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Elterngeld for second year

Elterngeld for second year
10/09/08 19:28

Is there any person belongs to non-EU and applied for the elterngeld for second year and his application is also accepted by L-Bank.

I got the rejection and the reason they mentioned was that I am not belonging to EU. Because of this I am not eligible to get the Elterngeld for second year.

Did they change the law?

Thanks in advance for your reply

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Re: Elterngeld for second year
10/09/08 20:00 en respuesta a Dummy Name.

I would like to add one more query on top of what hellomoin has asked.

Could anyone please let me know the preconditions for being eligible for Elterngeld. I have gone through various sites, but nowhere could I find an answer to the folowing:

1. Does my child have to be born in Germany? In my case, we were staying in Germany, but had gone back to India to have our baby in our own country. We had returned once our baby was over 3 months old.

2. My wife has never worked in Germany before her pregnancy (her visa was not allowing her to do so). But now, she has been working 20h/wk for the last 2 months. Does it make any difference?

Any help and/or suggestion is highly appreciated.

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Re: Elterngeld for second year
10/09/08 20:18 en respuesta a Dummy Name.
Elterngeld is only for a maximum of 14 months

Maybe you can claim 300 Euros per month as your wife did not work before

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