49 en respuesta a Sajan Daniel George.
Congratulations! Could you please share the list of documents and the recommendation letter from the professor? Thank you! My email is cheelgo@gmail.com
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Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte
21/10/11 16:56 en respuesta a Sajan Daniel George.
Dear All,

I plan to apply for Niederlassungserlaubnis soon. Can someone let me know the procedure?

From where do I get the application forms?
Do I need to schedule a personal appointment?
Is there a standard list of documents to be submitted for this applicaiton?

Many thanks,

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Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte
21/10/11 19:59 en respuesta a Sajan Daniel George.

1.Can someone let me know the procedure?
2.From where do I get the application forms?
3.Do I need to schedule a personal appointment?
4.Is there a standard list of documents to be submitted for this applicaiton?

The answer to all your questions is

"visit the foreign office in your locality"
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Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte
29/01/12 0:51 en respuesta a Sajan Daniel George.
I need your help
Could you kindly send me the recommendation letter that your professor wrote for you and list of the documents they needed for visa application? My email is agour_m80@yahoo.com

Thanks in advanced
Best regards
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Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte
16/03/12 14:38 en respuesta a Sajan Daniel George.
Can anyone of you share the recommendation letter from your professor with me at mariam_qau@yahoo.co.in ???

I'll be really very grateful.
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Re: AufenthG § 19 Niederlassungserlaubnis für Hochqualifizierte
27/04/12 12:08 en respuesta a Sajan Daniel George.
I have been to the foreign office yesterday to apply for permanent residence for highly qualified. I have a PhD and have been working here since 2008 after my PhD. I was told to bring a recommendation letter from my employer.
Can someone help me with a sample recommendation letter? I will be most grateful. Send to
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