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RE: Internet - please help!

Internet - please help!
17/06/17 2:47
Dear friends,
I have just landed in Germany (Jena) and am staying at a guest house for another 3 days, after which I will move to a rented apartment. The apartment does not have an internet connection so I am going to apply for one.
1. The internet service provider is asking for my bank account number, is that a norm in Germany? If not, are there some internet providers that do not take any account number while giving a connection?
2. I also will move to another city (Hamburg) after 4 months (travel is required by my job) and will stay there for another 4 months. But the internet service provider is asking for a contract of 24 months. Is it not possible to get a connection without contract? When I move to Hamburg, I have no choice but to give up my internet connection here. So will that attract penalty?

I am really at a loss because most of the internet provider websites are completely in German and I would be grateful to you for helping me outemoticon 
P.S. I really DO need internet for these 4 months so taking a connection when I reach Hamburg is not an option for me....
Plz help friends ....
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RE: Internet - please help!
17/06/17 11:54 en respuesta a Poorvi Jaya.
Hi and welcome in Germany!

You should 'google' 'Prepaid Internet' ! You will get many options and I am quite sure that some of the providers have English websites.

Good luck
0 (0 Votos)

RE: Internet - please help!
18/06/17 6:37 en respuesta a trust7.
Thank you for pointing out the prepaid internet option!
I forgot about that and was only searching for DSL!

I am going to get a prepaid plan for some time till I get the DSL set up.

For anyone searching for similar question, finally I have found one provider that offers FLEXI package, O2 (previously Alice), so that's great. (you only have to give them 4 weeks notice if you want to quit)

Though they will need 3 weeks to set up internet at my place, during which prepaid internet will be immensely helpful!

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RE: Internet - please help!
14/07/22 20:27 en respuesta a Poorvi Jaya.
Awesome site i love it keep posting more   kitchen remodel augusta ga
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